class Usher module Interface class Rails2_3Interface attr_reader :configuration_files def named_routes @router.named_routes end def add_named_route(name, route, options = {}) @router.add_route(route, options).name(name) end def add_route(path, options = {}) if !@controller_action_route_added && path =~ %r{^/?:controller/:action/:id$} add_route('/:controller/:action', options.dup) @controller_action_route_added = true end if !@controller_route_added && path =~ %r{^/?:controller/:action$} add_route('/:controller', options.merge({:action => 'index'})) @controller_route_added = true end options[:action] = 'index' unless options[:action] path[0, 0] = '/' unless path[0] == ?/ route = @router.add_route(path, options).to(options) raise "your route must include a controller" unless (route.paths.first.dynamic_keys && route.paths.first.dynamic_keys.include?(:controller)) || route.destination.include?(:controller) route end def initialize reset! end def add_configuration_file(file) @configuration_files << file end def reload! if configuration_files.any? configuration_files.each { |config| load(config) } else add_route ":controller/:action/:id" end end alias_method :reload, :reload! def route_count routes.size end def routes @router.routes end def call(env) request = app = recognize(request) end def recognize(request) response = @router.recognize(request) request.path_parameters = (response.params.empty? ? response.path.route.destination : response.path.route.destination.merge(response.params.inject({}){|h,(k,v)| h[k]=v; h })).with_indifferent_access response.params.each { |pair| request.path_parameters[pair.first] = pair.last } "#{request.path_parameters[:controller].camelize}Controller".constantize end def reset! @router = => @configuration_files = [] @module ||= @controller_route_added = false @controller_action_route_added = false end def draw reset! yield install_helpers end def install_helpers(destinations = [ActionController::Base, ActionView::Base], regenerate_code = false) #*_url and hash_for_*_url Array(destinations).each do |d| d.module_eval { include Helpers } @router.named_routes.keys.each do |name| @module.module_eval <<-end_eval # We use module_eval to avoid leaks def #{name}_url(options = {}) ActionController::Routing::UsherRoutes.generate(options, {}, :generate, :#{name}) end end_eval end d.__send__(:include, @module) end end def generate(options, recall = {}, method = :generate, route_name = nil) route = if(route_name) @router.named_routes[route_name] else merged_options = options merged_options[:controller] = recall[:controller] unless options.key?(:controller) unless options.key?(:action) options[:action] = '' end path_for_options(merged_options) end case method when :generate merged_options ||= recall.merge(options) url = generate_url(route, merged_options) url.slice!(-1) if url[-1] == ?/ url else raise "method #{method} not recognized" end end def generate_url(route, params) @router.generator.generate(route, params) end def path_for_options(options) @router.path_for_options(options) end end end end