module DatabaseUtils =begin returns the classes set by OrientDB Parameter: abstract: true|false if abstract: true is given, only basic classes (Abstact-Classes) are returend =end def system_classes abstract: false basic= [ "ORestricted", "OSchedule", "OTriggered", "OSequence"] ## "ORid" dropped in V2.2 extended = ["OIdentity","ORole", "OUser", "OFunction", "_studio"] v3 = ["OGeometryCollection", "OLineString", "OMultiLineString", "OMultiPoint", "OMultiPolygon", "OPoint", "OPolygon", "ORectangle", "OShape", 'OSecurityPolicy'] ## added in Orentdb 3.0 and 3.1 if abstract basic else basic + extended + v3 end end =begin Returns the class_hierachy To fetch all Vertices: class_hieararchy(base_class: 'V').flatten To fetch all Edges: class_hierarchy(base_class: 'E').flatten -- notice: To retrieve the class hierarchy from Objects avoid calling `ORD.classname (obj)`, because it depends on class_hierarchy. =end def class_hierarchy base_class: '', system_classes: nil # @actual_class_hash = get_classes('name', 'superClass') #if requery || @all_classes.blank? fv = ->( s ) { @actual_class_hash.find_all{|x| x['superClass']== s}.map{|v| v['name']} } fx = ->( v ) { fv[v.strip].map{|x| ar = fx[x]; ar.empty? ? x : [x, ar]} } if system_classes.present? fx[ base_class.to_s ] else fx[ base_class.to_s ] - system_classes() - [ ["OIdentity", ["ORole", "OUser"]]] - [ ["OShape",["OGeometryCollection","OLineString", "OMultiLineString", "OMultiPoint", "OMultiPolygon", "OPoint", "OPolygon", "ORectangle"] ] ] end end =begin Returns an array with all names of the classes of the database. Reads the database-structure and updates the @actual_class_hash (used by class_hierachy and get_db_superclass ) =end def database_classes system_classes: nil @actual_class_hash = get_classes('name', 'superClass') all_classes = get_classes('name').map(&:values).sort.flatten all_user_classes = all_classes - system_classes() all_user_classes.each{|x| ActiveOrient.database_classes[x] = "unset" unless ActiveOrient.database_classes.has_key?(x) } ActiveOrient.database_classes.keys # return an array of database-classnames end =begin Service-Method for Model#OrientdbClass =end def get_db_superclass name #:nodoc: # @actual_class_hash = get_classes( 'name', 'superClass') if @actual_class_hash.nil? z= @actual_class_hash.find{|x,y| x['name'] == name.to_s } z['superClass'] unless z.nil? end =begin preallocate classes reads any class from the @classes-Array and allocates adequat Ruby-Objects =end def preallocate_classes from_model_dir= nil # :nodoc: # always scan for E+V model-files and include [E,V].each{|y| y.require_model_file(from_model_dir) } ActiveOrient.database_classes.each do | db_name, the_class | allocate_class_in_ruby( db_name ) do |detected_class| # keep the class if it is already noted in database_classes if [E,V].include?(detected_class) || ActiveOrient.database_classes.key( detected_class) || detected_class.require_model_file(from_model_dir) || ActiveOrient::Model.keep_models_without_file true # return_value else{ "#{} --> Class NOT allocated"} ActiveOrient.database_classes[ detected_class.ref_name ] = "no model file" false # return_value end end # block end # each iteration end # def end # module