class Setting::Content < Setting #rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength #rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def self.load_defaults return unless super BLANK_ATTRS << 'register_hostname_fact' download_policies = proc { Hash[ { |p| [p, p] }] } proxy_download_policies = proc { Hash[ { |p| [p, p] }] } self.transaction do [ self.set('katello_default_provision', N_("Default provisioning template for new Operating Systems"), 'Katello Kickstart Default'), self.set('katello_default_finish', N_("Default finish template for new Operating Systems"), 'Katello Kickstart Default Finish'), self.set('katello_default_user_data', N_("Default user data for new Operating Systems"), 'Katello Kickstart Default User Data'), self.set('katello_default_PXELinux', N_("Default PXElinux template for new Operating Systems"), 'Kickstart default PXELinux'), self.set('katello_default_iPXE', N_("Default iPXE template for new Operating Systems"), 'Kickstart default iPXE'), self.set('katello_default_ptable', N_("Default partitioning table for new Operating Systems"), 'Kickstart default'), self.set('katello_default_kexec', N_("Default kexec template for new Operating Systems"), 'Discovery Red Hat kexec'), self.set('katello_default_atomic_provision', N_("Default provisioning template for new Atomic Operating Systems"), 'Katello Atomic Kickstart Default'), self.set('content_action_accept_timeout', N_("Time in seconds to wait for a Host to pickup a remote action"), 20), self.set('content_action_finish_timeout', N_("Time in seconds to wait for a Host to finish a remote action"), 3600), self.set('errata_status_installable', N_("Calculate errata host status based only on errata in a Host's Content View and Lifecycle Environment"), false), self.set('restrict_composite_view', N_("If set to true, a composite content view may not be published or "\ "promoted, unless the component content view versions that it includes exist in the target environment."), false), self.set('pulp_sync_node_action_accept_timeout', N_("Time in seconds to wait for a pulp node to remote action"), 20), self.set('pulp_sync_node_action_finish_timeout', N_("Time in seconds to wait for a pulp node to finish sync"), 12.hours.to_i), self.set('check_services_before_actions', N_("Whether or not to check the status of backend services such as pulp and candlepin prior to performing some actions."), true), self.set('force_post_sync_actions', N_("Force post sync actions such as indexing and email even if no content was available."), false), self.set('default_download_policy', N_("Default download policy for repositories (either 'immediate', 'on_demand', or 'background')"), "on_demand", N_('Default Repository download policy'), nil, :collection => download_policies), self.set('default_proxy_download_policy', N_("Default download policy for Smart Proxy syncs (either 'inherit', immediate', 'on_demand', or 'background')"), "on_demand", N_('Default Smart Proxy download policy'), nil, :collection => proxy_download_policies), self.set('pulp_docker_registry_port', N_("The port used by Pulp Crane to provide Docker Registries"), 5000), self.set('pulp_export_destination', N_("On-disk location for exported repositories"), N_("/var/lib/pulp/katello-export")), self.set('pulp_client_key', N_("Path for ssl key used for pulp server auth"), "/etc/pki/katello/private/pulp-client.key"), self.set('pulp_client_cert', N_("Path for ssl cert used for pulp server auth"), "/etc/pki/katello/certs/pulp-client.crt"), self.set('remote_execution_by_default', N_("If set to true, use the remote execution over katello-agent for remote actions"), false), self.set('use_pulp_oauth', N_("use oauth authentication for pulp instead of the default cert based authentication"), false), self.set('unregister_delete_host', N_("When unregistering a host via subscription-manager, also delete the host record. Managed resources linked to host " \ "such as virtual machines and DNS records may also be deleted."), false), self.set('register_hostname_fact', N_("When registering a host via subscription-manager, force use the specified fact (in the form of 'fact.fact')"), '', N_('Subscription manager name registration fact'), nil) ].each { |s| self.create! s.update(:category => "Setting::Content") } end true end end # If the database is not migrated yet, the system will not be able to load # since setting initializers will try to load old class. Let it have the class and remove it # later. if Setting.where(category: 'Setting::Katello').count > 0 class Setting::Katello < Setting end end