# File lib/models.rb, line 25
    def update_methods!
      entries = []
      constants = []
      doc = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("#{url}/fr_method_index.html"))
      # Actual HTML on Ruby doc site is invalid. 
      # This makes it valid.
      doc = Nokogiri::HTML(doc.gsub(/<a(.*?)>(.*?)<\/a>/) { "<a#{$1}>#{$2.gsub("<", "&lt;").gsub("&gt;", ">")}" })
      doc.css("a").each do |a|
        names = a.text.split(" ")
        next if names.empty? 
        method = names[0]
        constant = names[1].gsub(/[\(|\)]/, "")
        # The same constant can be defined twice in different APIs, be wary!
        url = self.url + "/classes/" + constant.gsub("::", "/") + ".html"
        constant = self.constants.find_or_create_by_hash(:name => constant, :url => url)
        url = self.url + "/" + a["href"]
        constant.entries.find_or_create_by_hash(:name => method, :url => url)
      # entries.each_slice(100) do |methods|
      #   LookupBase.connection.execute("INSERT INTO entries (name, url) ")
      # end