# Asset group, single asset that produces target css or js class LuxAssets::Asset PUBLIC_ASSETS = './public/assets' def initialize ext, name @ext = ext == :js ? :js : :css @name = name @files = LuxAssets.to_h[ext][name] @target = "#{@ext}/#{@name}" end def js? @ext == :js end def css? @ext == :css end def compile @data = [] die "No files found for [#{@ext}/#{@name}]" unless @files[0] for file in @files if file.is_a?(Proc) @data.push file.call else @data.push LuxAssets::Element.new(file).compile end end send 'compile_%s' % @ext @asset_file end def files @files end ### private def save_data data @asset_file = '/assets/%s' % (@target.sub('/', '-') + '-' + Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(data) + '.' + @ext.to_s) @asset_path = "./public#{@asset_file}" if LuxAssets::Manifest.add(@target, @asset_file) File.write(@asset_path, data) yield end end def compile_js save_data @data.join(";\n") do # babel fix and minify LuxAssets.run 'node_modules/babel-cli/.bin/babel --minified --no-comments --compact true -o "%{file}" "%{file}"' % { file: @asset_path } end end def compile_css save_data @data.join($/) do #autoprefixer LuxAssets.run './node_modules/.bin/autoprefixer-cli %s' % @asset_path end end end