require "addressable/uri" module GoogleAnalyticsMailer # :nodoc: # This module is added as helper to ActionMailer objects and override # the url_for default implementation to insert GA params into generated links module UrlFor # Override default url_for method to insert ga params # # @return [String] the modified url def url_for(original_url) # Fetch final parameters calling private method params_to_add = controller.computed_analytics_params.with_indifferent_access # temporary override coming from with_google_analytics_params method params_to_add.merge!(@_override_ga_params) if @_override_ga_params.try(:any?) # if there are no parameters return super value if params_to_add.empty? super(original_url) else # else parse the url and append given parameters ::Addressable::URI.parse(super(original_url)).tap do |url| url.query_values = (url.query_values || {}).reverse_merge(params_to_add) if url.absolute? end.to_s.html_safe end end # Allow to override Google Analytics params for a given block in views # @return [String] def with_google_analytics_params(params) raise ArgumentError, "Missing block" unless block_given? @_override_ga_params = params yield @_override_ga_params = nil nil # do not return any value end end end