    name: Catarse
    title: "The first crowdfunding platform from Brazil"

        login_with_facebook: "sign in with your facebook account"
        remember_me: "Remember me and keep me connected."
        blog: blog
        help: help
        signup: "sign up"
        signin: login
        explore: explore
        submit_project: submit
        profile: "my profile"
        account: "my account"
        logout: Logout
        my_credits: "My credit"
            info: "Useful Information"
            opendata: "nice statistics"
            social: "do you like Catarse?"
            newsletter: "receive our newsletter"
            backers: Backers
            backs: Backs
            total_backed: Backed
            users: Users
            funded_projects: "Successful projects"
            active_projects: "Projects on air now"
            about: "Who are we"
            how_works: "How It works"
            faq: F.A.Q./Help
            terms: "Terms of use"
            policy: "Privacy Policy"
            contact: Contact
    edit_project: 'Edit this project'
    facebook_locale: 'en_US'
    or: or
    newsletter_ok_header: "You are subscribed to the newsletter!"
    newsletter_ok_body: "Your email is now in our newsletter list, thanks for subscribing!"
    newsletter_error_header: "Woops! There was an error."
    newsletter_error_body: "Your email could not be added to our newsletter list, please try again later!"
    newsletter_subscribe: "subscribe"
        next: next
        last: last
        truncate: "..."
        subtitle: backers
        subtitle: "total of %{total}"
    project_by: "project by"
    tell_about_this_back: "Tell the world about your support!"
    share_my_backs: "See the projects that i support in Catarse!"
    tell_about_this_project: "Tell the world about your project!"
    share_my_projects: "See my created projects in Catarse!"
    count_backed_projects: "backed %{total} projects"
        selected: "explore more projects selected"
        expiring: "explore more expiring projects"
        recents: "explore more recent projects"
        blog: blog
        facebook: "have you liked our facebook page yet?"
        newsletter: "do you want to receive our news?"
        faq: "have any doubt?"
        schedule: calendar
        newsletter: submit
        title: selection
        title: expiring
        title: recent
        title: partners
    "no": "No"
    "yes": "Yes"
    accept_terms_html: "I have read and accepted the %{link}."
                not_found: "Your email is not registered, please verify the address or create a new account"
          update: "Receive project updates"
          value: Value
          category: Category
          expires_at: Deadline
          online_days: Days of the air campaign
          headline: "Punch Line"
          image_url: "Image URL"
          name: Name
          user_id: "User Id"
          video_url: "Video URL"
          permalink: 'type you project URL ( http://catarse.me/myprojectname )'
          how_know: "How did you meet Catarse?"
          more_linkt: 'Where can we find more about you and your project?'
          description: Description
          maximum_backers: "Maximum backers"
          minimum_value: "Minimum value"
          address_city: City
          address_complement: Complement
          address_neighbourhood: Neighbourhood
          address_number: Number
          address_state: State
          address_street: Street
          address_zip_code: "Zip code"
          cpf: 'CPF / CNPJ'
          moip_login: 'MoIP Login'
          moip_login_hint: '(How to create an account)'
          current_password: "Current password"
          email: Email
          full_name: "Full name / Company Name"
          name: Nickname
          password: Password
          password_confirmation: "Password Confirmation"
          phone_number: "Mobile phone number"
        backer: Backer
        category: Category
        project: Project
        reward: Reward
      display_confirmed_at: "%{time_ago} ago"
      reward_must_be_from_project: "must be from the same project"
      should_not_back_if_maximum_backers_been_reached: "has reached its maximum backers"
      value_must_be_at_least_rewards_value: "must be at least %{minimum_value} for the selected reward"
    backer_plural: backers
    backer_singular: backer
    click_here: "Click here"
    clicking_here: "clicking here"
    click_term: 'terms'
      display_time: "%{time_ago} ago"
        back_date: "Back date"
        current_credits_html: "Your current balance is <span id=\"current_credits\">%{credits}</span> in credits."
        important_html: "You have <strong>up to 180 days after the payment date</strong> to ask for a refund. If you ask for a refund, the value of your payment will be deducted from your credits."
        project: Project
        refund_expration_date: "Refund deadline"
        refunded: Refunded
        refunds_title: "Payments that can be refunded"
        request_refund: "Request refund"
        requested_refund: "Requested refund"
        status: Status
        title: "My credits"
        value: Value
        cannot_refund: "This payment cannot be refunded."
        error: "Oops. There was an error while requesting your refund."
        no_credits: "You don't have enough credits to request this refund."
        refunded: "This payment has already been refunded."
        requested_refund: "You already requested a refund for this payment."
      title: "My credits"
        subject: "Refund request from project %{name}"
        subject_html: "User %{name} requested refund for the back %{backer_key} to the project %{backer_project} in the amount of %{backer_value} made by %{backer_payment_service} gateway."
        title: "Curated pages"
        backed: backed
        reached: reached
        confirmed: "Your account was successfully confirmed. You are now signed in."
        send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes."
        send_paranoid_instructions: "If your e-mail exists on our database, you will receive a password recovery link on your e-mail"
        already_authenticated: "You are already signed in."
        inactive: "Your account was not activated yet."
        invalid: "Invalid email or password."
        invalid_token: "Invalid authentication token."
        locked: "Your account is locked."
        timeout: "Your session expired, please sign in again to continue."
        unauthenticated: "You need to sign up or sign in to continue."
        unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing."
        forgot_password: "Forgot your password?"
        sign_in: "Sign in"
        sign_up: "Sign up"
          subject: "Confirmation instructions"
          subject: "Reset password instructions"
          alt: "Reset password instructions"
          subject: "Unlock Instructions"
        failure: "Could not authorize you from %{kind} because \"%{reason}\"."
        success: "Successfully authorized from %{kind} account."
        send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes."
        send_paranoid_instructions: "If your e-mail exists on our database, you will receive a password recovery link on your e-mail"
        updated: "Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in."
        updated_not_active: "Your password was changed successfully."
        destroyed: "Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon."
        inactive_signed_up: "You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is %{reason}."
          inactive: inactive
          locked: locked
          unconfirmed: unconfirmed
        signed_up: "Welcome! You have signed up successfully."
        updated: "You updated your account successfully."
          site_title: "Sign in"
          submit: "Sign in"
          title: "Sign in using your email"
          login_title: Login
          login_subtitle: "If already have an account"
          register_title: "Sign Up"
          register_subtitle: "Use your e-mail account"
          with_facebook: "Sign in with your facebook account"
          with_facebook_subtitle: "A quick way to access"
          with_another_social: "Don't have facebook account?"
          with_another_social_subtitle: "Sign in with another social network"
        signed_in: "Signed in successfully."
        signed_out: "Signed out successfully."
        send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock your account in a few minutes."
        send_paranoid_instructions: "If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock it in a few minutes."
        unlocked: "Your account was successfully unlocked. You are now signed in."
    error: "Ooops! There was an error. Please try again."
        categories: Categories
        expiring: "Final countdown"
        quick_explore: "Quick search"
        recent: Recent
        recommended: Recommended
        subtitle: "Explore the projects, find the ones that touch you, and make them happen!"
        successful: Successful
        title: "Discover amazing projects"
      title: "Explore the projects"
        empty: "Hey, we didn't find any project with the text you searched. Wanna try some new words? =D"
          credits: "You have <strong>%{credits}</strong> in credits and can back with up to this amount without needing to make a new payment."
          value: "You chose the amount ;) starting with R$10, any amount is great."
          video_url_edit: 'Paste here the URL of your video at vimeo.com'
          about: "Tell us about what inspired you to come up with this project . Be objective end charming, present your readers with something that moves them while being very transparent over the expectations on your project!"
          category: "Before you format your project explore other (successful) projects to inspire yourself!"
          expires_at: "Finally, choose how long you want your campaign to last. Again, this is a strategic choice: if you put a lot of time, people will lose interest along the way; if put too little, you may not reach the minimum in time."
          online_days: "Finally, choose how long you want your campaign to last. Again, this is a strategic choice: if you put a lot of time, people will lose interest along the way; if put too little, you may not reach the minimum in time."
          goal: "Values in reais (R$)"
          headline: "Summarize your project in 140 characters. This sentence will be the first contact people will have with your project, before even seeing the video. Be creative, clear and direct :)"
          name: "Be as objective as you can. Leave explanations for the About section."
          uploaded_image: "Upload a 220x172 image(.jpg)."
          video_url: "Paste the URL from a <a href=\"http://vimeo.com\" target=\"_blank\">Vimeo</a> video. We chose Vimeo because it looks better and doesn't have ads. This way, your project will look better too! <strong>Produce your video the best you can and make a video specifically for your campaign</strong>. If there is a single thing that differentiates the projects that reach the goal from the others is the video. Observe ;)"
          description: "Describe your reward in a way that arouses people's interest to back the project. Don't be shy!"
          maximum_backers: "If your reward is limited, tell us the maximum backers."
          minimum_value: "This is the minimum amount to choose this reward."
          anonymous: "I want my back to be anonymous."
          credits: "I want to use my credits on this back."
          reward: "Select your reward"
          value: "How much do you want to contribute with?"
          comment: "Leave your comment about this project"
          headline: "Punch Line"
          category: 'Category'
          about: "About your project. How will you spend this money?"
          expires_at: "What's the deadline to reach your goal?"
          goal: "How much do you intend to raise? (use only numbers)"
          name: "Project's Name"
          online_days: 'How Many Campaign Days?'
          video_url: Video
          uploaded_image: "Project thumbnail"
          maximum_backers: "Maximum backers (optional)"
      optional: " (optional)"
    found_plural: Found
    found_singular: Found
    here: here
    i_backed: "I backed the project %{name} on @Catarse_"
    i_just_backed: "I just backed the project %{name} on @Catarse_"
    not_informed: "not informed"
    notify_locale: "We identified your language by your browser. If you prefer another one, click on one of the flags on the right."
      cancel: Cancel
      ok: OK
      tooltip: "Click to edit..."
        label_new_password: "New password"
        submit: "Change password"
        title: "Reset password"
        site_title: "Change password"
        subtitle: "You requested to reset your password. Fill your new password below and click \"Change Password\". If you did not request this password reset, just skip this page and your password will remain the same."
        content_html: " <p>Someone has requested a link to change your password, and you can do this through the link below.</p><p>%{link}</p><p>If you didn't request this, please ignore this email.</p><p>Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one.</p> "
        title: "Reset password instructions."
        submit: "Send instructions to reset my password"
        title: "Forgot password?"
        site_title: "Recover password"
        error: "Ooops. You can only access this page after backing a project."
        header_subtitle: "Without you maybe this project wouldn't stand a chance. Welcome to the team!"
        header_title: "Thank you! :D"
        text_subtitle: "Tell everyone what you just did"
        text_title_html: "You are now part of the group that does everything to make %{link} happen."
        title: "Thank you"
        email_subject: "Your project has been received by Catarse's team"
        email_text: "Thanks for trusting your project to Catarse :)<br><br>We know that you expect a quick reply but, to be quite frank, we take up to 4 days to resnpond, ok? That is because we have a small team working on several projects. Note that the reply can come sooner, so keep atention to your inbox.<br><br>Meanwhile it is worth to get to know the projects that are online (<a href='%{explore_link}' style='color: #E75297 !important;'>%{explore_link}</a>) and - if you like any of them- back it! This is the way to show support for the crowdfunding culture in Brazil and to feed the ecosystem that keeps growing around Catarse.<br><br>Besides that, you will get some inspiration for your own project...<br><br>Stay tuned for updates in <a href='%{facebook}' style='color: #E75297 !important;'>Facebook</a> and get some deeper knowledge about Catarse reading the posts in our <a href='%{blog}' style='color: #E75297 !important;'>blog</a>.<br><br>If you have any doubt, send an email to: %{email}"
        notification_text: "Your project has been received by Catarse's team"
          email_subject: "Hooray! The project %{project_name} was successful on Catarse!"
          email_text: "The project %{project_link}, that you have backed, was successfully funded! Let's celebrate o/<br><br>The project has, including you, %{project_total_backers} wonderful backers, raised %{project_pleged} and reached %{project_process}% of its goal =D<br><br>Something that is important to know: Catarse's team takes 3 days to send to the project creator the list with all information of the backers. So, the project creator will only be in touch with you to thank you and talk about the rewards delivery in a few days, ok?<br><br>So why don't you, in this meantine, share with all your friends this sucess?<br><br><div style='text-align:center;'>%{facebook_button}%{twitter_button}</div><br><br>If you want to get in touch with %{project_owner_name}, send an email to %{project_owner_email}.<br><br>If you have any doubt about Catarse, acess our FAQ: <a href='http://www.catarse.me/faq' style='color: #008800';>www.catarse.me/faq</a> or send an email to <a href='mail_to:contato@catarse.me' style='color: #008800;'>contato@catarse.me</a><br>"
          facebook_text: "Hooray! The project '%{name}', which I backed, was successful on Catarse!"
          notification_text: "Hooray! The project %{link} that you backed was successful! Spread the word!"
          reward_notification_text: "Soon, %{link} will contact you to deliver your reward. Enjoy!"
          twitter_text: "Hooray! The project '%{name}', which I backed, was successful on @Catarse_! %{short_url}"
          email_subject: "The project %{project_name} wasn't funded on Catarse."
          email_text: 'Unfortunately the project %{project_link}, that you have backed, did not reached its goal and was not funded at Catarse.<br><br>So, you have received <strong>%{value}</strong> in credits to back other projects. You can meet others %{project_category} projects in %{explore_category_link}.<br><br>You also can ask for your refund by clicking in %{credits_link}. Remember that you signed up in Catarse using %{user_provider}. If you have some difficulty in this process, do not be shame to send an email to financeiro@catarse.me with the subject "Refund - login issue".<br><br>If, for any reason, you want to contact %{project_owner_name}, send an email to %{project_owner_email}.<br><br>If you have any other doubt, acess our FAQ or send an email to <a href="mail_to:contato@catarse.me" style="color: #008800;">contato@catarse.me</a>.<br>'
          notification_text: "You received %{value} in credits to back other projects. If you prefer, you can request a refund %{link}."
          unsuccessful_text: "The project %{link} that you backed wasn't funded. Maybe next time!"
      verify_if_video_exists_on_vimeo: "must exist on Vimeo"
      vimeo_regex_validation: "only Vimeo URLs are allowed"
        expired: "not funded"
        successful: funded
        waiting_confirmation: waiting
        sugest_for_you: "suggested for you"
        highlight_project: "featured project"
        by: by
        title: "Admin fields"
          reached_goal: "This project will be successful and funded on %{date}"
          not_reached_goal: "This project will only be funded if at least %{goal} is backed until %{date}"
          failed: "This project didn't reach the goal of %{goal} until %{date} and wasn't funded"
          successful: "This project was successful and was funded on %{date}"
          waiting_funds: "Waiting confirmation from payments to know if this project will be funded."
          draft: "This project is in draft mode and is not open to backers yet."
        reached_of: "Reached of"
        submit: "Back this project"
        anonymous_backer: "Anonymous backer"
        anonymous_description: "Opted to remain incognito"
        no_reward: "This backer has not picked a reward"
          no_credits: "You don't have enough credits to back this project."
          success: "Your back was successfully made. Thanks a lot!"
          cannot_back: "It's not possible to back this project right now. Please, back other projects."
            subtitle: "You're just a few steps away from making a difference and becoming a part of this project."
            title: "Oohh yeah!"
          no_reward: "Thanks. I just want to help the project."
          submit: "Review and proceed to checkout"
          title: "Back %{name}"
          brazil_address_title: 'Fill when you back is in Brazil'
          live_in_brazil: "If you live in Brazil, please check this box"
          credits_notice_html: "This back will be payed with your credits. After the confirmation, you will have <strong>%{credits}</strong> in credits to back other projects."
          error: "Ooops. There was an error while registering your back. Please try again."
            description: "You can use PayPal to make international payments"
            important_html: "<p>The use of PayPal is destinated mostly for international payments. That's because you'll have only 60 days to receive an eventual refund without paying any fee.</p><p>In case you can make the regular payment through MoIP, we recommend you to do it.</p><p>But if that's not possible, don't worry: you'll always be able to receive your money back. Only, in case your refund is made more than 60 days after your payment, you'll have to pay PayPal's fee, which is 5,4% + R$0,60 per transaction.</p>"
            submit: "Proceed to PayPal's checkout"
            title: "Want to make an international payment?"
          review_with_reward_html: "You will back with <strong>%{value}</strong> and receive the following reward:"
          review_without_reward_html: "You will back with <strong>%{value}</strong> but you don't want any reward for that."
            credits: "Confirm backing with credits"
            moip: "Proceed to MoIP's checkout"
          subtitle: "This is the last step to make the difference and become part of this project."
          title: "Fill in and review your data"
          choose_payment: "How do you want to pay?"
          choose_payment_subtitle: "Select below a payment method"
          choose_credit_card: "PayPal"
          choose_boleto: "Payments from Brazil"
          you_are_about_html: "You are about to become part of the group that does everything to make %{link} happen."
          pay_with: "Pay With"
        success: "Your project was successfully created! We'll soon contact you. Thanks a lot!"
        permalink_hint: 'Simplify the URL of your project. Think that your sponsor need to remember the address to share your project.'
        add_reward: "Add reward"
        important_html: "Please notice that Catarse will charge 13% if your project is successful. Add this values to your budget in order to execute your project with no surprises."
          content_html: "Want to have your project selected? Don't forget to read %{link}."
          help_link: "our guide"
        rewards_description: "We believe that the best way to inspire people to back a project is offering excelent – and creative! – rewards. Everybody loves limited editions, unique things and joyfull experiences (parties, candies, balloon traveling!). Spend some time devising creative rewards and people will be interested."
        rewards_title: Rewards
        submit: "Submit project"
        subtitle: "Fund projects collaboratively and become part of something bigger. Promote a collective catharsis! You're the missing part in this story."
        subtitle_html: "Fund projects collaboratively and become part of something bigger.<br/>Promote a collective catharsis! You're the missing part in this story."
        title: "Make the projects you believe in happen"
        guidelines: "How it Works"
        guidelines_subtitle: "Getting to know Catarse"
        can_finish: "Can finish?"
        finished: Finished?
        home_page: "Home page?"
        id: Id
        name: Name
        no_projects: "No projects found."
        order: Order
        project: Project
        slug: Slug
        recommended: Recommended?
        rejected: Rejected?
        submit: Search
        title: "Project management"
        user: User
        visible: Visible?
        anonymous: Anonymous?
        confirmed: Confirmed?
        credits: "Used credits?"
        id: Id
        key: Key
        no_backers: "No backers found."
        project: Project
        refunded: Refunded?
        requested_refund: "Requested refund?"
        reward: Reward
        submit: Search
        title: "Backers management"
        total_backed: backed
        total_backers: backers
        total_backs: backs
        total_users: users
        user: User
        value: Value
        backed: backed
        reached: reached
        empty: "Nobody backed this project so far. How about being the first one?"
        subtitle_html: "A project by %{link}"
        without_city: "A project in %{category_name}, by %{author}"
        with_city: "A project in %{category_name}, in %{city}, by %{author}"
        empty: "This project didn't have updates yet. But wait and see =D"
        submit: "Send update"
        comment: "Update text"
        title: "Title of the update"
        destroy: "Remove update"
        destroy_confirmation: "Do you want to remove the update?"
        reward_title: "For %{minimum} or more"
        title: "Back and receive..."
        success: "Your project was successfully sent! We'll soon contact you. Thanks a lot!"
        rejected: "This project was not selected to participate on Catarse. Maybe next time! :)"
        waiting: "This project is waiting for approval and soon we'll know if it will go online on Catarse ;)"
        waiting_owner: "To edit the project info, click on 'Edit project' tab. The rewards you can edit on reward column."
        about_title: "About this project"
        no_rewards_warning_title: 'Create here your rewards'
        no_rewards_warning: "Don't go nuts! Think about how you're going to deliver them and include those costs in your budget. People are putting their trust in you, don't kid around with that!"
          about: About
          backers: Backers
          comments: Comments
          updates: Updates
          edit: Edit
          add_reward: 'Add Rewards'
          embed: embed
          embed_title: "Embed this project on your site"
          link: Link
          link_title: "Share the link"
          take_a_look: "Check out the project"
          title: "Be part of it and share this project"
        legend_html: "After filling in the form below, you will receive a project page in Draft mode. In this draft you will add the rewards for your backers. You may also share the page with your friends to collect feedback and sharpen your project even more.<br><br>The information filled in below is not definitive, but remember that the more consistent you are in your project submission, the faster it will go on air.<br><br><b>Very Important:</b> <i>Catharsis is cured platform, which means that our board will evaluate the focus, the feasibility and consistency of your project during the Draft. If we understand that your project does not comply with our <a href='https://docs.google.com/a/catarse.me/document/d/1wLDS2lphQ6monovg9rEaTIDcxBD3FRZV9dfGKmajyj8/edit' target='_blank' >selection criteria</a>, it may be refused by the team of curators.</i>"
        permalink_important: 'Try not to use underline, hyphen etc.'
        name_important: "Do not exceed  50 characters"
        online_days_important: "60 days is the maximum"
        about_important: "Don't make it too long! Indicate links so people can know more about your work"
        important_html: 'Keep in mind the 13% fee charged by Catarse in case you reach your financial goal. Just divide your final budget by 0.87 to find the discounted amount.'
        send_project: "I want to submit my project."
        video_important: "The video must be hosted  by  VIMEO. Paste here the URL!"
        more_links_important: "It's very important to use social medias to spread the word about your project and engage your network into making it a success"
        first_backers_important: "These people are fundamental to the success of your project."
        how_know_important: "Yay! We reached  the final question."
        headline_important: "It's a summary of  your project . 140 characteres tops!:D"
        tags_important: "Check ou other projects in your category  <a href='%{href}' target='_blank'>here!</a>!."
        subtitle: "The time to make it happen is now! We really want to know what you're up to..."
        title: "Submit your project"
        about: "Describe your project and how much do you need"
        category: "Project category"
        how_much_you_need: "How much do you want to raise?"
        about_hint: "Tell us a little about what you want to do, how much you need and what for. Be brief and punctual, but don't forget to give the readers something that moves them. After all, it's your creation and they need to see your passion taking place!"
        contact: "Leave us your email address so we can contact you"
        links: "Where can we find more about you and your project?"
        links_hint: "Leave us as many links as you have, so we can get to know your work and your project better. Doesn't have to be something formal or fancy, just a few useful links."
        video: "Your project already have a video?"
        video_hint: "A vimeo link"
        twitter: "Have twitter account?"
        facebook: "Have facebook account?"
        blog: "Have a blog about the project?"
        know_us_via: "How did you meet Catarse?"
        how_works: "How to mobilize backers to raise $ needed for enforcement?"
          content_html: "Want to have your project selected? Don't forget to read %{link}."
          help_link: "our guide"
        rewards: "What rewards do you want to offer?"
        rewards_hint: "We believe that the best way to inspire people to back a project is offering excelent – and creative! – rewards. Everybody loves limited editions, unique things and joyfull experiences (parties, candies, balloon traveling!). Spend some time devising creative rewards and people will be interested."
        submit: "Submit the project"
        subtitle: "The time to make it happen is now! We really want to know what you're up to..."
        title: "Submit your project"
        take_a_look: "Check out the project %{name} on @Catarse_"
        a_project_by_html: "A project by %{link} on"
        subject: "Project sent by %{name}"
        subject_html: "Project sent by %{link}"
        site_title: "Sign up"
        submit: "Sign Up"
        title: "Sign up using you email"
    remaining_plural: left
    remaining_singular: left
    remove: remove
    require_admin: "You must be admin to perform this action."
    require_login: "You must be logged in to perform this action."
    require_permission: "You don't have permission to perform this action."
      display_remaining: "%{remaining} of %{maximum} available"
      dont_want: "I don't want a reward"
      limited: Limited
      sold_out: "Sold out"
        success: "Successfully logged in. Welcome, %{name}!"
        success: "Successfully logged out. See you!"
        error: "There was an error while loggin in. Please try again."
        title: "I want to back a project!"
        subtitle: "Understand step by step how to back a project on Catarse."
        introduction: "Catarse is an excelent way to engaje in a cause you believe in"
        legend_html: "We believe that being part of a project is the kind of thing that sometimes we do not really know why, but it does a darn good."
        title_one: "Explore the Project"
        step_one: "The first step is to understand the project. Watch the video, read the description, browse the links. If you are certain that this project can not remain only on paper, go one step forward!"
        title_two: "Decide with how much you’ll back it"
        step_two: "A good way to decide how much to back with it’s  to look  through which rewards  are offered in exchange for your backing. And also your bank statement."
        title_three: "Finalize your backing"
        step_three: "Fill in your information and review it! Then, decide what form of payment best meets your needs."
        title_four: "Spread the word!"
        step_four: "Now you're in the same boat as the project creator. Spread the word on your networks and stay tuned on the updates."
        title_requirements: "Remember: in Catarse it’s “all or nothing”"
        sucessfull_title: "If the project meet or exceed its financial target ..."
        sucessfull: "The project is considered successful! The creator gets the money and contacts all supporters."
        not_sucess_title: "If the project does not meet the target ..."
        not_sucess: "You get the full amount of support in the form of loans (to support another project). If that does not please you, you can request your money back, according to the rules of the <a href='%{terms}' target='_blank'>terms of use</a>."
        title_not_funded: "If the project does not achieve the goal, how do I use my credits?"
        not_funded: "You will receive credits  on Catarse. The moment you choose to back another project, on the screen to select the reward, there will have a field to use your credits."
        more_questions: "I'm dying to support a project, is there anything else I need to know?"
        title_backer: "How do I know that my support was successful?"
        backer: "You will receive a confirmation email. And stay tuned on the BACKERS tab at the page of the project you backed."
        title_rewards: "If the project is funded, how do I get my rewards?"
        rewards: "It is the duty of the project creator to contact you and arrange how to deliver  the chosen reward. If not, you need to send an email to him/her to claim it! If you get no answer … contact us so we can give them an earful = D"
        title_credits: "If the project does not achieve the goal, how do I use my credits?"
        credits: "You will receive credits  on Catarse. The moment you choose to back another project, on the screen to select the reward, there will have a field to use your credits."
        title_money: "E se não quiser usar os créditos?"
        money: "Sem problemas! É só entrar no seu perfil (Meus créditos) e solicitar o estorno. Se pagou com débito ou boleto, basta abrir uma conta no MOIP. Cartão de crédito, estornamos na sua próxima fatura."
        other_backers: "I WANT MORE! CAN I HELP  IN OTHER WAYS?"
        intro: "Get to know diferent ways to help projects you believe in"
        other_one: "Bring two other friends to back with the same amount you did"
        other_two: "Spread the word to every one. Tell them how great is the project you backed on Catarse."
        other_three: "Do you have a friend who’s a Journalist? Try to have him/her to post something about it on his/her blog."
        other_four: "Make a backing video to broadcast your believe in the project .Like these guys did:https://vimeo.com/46233018"
        other_five: "Send an e-mail to the project creator asking how can  you help even more."
        submit: "VERY COOL!"
        send_project: "I want to submit my project "
        explore_curious: "I’M ON BOARD!"
        explore_projects: "I want to back a project"
        title: "How it works"
        subtitle: "Get to know Catarse better."
        introduction_html: "Catarse is a space of exchange among individuals who together <br >enable the realization of creative projects."
        legend_html: "We believe that connecting people that share value with respect to a cause; an idea; a project,  is one of the best ways to make them come true. <br><br> Be very welcome! This is your space as much as it is ours, after all, catharsis happens daily from the meeting of people in search of new ways to give life to more initiatives from society itself. We understand this to be an alternative to government resources, the sponsoring companies and bank loans = D"
        submit: "SUBMITTING A PROJECT"
        send_project: "Understand how to submit your project"
        explore_curious: "BACKING A PROJECT"
        explore_projects: "Understand how to back a project"
        title: "Who Are We?"
        subtitle: "Meet the lovely gang that makes this whole thing happen <3"
        introduction: "Who are they? What do they feed of? How are they networked? You’ll see all of it now on “Who are we?”."
        name_one: "Luis Otávio Ribeiro"
        title_one: "Fisher of Killer Projects"
        text_one: "Uberabense. Laziness enthusiast , is addicted to maintaining creative structures running and promoting encounters between people."
        name_two: "Diego Reeberg"
        title_two: "Philosopher who lives in a Barrel"
        text_two: "Apprentice of poet, musician, tango dancer and addict to Calvino and Saramago, likes to dig beautiful things and talented people in the dusty corners of the internet."
        name_three: "Luciana Masini"
        title_three: "Apprentice of Making it happen"
        text_three: "Color and contrast enthusiast, poet and artist by nature, curious about culture, curator by accident."
        name_four: "Renato Garcia"
        title_four: "Catarse’s Silvio Santos (a brasilian host and entrepreneur)"
        text_four: "Collectivist. Believes in collaboration one by one, with no authority,  for a fairer world. Football and skateboarding fanatic. All this accompanied by a good samba or nacinal rap soundtrack."
        name_five: "Rodrigo Maia"
        title_five: "Information Remixer"
        text_five: "Pragmatist who loves improvisation, has a deep voice and artistic outbursts. Fascinated by people and all forms of moving images."
        name_six: "Diogo Biazus"
        title_six: "Database Archbishop"
        text_six: "Data Architect. Likes self-explanatory, self-referential and self-cleaning structures."
        name_seven: "Evelise Luz"
        title_seven: "Footer Designer"
        text_seven: "Completely crazy, likes venturing into books, singing in the shower and loves exploring fig jam jars."
        name_eight: "Adriano Benin"
        title_eight: "Programmer"
        text_eight: "When not programming he likes designing circuits and risking the piano."
        name_nine: "Antônio Roberto"
        title_nine: "Fireman"
        text_nine: "A fellow crazy about development who lives in Tonland"
        title: "Frequently asked questions"
        accept: "I have read and understand how catarse works."
        explore_curious: "Just looking around!"
        explore_projects: "I want to explore the projects."
        submit: "Next step!"
        send_project: "I want to submit my project."
        subtitle: "Understand, step-by-step, how to finance your project through Catarse."
        title: "How Catarse works?"
        introduction: "Catarse is a different - and collaborative - way to make your projects become reality."
        legend_html: "Use this guide to decide if Catarse is the right tool for the job."
        title_one: "Submit your project"
        step_one: "Projects are actions! And we receive them with open arms whether they are small, big, funny, serious, traditional, innovative... We love projects that require little money and have a big impact in their communities."
        title_two: "Review"
        step_two: "After we receive your project, it will be screened by our team of reviewers. The objective here is to give you tips in order to maximize the chances of your project becoming successful, as well as filtering NON-SENSE projects. Remember, we want your project to be successful as much as you do ;)"
        title_three: "Let's go live!?"
        step_three: "When your project is ready, it's time to go live and plan your campaign. During this period, you will need to engage as many people as possible to reach your goal."
        title_four: "It's all-or-nothing"
        step_four: "If your project doesn't reach its goal before time runs out, all backers will receive their pledged amount in credits and later, if they want, can ask for a refund."
        title_requirements: "Requirements to submit your project to Catarse"
        creative: "Creative and Finite"
        colective: "Collective Benefits"
        nonprofit: "Non-financial rewards"
        donation: "No philanthropic or “fund my life” projects"
        video: "Make a video"
        more_questions: "Ok, but tell me more about this Catarse..."
        title_magic: "Our magic formula"
        magic: "We believe that providing a meeting place for people that share common values is the best way to turn projects into reality. Use Catarse as a channel to direct your network towards a COMMON objective."
        title_money: "Where does the money to finance projects come from?"
        money: "At least 50% will come from your own network of contacts. In this manner, Catarse is a way for you to get closer to the people that enjoy your work and expand this network through sharing in social networks, newspapers, blogs and, of course, your favorite bar."
        title_work: "Does it take a lot of work?"
        work: "A loooot! There is no 'easy money on the INTERNET'. You will have to work a lot during your project, but the experience will be worth it - we assure you :D And you will have a much stronger network behind your project after Catarse."
        title_costs: "How much does it cost to use Catarse?"
        costs: "Submitting your project is free. Now, when your project is approved and has reached its goal, Catarse will apply a 13% fee, this value includes both the Catarse fee and the payment gateway fee."
        why: "Why Catarse?"
        intro: "First of all, it's good that you know why we believe that this new way to finance projects is phenomenal:"
        why_one: "By creating a very strong bond with your network, this kind of campaign open doors to new projects, partnerships and other unexpected connections."
        why_two: "If the projects are well connected, they can spread, quickly, to a lot of people, expanding your network and strengthening the base of people around your project."
        why_three: "Minimum red tape and low financial risk. No interest rate, no entry fees... and lots of fun and emotion."
        title: "Almost there!"
        subtitle: "Before submitting your project, it's good to think over a few important points."
        introduction_html: "We know you can't wait to have your project online, but first answer <br> (in a piece of paper) the following questions."
        legend_html: "Having clear answers to these questions will help tremendously in structuring your project, <br>increasing the chances that it will be successful."
        title_one: "What inspired you to make this project?"
        tip_one: "People only engage when they realize the importance of a cause for society or for the person who leads a campaign. So be very clear about what is your inspiration and let it overflow into your project."
        title_two: "What is the focus?"
        tip_two: "Catarse is an excellent way to take the first steps. Therefore, define very well the purpose of your project, as well as who will benefit from it. Clearly defining your objectives is one of the best ways to engage people."
        title_three: "What is your goal?"
        tip_three: "Calculate all costs for the project execution and rewards delivery. Also take into account your ability to engage people in order to define your financial goal."
        title_four: "What is your deadline for the fundraising?"
        tip_four: "Don't underestimate the work of a campaign. You will have to work hard during the entire period the project is live, so, it's recommended that you don't tire yourself too much in this process. Our recommendation: 40 days of campaign."
        title_five: "Have you thought about the project rewards?"
        tip_five: "Remember that rewards are public promises. So, think very well when elaborating them, as well as the logistics in delivering them to your backers. Our suggestion: think about immaterial rewards: downloads, experiences, courses e kisses."
        title_six: "Is your video ready?"
        tip_six: "The video is the business card of your project. It's through it that the backers will get in touch with your cause. So, take special care in the script, audio and image quality. HD is recommended."
        title_seven: "How will you mobilize your network?"
        tip_seven: "You need to have a clear idea on how you will stir your network and convince it to back your project. Distribute your work weekly and change your approach with the network according to how close you are to it."
        title_eight: "How will the money be used?"
        tip_eight: "Create a GOOGLE DOCS spreadsheet and open your budget to show everyone how the money will be used. TRANSPARENCY is everything."
        explore_curious: "Just looking around!"
        explore_projects: "I want to explore the projects."
        submit: "Next step!"
        send_project: "I want to submit my project."
        guide: "Download here a complete guide with all the tips to elaborate your project in Catarse."
        title: "Privacy Policy"
        title: "Terms of use"
    terms: "terms of use"
        many: "Backed this and other %{total} projects"
        one: "Backed only this project until now"
        two: "Backed this and 1 other project"
      no_name: Unnamed
      google_account: "Google Account"
        attention: Attention
          backed_projects: "Backed projects"
          created_projects: "Created projects"
          comments: Comments
          credits: Credits
          settings: Settings
          unsubscribes: Notifications
          email: "Send me an email"
          facebook: "Profile on facebook"
          twitter: "Profile on twiiter"
        anonymous: "Anonymous back."
        no_backs: "%{name} haven't backed any project yet. But we know it's just a matter of time! :D"
        no_backs_current_user_html: "You haven't backed any project yet. What about <a href=\"/\">starting now</a>?"
        no_reward: "You didn't pick a reward"
        title: "Projects %{name} has backed"
        title_current_user: "Projects I've backed"
        your_reward: "Your reward"
        title: "Choose from which projects you want to receive update notifications:"
        updates: "I want to receive project updates"
        updated: "Your information has been updated"
        update_social_info: "Update info"
        social_info: "Contact info"
        twitter: "twitter ( username )"
        facebook_link: "facebook profile link"
        other_link: "another internet page"
        change_password: "Change my password"
        current_password_hint: "<i>We need your current password to confirm your changes.</i>"
        email_hint: "Your email will only be used for communications from Catarse and from the projects you back. It won't be visible in your profile. When you back a project, we will give your email to the project owner so he can provide your rewards."
        email_tooltip: "Click here to fill your email..."
        gravatar_hint_html: "Want to change your picture? Use %{link} with your email. It's as simple as uploading an image and works for other sites as well ;)"
        local_avatar: "My avatar"
        submit_text: "Choose your picture"
        submit: "Submit"
        my_data: "My profile"
        newsletter: "I want to receive news from Catarse via email"
        password_hint: "<i>Leave blank if you don't want to change it.</i>"
        bio_tooltip: "Click here to write about you..."
        name_tooltip: "Click here to fill your name..."
        no_projects: "%{name} haven't started any project on Catarse yet. We wonder if inspiration will hit one of these days!"
        no_projects_current_user_html: "You haven't submitted any project to Catarse yet. Let the inspiration flow and %{link} to start!"
        title: "%{name}'s projects"
        title_current_user: "My projects"
        alt: "You must enable images in order to correctly view this message."
        forward: "Foward to your friends"
        hello: Hi
        intro: "You are receiving this message because you signed up on Catarse"
        mailee: "Message delivered by Mailee.me"
        salutation: "Big hugs,"
        signature: "Catarse's Team"
        unsubscribe: Unsubscribe
        unsubscribe_long: "If you don't want to receive these emails"
        weblink: "View on the web"
        whitelist: "Add contact"
        whitelist_long: "Add our email to your contacts"
          subject: "Thank you! Your back for %{project} has been confirmed!"
          text: "Success! <br />Your back has just been confirmed.<br /><br />Check: %{backer_name}<br />%{backer_value}<br />%{reward}<br /><br />%{project_name}"
        subject: "If the league! Update of %{project_name} by %{project_owner}: %{update_title}"
        text: "%{update_title}<br />%{update_text}<br />Comments? Send it on in the project page: <a href='%{project_link}'>%{project_name}</a>."