require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") describe Braintree::Util do describe "self.symbolize_keys" do it "does not modify the hash" do original = {"a" => "b", "c" => "d"} new = Braintree::Util.symbolize_keys(original) original["a"].should == "b" new[:a].should == "b" end it "symbolizes nested keys" do hash = {"a" => {"b" => {"c" => "d" }}} Braintree::Util.symbolize_keys(hash).should == {:a => {:b => {:c => "d"}}} end it "symbolizes nested keys in arrays" do hash = {"a" => ["b" => {"c" => "d" }]} Braintree::Util.symbolize_keys(hash).should == {:a => [:b => {:c => "d"}]} end end describe "self.verify_keys" do it "raises an exception if the hash contains an invalid key" do expect do Braintree::Util.verify_keys([:allowed], :allowed => "ok", :disallowed => "bad") raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: disallowed") end it "raises an exception with all keys listed if the hash contains invalid keys" do expect do Braintree::Util.verify_keys([:allowed], :allowed => "ok", :disallowed => "bad", "also_invalid" => true) raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: also_invalid, disallowed") end it "raises an exception if a nested hash contains an invalid key" do expect do Braintree::Util.verify_keys( [:allowed, {:nested => [:nested_allowed, :nested_allowed2]}], :allowed => "ok", :top_level_invalid => "bad", :nested => { :nested_allowed => "ok", :nested_allowed2 => "also ok", :nested_invalid => "bad" } ) raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: nested[nested_invalid], top_level_invalid") end it "does not raise an exception for wildcards" do expect do Braintree::Util.verify_keys( [:allowed, {:custom_fields => :_any_key_}], :allowed => "ok", :custom_fields => { :custom_allowed => "ok", :custom_allowed2 => "also ok", } ) end.to_not raise_error end it "raise an exception for wildcards at different nesting" do expect do Braintree::Util.verify_keys( [:allowed, {:custom_fields => :_any_key_}], :allowed => { :custom_fields => { :bad_nesting => "very bad" } } ) raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: allowed[custom_fields][bad_nesting]") end it "raises an exception if a deeply nested hash contains an invalid key" do expect do Braintree::Util.verify_keys( [:allowed, {:nested => [:nested_allowed, :nested_allowed2, {:deeply_allowed => [:super_deep_allowed]}]}], :allowed => "ok", :top_level_invalid => "bad", :nested => { :nested_allowed => "ok", :nested_allowed2 => "also ok", :nested_invalid => "bad", :deeply_allowed => { :super_deep_allowed => "yep", :real_deep_invalid => "nope" } } ) raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: nested[deeply_allowed][real_deep_invalid], nested[nested_invalid], top_level_invalid") end it "does not raise an error for array values" do expect do Braintree::Util.verify_keys( [{:add_ons => [{:update => [:amount]}, {:add => [:amount]}]}], :add_ons => { :update => [{:amount => 10}], :add => [{:amount => 5}] } ) end.to_not raise_error end it "raises an error for invalid key inside of array" do expect do Braintree::Util.verify_keys( [{:add_ons => [{:update => [:amount]}, {:add => [:amount]}]}], :add_ons => { :update => [{:foo => 10}], :add => [{:bar => 5}] } ) end.to_not raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: add_ons[update][foo], add_ons[add][bar]") end end describe "self._flatten_hash_keys" do it "flattens hash keys" do Braintree::Util._flatten_hash_keys(:nested => { :nested_allowed => "ok", :nested_allowed2 => "also ok", :nested_invalid => "bad" }).should == ["nested[nested_allowed2]", "nested[nested_allowed]", "nested[nested_invalid]"] end end describe "self._flatten_valid_keys" do it "flattens hash keys" do Braintree::Util._flatten_valid_keys( [:top_level, {:nested => [:nested_allowed, :nested_allowed2]}] ).should == ["nested[nested_allowed2]", "nested[nested_allowed]", "top_level"] end it "allows wildcards with the :_any_key_ symbol" do Braintree::Util._flatten_valid_keys( [:top_level, {:nested => :_any_key_}] ).should == ["nested[_any_key_]", "top_level"] end end describe "self.extract_attribute_as_array" do it "deletes the attribute from the hash" do hash = {:foo => ["x"], :bar => :baz} Braintree::Util.extract_attribute_as_array(hash, :foo) hash.should == {:bar => :baz} end it "puts the attribute in an array if it's not an array" do hash = {:foo => "x", :bar => :baz} result = Braintree::Util.extract_attribute_as_array(hash, :foo) result.should == ["x"] end it "returns the value if it's already an array" do hash = {:foo => ["one", "two"], :bar => :baz} result = Braintree::Util.extract_attribute_as_array(hash, :foo) result.should == ["one", "two"] end it "returns empty array if the attribute is not in the hash" do hash = {:foo => ["one", "two"], :bar => :baz} result = Braintree::Util.extract_attribute_as_array(hash, :quz) result.should == [] end it "raises an UnexpectedError if nil data is provided" do expect do Braintree::Util.extract_attribute_as_array(nil, :abc) raise_error(Braintree::UnexpectedError, /Unprocessable entity due to an invalid request/) end end describe "self.hash_to_query_string" do it "generates a query string from the hash" do hash = {:foo => {:key_one => "value_one", :key_two => "value_two"}} Braintree::Util.hash_to_query_string(hash).should == "foo%5Bkey_one%5D=value_one&foo%5Bkey_two%5D=value_two" end it "works for nesting 2 levels deep" do hash = {:foo => {:nested => {:key_one => "value_one", :key_two => "value_two"}}} Braintree::Util.hash_to_query_string(hash).should == "foo%5Bnested%5D%5Bkey_one%5D=value_one&foo%5Bnested%5D%5Bkey_two%5D=value_two" end end describe "self.parse_query_string" do it "parses the query string" do query_string = "foo=bar%20baz&hash=a1b2c3" Braintree::Util.parse_query_string(query_string).should == {:foo => "bar baz", :hash => "a1b2c3"} end it "parses the query string when a key has an empty value" do query_string = "foo=bar%20baz&hash=a1b2c3&vat_number=" Braintree::Util.parse_query_string(query_string).should == {:foo => "bar baz", :hash => "a1b2c3", :vat_number => ""} end end describe "self.raise_exception_for_status_code" do it "raises an AuthenticationError if authentication fails" do expect do Braintree::Util.raise_exception_for_status_code(401) raise_error(Braintree::AuthenticationError) end it "raises an AuthorizationError if authorization fails" do expect do Braintree::Util.raise_exception_for_status_code(403) raise_error(Braintree::AuthorizationError) end it "raises an UpgradeRequired if the client library is EOL'd" do expect do Braintree::Util.raise_exception_for_status_code(426) raise_error(Braintree::UpgradeRequiredError, "Please upgrade your client library.") end it "raises a ServerError if the server 500's" do expect do Braintree::Util.raise_exception_for_status_code(500) raise_error(Braintree::ServerError) end it "raises a DownForMaintenanceError if the server is down for maintenance" do expect do Braintree::Util.raise_exception_for_status_code(503) raise_error(Braintree::DownForMaintenanceError) end it "raises an UnexpectedError if some other code is returned" do expect do Braintree::Util.raise_exception_for_status_code(600) raise_error(Braintree::UnexpectedError, "Unexpected HTTP_RESPONSE 600") end end describe "self.to_big_decimal" do it "returns the BigDecimal when given a BigDecimal" do Braintree::Util.to_big_decimal("12.34")).should =="12.34") end it "returns a BigDecimal when given a string" do Braintree::Util.to_big_decimal("12.34").should =="12.34") end it "returns nil when given nil" do Braintree::Util.to_big_decimal(nil).should be_nil end it "blows up when not given a String or BigDecimal" do expect { Braintree::Util.to_big_decimal(12.34) }.to raise_error(/Argument must be a String or BigDecimal/) end end describe "self.url_encode" do it "url encodes the given text" do Braintree::Util.url_encode("foo?bar").should == "foo%3Fbar" end end describe "self.url_decode" do it "url decodes the given text" do Braintree::Util.url_decode("foo%3Fbar").should == "foo?bar" end end end