require File.expand_path('../../../test_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../../../fixtures/active_record', __FILE__) class RequestTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest def setup JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :underscored_key JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :underscored_route end def after_teardown Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :underscored_route end def test_get get '/posts' assert_equal 200, status end def test_get_nested_has_one get '/posts/1/author' assert_equal 200, status end def test_get_nested_has_many get '/posts/1/comments' assert_equal 200, status end def test_get_nested_has_many_bad_param get '/posts/1/comments?association=books' assert_equal 200, status end def test_get_underscored_key JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :underscored_key get '/iso_currencies' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size end def test_get_underscored_key_filtered JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :underscored_key get '/iso_currencies?filter[country_name]=Canada' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Canada', json_response['data'][0]['country_name'] end def test_get_camelized_key_filtered JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key get '/iso_currencies?filter[countryName]=Canada' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Canada', json_response['data'][0]['countryName'] end def test_get_camelized_route_and_key_filtered JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key get '/api/v4/isoCurrencies?filter[countryName]=Canada' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Canada', json_response['data'][0]['countryName'] end def test_get_camelized_route_and_links JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :camelized_route get '/api/v4/expenseEntries/1/links/isoCurrency' assert_equal 200, status assert_hash_equals({'links' => { 'self' => '', 'related' => '' }, 'data' => { 'type' => 'isoCurrencies', 'id' => 'USD' } }, json_response) end def test_put_single_without_content_type put '/posts/3', { 'data' => { 'linkage' => { 'type' => 'posts', 'id' => '3', }, 'title' => 'A great new Post', 'links' => { 'tags' => [ {type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4} ] } } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json" assert_equal 415, status end def test_put_single put '/posts/3', { 'data' => { 'type' => 'posts', 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'A great new Post', 'links' => { 'tags' => { 'linkage' => [ {type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4} ] } } } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 200, status end def test_post_single_without_content_type post '/posts', { 'posts' => { 'title' => 'A great new Post', 'links' => { 'tags' => { 'linkage' => [ {type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4} ] } } } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json" assert_equal 415, status end def test_post_single post '/posts', { 'data' => { 'type' => 'posts', 'title' => 'A great new Post', 'body' => 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.', 'links' => { 'author' => {'linkage' => {type: 'people', id: '3'}} } } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 201, status end def test_post_single_missing_data_contents post '/posts', { 'data' => { } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 400, status end def test_post_single_minimal_valid post '/comments', { 'data' => { 'type' => 'comments' } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 201, status assert_nil json_response['data']['body'] assert_nil json_response['data']['links']['post']['linkage'] assert_nil json_response['data']['links']['author']['linkage'] end def test_post_single_minimal_invalid post '/posts', { 'data' => { 'type' => 'posts' } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 422, status end def test_update_association_without_content_type ruby = Section.find_by(name: 'ruby') patch '/posts/3/links/section', { 'data' => {type: 'sections', id: }}.to_json assert_equal 415, status end def test_patch_update_association_has_one ruby = Section.find_by(name: 'ruby') patch '/posts/3/links/section', { 'data' => {type: 'sections', id: }}.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 204, status end def test_put_update_association_has_one ruby = Section.find_by(name: 'ruby') put '/posts/3/links/section', { 'data' => {type: 'sections', id: }}.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 204, status end def test_patch_update_association_has_many_acts_as_set # Comments are acts_as_set=false so PUT/PATCH should respond with 403 rogue = Comment.find_by(body: 'Rogue Comment Here') patch '/posts/5/links/comments', { 'data' => [{type: 'comments', id: }]}.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 403, status end def test_post_update_association_has_many rogue = Comment.find_by(body: 'Rogue Comment Here') post '/posts/5/links/comments', { 'data' => [{type: 'comments', id: }]}.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 204, status end def test_put_update_association_has_many_acts_as_set # Comments are acts_as_set=false so PUT/PATCH should respond with 403. Note: JR currently treats PUT and PATCH as equivalent rogue = Comment.find_by(body: 'Rogue Comment Here') put '/posts/5/links/comments', { 'data' => [{type: 'comments', id: }]}.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 403, status end def test_index_content_type get '/posts' assert_match JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE, headers['Content-Type'] end def test_get_content_type get '/posts/3' assert_match JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE, headers['Content-Type'] end def test_put_content_type put '/posts/3', { 'data' => { 'type' => 'posts', 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'A great new Post', 'links' => { 'tags' => { 'linkage' => [ {type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4} ] } } } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_match JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE, headers['Content-Type'] end def test_patch_content_type patch '/posts/3', { 'data' => { 'type' => 'posts', 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'A great new Post', 'links' => { 'tags' => { 'linkage' => [ {type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4} ] } } } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_match JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE, headers['Content-Type'] end def test_post_correct_content_type post '/posts', { 'data' => { 'type' => 'posts', 'title' => 'A great new Post', 'links' => { 'author' => {'linkage' => {type: 'people', id: '3'}} } } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_match JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE, headers['Content-Type'] end def test_destroy_single delete '/posts/7' assert_equal 204, status assert_nil headers['Content-Type'] end def test_destroy_multiple delete '/posts/8,9' assert_equal 204, status end def test_pagination_none Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :none get '/api/v2/books' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 1000, json_response['data'].size end def test_pagination_offset_style Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset get '/api/v2/books' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal JSONAPI.configuration.default_page_size, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['title'] end def test_pagination_offset_style_offset Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset get '/api/v2/books?page[offset]=50' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal JSONAPI.configuration.default_page_size, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 50', json_response['data'][0]['title'] end def test_pagination_offset_style_offset_limit Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset get '/api/v2/books?page[offset]=50&page[limit]=20' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 20, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 50', json_response['data'][0]['title'] end def test_pagination_offset_bad_param Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset get '/api/v2/books?page[irishsetter]=50&page[limit]=20' assert_equal 400, status end def test_pagination_related_resources_link Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset get '/api/v2/books?page[limit]=2' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 2, json_response['data'].size assert_equal '', json_response['data'][1]['links']['book_comments']['related'] end def test_pagination_related_resources_data Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset Api::V2::BookCommentResource.paginator :offset get '/api/v2/books/1/book_comments?page[limit]=10' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 10, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'This is comment 9 on book 1.', json_response['data'][9]['body'] end def test_pagination_related_resources_data_includes Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset Api::V2::BookCommentResource.paginator :offset get '/api/v2/books/1/book_comments?page[limit]=10&include=author,book' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 10, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'This is comment 9 on book 1.', json_response['data'][9]['body'] end def test_flow_self get '/posts' assert_equal 200, status post_1 = json_response['data'][0] get post_1['links']['self'] assert_equal 200, status assert_hash_equals post_1, json_response['data'] end def test_flow_link_has_one_self_link get '/posts' assert_equal 200, status post_1 = json_response['data'][0] get post_1['links']['author']['self'] assert_equal 200, status assert_hash_equals(json_response, { 'links' => { 'self' => '', 'related' => '' }, 'data' => {type: 'people', id: '1'} }) end def test_flow_link_has_many_self_link get '/posts' assert_equal 200, status post_1 = json_response['data'][0] get post_1['links']['tags']['self'] assert_equal 200, status assert_hash_equals(json_response, { 'links' => { 'self' => '', 'related' => '' }, 'data' => [ {type: 'tags', id: '1'}, {type: 'tags', id: '2'}, {type: 'tags', id: '3'} ] }) end def test_flow_link_has_many_self_link_put get '/posts' assert_equal 200, status post_1 = json_response['data'][4] post post_1['links']['tags']['self'], {'data' => [{'type' => 'tags', 'id' => '10'}]}.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 204, status get post_1['links']['tags']['self'] assert_equal 200, status assert_hash_equals(json_response, { 'links' => { 'self' => '', 'related' => '' }, 'data' => [ {type: 'tags', id: '10'} ] }) end def test_flow_self_formatted_route_1 JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :dasherized_route JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key get '/api/v6/purchase-orders' assert_equal 200, status po_1 = json_response['data'][0] assert_equal 'purchase-orders', json_response['data'][0]['type'] get po_1['links']['self'] assert_equal 200, status assert_hash_equals po_1, json_response['data'] end def test_flow_self_formatted_route_2 JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :underscored_route JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key get '/api/v7/purchase_orders' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 'purchase-orders', json_response['data'][0]['type'] po_1 = json_response['data'][0] get po_1['links']['self'] assert_equal 200, status assert_hash_equals po_1, json_response['data'] end def test_flow_self_formatted_route_3 JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :underscored_route JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :underscored_key get '/api/v7/purchase_orders' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 'purchase_orders', json_response['data'][0]['type'] po_1 = json_response['data'][0] get po_1['links']['self'] assert_equal 200, status assert_hash_equals po_1, json_response['data'] end def test_post_formatted_keys JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :dasherized_route JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key post '/api/v6/purchase-orders', { 'data' => { 'delivery-name' => 'ASDFG Corp', 'type' => 'purchase-orders' } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 201, status end def test_post_formatted_keys_different_route_key_1 JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :dasherized_route JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :underscored_key post '/api/v6/purchase-orders', { 'data' => { 'delivery_name' => 'ASDFG Corp', 'type' => 'purchase_orders' } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 201, status end def test_post_formatted_keys_different_route_key_2 JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :underscored_route JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key post '/api/v7/purchase_orders', { 'data' => { 'delivery-name' => 'ASDFG Corp', 'type' => 'purchase-orders' } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 201, status end def test_post_formatted_keys_wrong_format JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :dasherized_route JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key post '/api/v6/purchase-orders', { 'data' => { 'delivery_name' => 'ASDFG Corp', 'type' => 'purchase-orders' } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 400, status end def test_patch_formatted_dasherized JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :dasherized_route JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key patch '/api/v6/purchase-orders/1', { 'data' => { 'id' => '1', 'delivery-name' => 'ASDFG Corp', 'type' => 'purchase-orders' } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 200, status end def test_patch_formatted_dasherized_links JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :dasherized_route JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key patch '/api/v6/line-items/1', { 'data' => { 'id' => '1', 'type' => 'line-items', 'item-cost' => '23.57', 'links' => { 'purchase-order' => { 'linkage' => {'type' => 'purchase-orders', 'id' => '2'} } } } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 200, status end def test_patch_formatted_dasherized_replace_has_many JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :dasherized_route JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key patch '/api/v6/purchase-orders/2?include=line-items,order-flags', { 'data' => { 'id' => '2', 'type' => 'purchase-orders', 'links' => { 'line-items' => { 'linkage' => [ {'type' => 'line-items', 'id' => '3'}, {'type' => 'line-items', 'id' => '4'} ] }, 'order-flags' => { 'linkage' => [ {'type' => 'order-flags', 'id' => '1'}, {'type' => 'order-flags', 'id' => '2'} ] } } } }.to_json, "CONTENT_TYPE" => JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE assert_equal 200, status end end