.row.wrapper.border-bottom.white-bg.page-heading .col-sm-4 %h2 Campaign #{@campaign.name} %ol.breadcrumb %li %a{:href => manage_campaigns_path} Campaigns %li.active %strong= @campaign.name .row .col-lg-9 .wrapper.wrapper-content.animated.fadeInUp .ibox .ibox-content .row .col-lg-12 .m-b-md .pull-right %a.btn.btn-white.btn-xs{:href => manage_campaign_wizard_path(@campaign, "setup")} %i.fa.fa-edit Edit project %a.btn.btn-info.btn-xs{:href => preview_manage_campaign_path(@campaign), target: :blank} %i.fa.fa-eye Preview %h2= @campaign.name %dl.dl-horizontal %dt Status: %dd %span.label.label-primary= @campaign.state .row .col-lg-5 %dl.dl-horizontal -#%dt Created by: -#%dd Alex Smith %dt Deliveries: %dd= @campaign.metrics.deliveries.size %dt Clicks: %dd= @campaign.metrics.clicks.size %dt Opens: %dd= @campaign.metrics.clicks.size -#%dt Client: -#%dd -# %a.text-navy{:href => "#"} Zender Company -#%dt Version: -#%dd v1.4.2 #cluster_info.col-lg-7 %dl.dl-horizontal %dt Last Updated: %dd= l @campaign.updated_at, format: :long %dt Created: %dd= l @campaign.created_at, format: :long %dt Mail list: %dd.project-people = link_to @campaign.list.name, manage_list_path(@campaign.list.name) .row .col-lg-12 %dl.dl-horizontal %dt Completed: %dd .progress.progress-striped.active.m-b-sm .progress-bar{:style => "width: #{@campaign.delivery_progress}%;"} %small Deliveries completed in %strong "#{@campaign.delivery_progress}%" .row.m-t-sm .col-lg-12 .panel.blank-panel .panel-heading .panel-options %h3 Last activity .panel-body %table.table.table-striped %thead %tr %th Status %th Who %th When %th Info %tbody -# %tr %td %span.label.label-primary %i.fa.fa-check Completed %td Create project in webapp %td 12.07.2014 10:10:1 %td 14.07.2014 10:16:36 %td %p.small Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable. %tr %td %span.label.label-primary %i.fa.fa-check Accepted %td Various versions %td 12.07.2014 10:10:1 %td 14.07.2014 10:16:36 %td %p.small Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like). %tr %td %span.label.label-primary %i.fa.fa-check Sent %td There are many variations %td 12.07.2014 10:10:1 %td 14.07.2014 10:16:36 %td %p.small There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which %tr %td %span.label.label-primary %i.fa.fa-check Reported %td Latin words %td 12.07.2014 10:10:1 %td 14.07.2014 10:16:36 %td %p.small Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures %tr %td %span.label.label-primary %i.fa.fa-check Accepted %td The generated Lorem %td 12.07.2014 10:10:1 %td 14.07.2014 10:16:36 %td %p.small The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc. %tr %td %span.label.label-primary %i.fa.fa-check Sent %td The first line %td 12.07.2014 10:10:1 %td 14.07.2014 10:16:36 %td %p.small The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32. %tr %td %span.label.label-primary %i.fa.fa-check Reported %td The standard chunk %td 12.07.2014 10:10:1 %td 14.07.2014 10:16:36 %td %p.small The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. %tr %td %span.label.label-primary %i.fa.fa-check Completed %td Lorem Ipsum is that %td 12.07.2014 10:10:1 %td 14.07.2014 10:16:36 %td %p.small Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable. %tr %td %span.label.label-primary %i.fa.fa-check Sent %td Contrary to popular %td 12.07.2014 10:10:1 %td 14.07.2014 10:16:36 %td %p.small Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical - @campaign.metrics.each do |m| %tr %td %span.label{class: m.style_class} %i.fa.fa-check = m.action %td = m.trackable.try(:name) %td = m.created_at %td %p.small = m.host = m.data .col-lg-3 .wrapper.wrapper-content.project-manager %h4 Campaign description %img.img-responsive{:src => @campaign.logo}/ %hr %p.small = @campaign.try(:description)