module Mongoid module Archivable module Restoration # Restores the archived document to its former glory. def restore if original_document end end def restore!! original_document end def original_document @original_document ||= begin excluded_attributes = %w(_id original_id original_type archived_at) attrs = attributes.except(*excluded_attributes) attrs =, attrs) do |doc| = original_id end end end # first, try to retrieve the original_class from the stored :original_type # since previous versions of this gem did not use this field, fall back # to previous method -- removing the '::Archive' from archive class name def original_class_name if respond_to?(:original_type) && original_type.present? # gem version >= 1.3.0, stored as a field. original_type else self.class.to_s.gsub(/::Archive\z/, '') # gem version < 1.3.0, turns "User::Archive" into "User". end end def original_class original_class_name.constantize end end end end