# frozen_string_literal: true # encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' # fails intermittently in evergreen describe Mongo::Server::Connection do class ConnectionSpecTestException < Exception; end clean_slate_for_all let(:generation_manager) do Mongo::Server::ConnectionPool::GenerationManager.new(server: server) end let!(:address) do default_address end let(:monitoring) do Mongo::Monitoring.new(monitoring: false) end let(:listeners) do Mongo::Event::Listeners.new end let(:app_metadata) do Mongo::Server::AppMetadata.new(authorized_client.cluster.options) end let(:cluster) do double('cluster').tap do |cl| allow(cl).to receive(:topology).and_return(topology) allow(cl).to receive(:app_metadata).and_return(app_metadata) allow(cl).to receive(:options).and_return({}) allow(cl).to receive(:cluster_time).and_return(nil) allow(cl).to receive(:update_cluster_time) allow(cl).to receive(:run_sdam_flow) end end declare_topology_double let(:server_options) { SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge(monitoring_io: false) } let(:server) do register_server( Mongo::Server.new(address, cluster, monitoring, listeners, server_options.merge( # Normally the load_balancer option is set by the cluster load_balancer: ClusterConfig.instance.topology == :load_balanced, )) ) end let(:monitored_server) do register_server( Mongo::Server.new(address, cluster, monitoring, listeners, SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge(monitoring_io: false) ).tap do |server| allow(server).to receive(:description).and_return(ClusterConfig.instance.primary_description) expect(server).not_to be_unknown end ) end let(:pool) do double('pool').tap do |pool| allow(pool).to receive(:close) allow(pool).to receive(:generation_manager).and_return(generation_manager) end end describe '#connect!' do shared_examples_for 'keeps server type and topology' do it 'does not mark server unknown' do expect(server).not_to receive(:unknown!) error end end shared_examples_for 'marks server unknown' do it 'marks server unknown' do expect(server).to receive(:unknown!) error end end context 'when no socket exists' do let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, server.options.merge(connection_pool: pool)) end let(:result) do connection.connect! end let(:socket) do connection.send(:socket) end it 'returns true' do expect(result).to be true end it 'creates a socket' do result expect(socket).to_not be_nil end it 'connects the socket' do result expect(socket).to be_alive end shared_examples_for 'failing connection' do it 'raises an exception' do expect(error).to be_a(Exception) end it 'clears socket' do error expect(connection.send(:socket)).to be nil end context 'when connection fails' do let(:description) do double('description').tap do |description| allow(description).to receive(:arbiter?).and_return(false) end end let(:first_pending_connection) do double('pending connection 1').tap do |conn| conn.should receive(:handshake_and_authenticate!).and_raise(exception) end end let(:second_pending_connection) do double('pending connection 2').tap do |conn| conn.should receive(:handshake_and_authenticate!).and_raise(ConnectionSpecTestException) end end it 'attempts to reconnect if asked to connect again' do RSpec::Mocks.with_temporary_scope do Mongo::Server::PendingConnection.should receive(:new).ordered.and_return(first_pending_connection) Mongo::Server::PendingConnection.should receive(:new).ordered.and_return(second_pending_connection) expect do connection.connect! end.to raise_error(exception) expect do connection.connect! end.to raise_error(ConnectionSpecTestException) end end end end shared_examples_for 'failing connection with server diagnostics' do it_behaves_like 'failing connection' it 'adds server diagnostics' do error.message.should =~ /on #{connection.address}/ end end shared_examples_for 'logs a warning' do require_warning_clean it 'logs a warning' do messages = [] expect(Mongo::Logger.logger).to receive(:warn) do |msg| messages << msg end expect(error).not_to be nil messages.any? { |msg| msg.include?(expected_message) }.should be true end end shared_examples_for 'adds server diagnostics' do require_warning_clean it 'adds server diagnostics' do messages = [] expect(Mongo::Logger.logger).to receive(:warn) do |msg| messages << msg end expect(error).not_to be nil messages.any? { |msg| msg =~ /on #{connection.address}/ }.should be true end end context 'when #handshake! dependency raises a non-network exception' do let(:exception) do Mongo::Error::OperationFailure.new end let(:error) do # The exception is mutated when notes are added to it expect_any_instance_of(Mongo::Socket).to receive(:write).and_raise(exception.dup) begin connection.connect! rescue Exception => e e else nil end end let(:expected_message) do "MONGODB | Failed to handshake with #{address}: #{error.class}: #{error}" end # The server diagnostics only apply to network exceptions. # If non-network exceptions can be legitimately raised during # handshake, and it makes sense to indicate which server the # corresponding request was sent to, we should apply server # diagnostics to non-network errors also. it_behaves_like 'failing connection' it_behaves_like 'keeps server type and topology' it_behaves_like 'logs a warning' end context 'when #handshake! dependency raises a network exception' do let(:exception) do Mongo::Error::SocketError.new.tap do |exc| allow(exc).to receive(:service_id).and_return('fake') end end let(:error) do # The exception is mutated when notes are added to it expect_any_instance_of(Mongo::Socket).to receive(:write).and_raise(exception) allow(connection).to receive(:service_id).and_return('fake') begin connection.connect! rescue Exception => e e else nil end end let(:expected_message) do "MONGODB | Failed to handshake with #{address}: #{error.class}: #{error}" end it_behaves_like 'failing connection with server diagnostics' it_behaves_like 'marks server unknown' it_behaves_like 'logs a warning' it_behaves_like 'adds server diagnostics' end context 'when #authenticate! raises an exception' do require_auth let(:server_options) do Mongo::Client.canonicalize_ruby_options( SpecConfig.instance.all_test_options, ).update(monitoring_io: false) end let(:exception) do Mongo::Error::OperationFailure.new end let(:error) do # Speculative auth - would be reported as handshake failure expect(Mongo::Auth).to receive(:get).ordered.and_call_original # The actual authentication call expect(Mongo::Auth).to receive(:get).ordered.and_raise(exception) expect(connection.send(:socket)).to be nil begin connection.connect! rescue Exception => e e else nil end end let(:expected_message) do "MONGODB | Failed to authenticate to #{address}: #{error.class}: #{error}" end it_behaves_like 'failing connection' it_behaves_like 'logs a warning' end context 'when a non-Mongo exception is raised' do let(:exception) do SystemExit.new end let(:error) do expect_any_instance_of(Mongo::Server::PendingConnection).to receive(:authenticate!).and_raise(exception) begin connection.connect! rescue Exception => e e else nil end end it_behaves_like 'failing connection' end end context 'when a socket exists' do let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, server.options.merge(connection_pool: pool)) end let(:socket) do connection.send(:socket) end it 'keeps the socket alive' do expect(connection.connect!).to be true expect(connection.connect!).to be true expect(socket).to be_alive end it 'retains socket object' do expect(connection.connect!).to be true socket_id = connection.send(:socket).object_id expect(connection.connect!).to be true new_socket_id = connection.send(:socket).object_id expect(new_socket_id).to eq(socket_id) end end =begin These assertions require a working cluster with working SDAM flow, which the tests do not configure shared_examples_for 'does not disconnect connection pool' do it 'does not disconnect non-monitoring sockets' do allow(server).to receive(:pool).and_return(pool) expect(pool).not_to receive(:disconnect!) error end end shared_examples_for 'disconnects connection pool' do it 'disconnects non-monitoring sockets' do expect(server).to receive(:pool).at_least(:once).and_return(pool) expect(pool).to receive(:disconnect!).and_return(true) error end end =end let(:auth_mechanism) do if ClusterConfig.instance.server_version >= '3' Mongo::Auth::Scram else Mongo::Auth::CR end end context 'when user credentials exist' do require_no_external_user let(:server) { monitored_server } context 'when the user is not authorized' do let(:connection) do described_class.new( server, SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge( user: 'notauser', password: 'password', database: SpecConfig.instance.test_db, heartbeat_frequency: 30, connection_pool: pool, ) ) end let(:error) do begin connection.send(:connect!) rescue => ex ex else nil end end context 'not checking pool disconnection' do before do allow(cluster).to receive(:pool).with(server).and_return(pool) allow(pool).to receive(:disconnect!).and_return(true) end it 'raises an error' do expect(error).to be_a(Mongo::Auth::Unauthorized) end #it_behaves_like 'disconnects connection pool' it_behaves_like 'keeps server type and topology' end # need a separate context here, otherwise disconnect expectation # is ignored due to allowing disconnects in the other context context 'checking pool disconnection' do #it_behaves_like 'disconnects connection pool' end end context 'socket timeout during auth' do let(:connection) do described_class.new( server, SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge( :user => SpecConfig.instance.test_user.name, :password => SpecConfig.instance.test_user.password, :database => SpecConfig.instance.test_user.database ) ) end let(:error) do expect_any_instance_of(auth_mechanism).to receive(:login).and_raise(Mongo::Error::SocketTimeoutError) begin connection.send(:connect!) rescue => ex ex else nil end end it 'propagates the error' do expect(error).to be_a(Mongo::Error::SocketTimeoutError) end #it_behaves_like 'does not disconnect connection pool' it_behaves_like 'keeps server type and topology' end context 'non-timeout socket exception during auth' do let(:connection) do described_class.new( server, SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge( :user => SpecConfig.instance.test_user.name, :password => SpecConfig.instance.test_user.password, :database => SpecConfig.instance.test_user.database ) ) end let(:exception) do Mongo::Error::SocketError.new.tap do |exc| if server.load_balancer? allow(exc).to receive(:service_id).and_return('fake') end end end let(:error) do expect_any_instance_of(auth_mechanism).to receive(:login).and_raise(exception) begin connection.send(:connect!) rescue => ex ex else nil end end it 'propagates the error' do expect(error).to be_a(Mongo::Error::SocketError) end #it_behaves_like 'disconnects connection pool' it_behaves_like 'marks server unknown' end describe 'when the user is authorized' do let(:connection) do described_class.new( server, SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge( user: SpecConfig.instance.test_user.name, password: SpecConfig.instance.test_user.password, database: SpecConfig.instance.test_user.database, connection_pool: pool, ) ) end before do connection.connect! end it 'sets the connection as connected' do expect(connection).to be_connected end end end context 'connecting to arbiter' do require_topology :replica_set before(:all) do unless ENV['HAVE_ARBITER'] skip 'Test requires an arbiter in the deployment' end end let(:arbiter_server) do authorized_client.cluster.servers_list.each do |server| server.scan! end server = authorized_client.cluster.servers_list.detect do |server| server.arbiter? end.tap do |server| raise 'No arbiter in the deployment' unless server end end shared_examples_for 'does not authenticate' do let(:client) do new_local_client([address], SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge( :user => 'bogus', :password => 'bogus', :database => 'bogus' ).merge(connect: :direct), ) end let(:connection) do described_class.new( server, ) end let(:ping) do client.database.command(ping: 1) end it 'does not authenticate' do ClientRegistry.instance.close_all_clients expect_any_instance_of(Mongo::Server::Connection).not_to receive(:authenticate!) expect(ping.documents.first['ok']).to eq(1) rescue nil end end context 'without me mismatch' do let(:address) do arbiter_server.address.to_s end it_behaves_like 'does not authenticate' end context 'with me mismatch' do let(:address) do "#{ClusterConfig.instance.alternate_address.host}:#{arbiter_server.address.port}" end it_behaves_like 'does not authenticate' end end end describe '#disconnect!' do context 'when a socket is not connected' do let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, server.options.merge(connection_pool: pool)) end it 'does not raise an error' do expect(connection.disconnect!).to be true end end context 'when a socket is connected' do let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, server.options.merge(connection_pool: pool)) end before do connection.connect! connection.disconnect! end it 'disconnects the socket' do expect(connection.send(:socket)).to be_nil end end end describe '#dispatch' do let(:server) { monitored_server } let(:context) { Mongo::Operation::Context.new } let!(:connection) do described_class.new( server, SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge( database: SpecConfig.instance.test_user.database, connection_pool: pool, ).merge(Mongo::Utils.shallow_symbolize_keys(Mongo::Client.canonicalize_ruby_options( SpecConfig.instance.credentials_or_external_user( user: SpecConfig.instance.test_user.name, password: SpecConfig.instance.test_user.password, ), ))) ).tap do |connection| connection.connect! end end let(:documents) do [{ 'name' => 'testing' }] end let(:insert) do Mongo::Protocol::Insert.new(SpecConfig.instance.test_db, TEST_COLL, documents) end let(:query) do Mongo::Protocol::Query.new(SpecConfig.instance.test_db, TEST_COLL, { 'name' => 'testing' }) end context 'when providing a single message' do let(:reply) do connection.dispatch([ query ], context) end before do authorized_collection.delete_many authorized_collection.insert_one(name: 'testing') end it 'it dispatches the message to the socket' do expect(reply.documents.first['name']).to eq('testing') end end context 'when providing multiple messages' do let(:selector) do { :getlasterror => 1 } end let(:command) do Mongo::Protocol::Query.new(SpecConfig.instance.test_db, '$cmd', selector, :limit => -1) end let(:reply) do connection.dispatch([ insert, command ], context) end before do authorized_collection.delete_many end it 'raises ArgumentError' do expect do reply end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Can only dispatch one message at a time') end end context 'when the response_to does not match the request_id' do let(:documents) do [{ 'name' => 'bob' }, { 'name' => 'alice' }] end let(:insert) do Mongo::Protocol::Insert.new(SpecConfig.instance.test_db, TEST_COLL, documents) end let(:query_bob) do Mongo::Protocol::Query.new(SpecConfig.instance.test_db, TEST_COLL, { name: 'bob' }) end let(:query_alice) do Mongo::Protocol::Query.new(SpecConfig.instance.test_db, TEST_COLL, { name: 'alice' }) end before do authorized_collection.delete_many end before do connection.dispatch([ insert ], context) # Fake a query for which we did not read the response. See RUBY-1117 allow(query_bob).to receive(:replyable?) { false } connection.dispatch([ query_bob ], context) end it 'raises an UnexpectedResponse error' do expect { connection.dispatch([ query_alice ], context) }.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::UnexpectedResponse, /Got response for request ID \d+ but expected response for request ID \d+/) end it 'marks connection perished' do expect { connection.dispatch([ query_alice ], context) }.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::UnexpectedResponse) connection.should be_error end it 'makes the connection no longer usable' do expect { connection.dispatch([ query_alice ], context) }.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::UnexpectedResponse) expect { connection.dispatch([ query_alice ], context) }.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::ConnectionPerished) end end context 'when a request is interrupted (Thread.kill)' do require_no_required_api_version let(:documents) do [{ 'name' => 'bob' }, { 'name' => 'alice' }] end let(:insert) do Mongo::Protocol::Insert.new(SpecConfig.instance.test_db, TEST_COLL, documents) end let(:query_bob) do Mongo::Protocol::Query.new(SpecConfig.instance.test_db, TEST_COLL, { name: 'bob' }) end let(:query_alice) do Mongo::Protocol::Query.new(SpecConfig.instance.test_db, TEST_COLL, { name: 'alice' }) end before do authorized_collection.delete_many connection.dispatch([ insert ], context) end it 'closes the socket and does not use it for subsequent requests' do t = Thread.new { # Kill the thread just before the reply is read allow(Mongo::Protocol::Reply).to receive(:deserialize_header) { t.kill && !t.alive? } connection.dispatch([ query_bob ], context) } t.join allow(Mongo::Protocol::Message).to receive(:deserialize_header).and_call_original resp = connection.dispatch([ query_alice ], context) expect(resp.documents.first['name']).to eq('alice') end end context 'when the message exceeds the max size' do context 'when the message is an insert' do before do allow(connection).to receive(:max_message_size).and_return(200) end let(:documents) do [{ 'name' => 'testing' } ] * 10 end let(:reply) do connection.dispatch([ insert ], context) end it 'checks the size against the max message size' do expect { reply }.to raise_exception(Mongo::Error::MaxMessageSize) end end context 'when the message is a command' do # Server description is frozen when linting is enabled, which is # incompatible with expectations set on it in this test require_no_linting let(:selector) do # The driver allows up to 16KiB for command overhead on top of # the max bson object size reported by the server. # Add that much padding. { :getlasterror => '1', 'padding' => 'x'*16384 } end let(:command) do Mongo::Protocol::Query.new(SpecConfig.instance.test_db, '$cmd', selector, :limit => -1) end let(:reply) do connection.dispatch([ command ], context) end it 'checks the size against the max bson size' do # 100 works for non-x509 auth. # 10 is needed for x509 auth due to smaller payloads, apparently. expect_any_instance_of(Mongo::Server::Description).to receive( :max_bson_object_size).at_least(:once).and_return(10) expect do reply end.to raise_exception(Mongo::Error::MaxBSONSize) end end end context 'when a network error occurs' do let(:server) do authorized_client.cluster.next_primary.tap do |server| # to ensure the server stays in unknown state for the duration # of the test, i.e. to avoid racing with the monitor thread # which may put the server back into non-unknown state before # we can verify that the server was marked unknown, kill off # the monitor thread. unless ClusterConfig.instance.topology == :load_balanced server.monitor.instance_variable_get('@thread').kill end end end let(:socket) do connection.connect! connection.instance_variable_get(:@socket) end context 'when a non-timeout socket error occurs' do before do expect(socket).to receive(:write).and_raise(Mongo::Error::SocketError) end let(:result) do expect do connection.dispatch([ insert ], context) end.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::SocketError) end it 'marks connection perished' do result expect(connection).to be_error end context 'in load-balanced topology' do require_topology :load_balanced it 'disconnects connection pool for service id' do connection.service_id.should_not be nil RSpec::Mocks.with_temporary_scope do expect(server.pool).to receive(:disconnect!).with(service_id: connection.service_id) result end end it 'does not mark server unknown' do expect(server).not_to be_unknown result expect(server).not_to be_unknown end end context 'in non-lb topologies' do require_topology :single, :replica_set, :sharded it 'disconnects connection pool' do expect(server.pool).to receive(:disconnect!) result end it 'marks server unknown' do expect(server).not_to be_unknown result expect(server).to be_unknown end end it 'does not request server scan' do expect(server.scan_semaphore).not_to receive(:signal) result end end context 'when a socket timeout occurs' do before do expect(socket).to receive(:write).and_raise(Mongo::Error::SocketTimeoutError) end let(:result) do expect do connection.dispatch([ insert ], context) end.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::SocketTimeoutError) end it 'marks connection perished' do result expect(connection).to be_error end =begin These assertions require a working cluster with working SDAM flow, which the tests do not configure it 'does not disconnect connection pool' do expect(server.pool).not_to receive(:disconnect!) result end =end it 'does not mark server unknown' do expect(server).not_to be_unknown result expect(server).not_to be_unknown end end end context 'when a socket timeout is set on client' do let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, socket_timeout: 10) end it 'is propagated to connection timeout' do expect(connection.timeout).to eq(10) end end context 'when an operation never completes' do let(:client) do authorized_client.with(socket_timeout: 1.5, # Read retries would cause the reads to be attempted twice, # thus making the find take twice as long to time out. retry_reads: false, max_read_retries: 0) end before do authorized_collection.insert_one(test: 1) client.cluster.next_primary end it 'times out and raises SocketTimeoutError' do start = Time.now begin Timeout::timeout(1.5 + 15) do client[authorized_collection.name].find("$where" => "sleep(2000) || true").first end rescue => ex end_time = Time.now expect(ex).to be_a(Mongo::Error::SocketTimeoutError) expect(ex.message).to match(/Took more than 1.5 seconds to receive data/) else fail 'Expected a timeout' end # allow 1.5 seconds +- 0.5 seconds expect(end_time - start).to be_within(1).of(2) end context 'when the socket_timeout is negative' do let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, server.options.merge(connection_pool: pool)).tap do |connection| connection.connect! end end let(:message) do insert end before do expect(message).to receive(:replyable?) { false } connection.send(:deliver, message, context) connection.send(:socket).instance_variable_set(:@timeout, -(Time.now.to_i)) end let(:reply) do Mongo::Protocol::Message.deserialize(connection.send(:socket), 16*1024*1024, message.request_id) end it 'raises a timeout error' do expect { reply }.to raise_exception(Mongo::Error::SocketTimeoutError) end end end =begin this is now handled by connection pool context 'when the process is forked' do let(:insert) do Mongo::Protocol::Insert.new(SpecConfig.instance.test_db, TEST_COLL, documents) end before do authorized_collection.delete_many expect(Process).to receive(:pid).at_least(:once).and_return(1) end it 'disconnects the connection' do expect(connection).to receive(:disconnect!).and_call_original connection.dispatch([ insert ]) end it 'sets a new pid' do connection.dispatch([ insert ]) expect(connection.send(:pid)).to eq(1) end end =end end describe '#initialize' do context 'when host and port are provided' do let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, server.options.merge(connection_pool: pool)) end it 'sets the address' do expect(connection.address).to eq(server.address) end it 'sets id' do expect(connection.id).to eq(1) end context 'multiple connections' do it 'use incrementing ids' do expect(connection.id).to eq(1) second_connection = described_class.new(server, server.options.merge(connection_pool: pool)) expect(second_connection.id).to eq(2) end end context 'two pools for different servers' do let(:server2) do register_server( Mongo::Server.new(address, cluster, monitoring, listeners, server_options.merge( load_balancer: ClusterConfig.instance.topology == :load_balanced, ) ) ) end it 'ids do not share namespace' do server.pool.with_connection do |conn| expect(conn.id).to eq(1) end server2.pool.with_connection do |conn| expect(conn.id).to eq(1) end end end it 'sets the socket to nil' do expect(connection.send(:socket)).to be_nil end context 'when timeout is not set in client options' do let(:server_options) do SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge(monitoring_io: false, socket_timeout: nil) end it 'does not set the timeout to the default' do expect(connection.timeout).to be_nil end end end context 'when timeout options are provided' do let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, socket_timeout: 10) end it 'sets the timeout' do expect(connection.timeout).to eq(10) end end context 'when ssl options are provided' do let(:ssl_options) do { :ssl => true, :ssl_key => 'file', :ssl_key_pass_phrase => 'iamaphrase' } end let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, ssl_options) end it 'sets the ssl options' do expect(connection.send(:ssl_options)).to eq(ssl_options) end end context 'when ssl is false' do context 'when ssl options are provided' do let(:ssl_options) do { :ssl => false, :ssl_key => 'file', :ssl_key_pass_phrase => 'iamaphrase' } end let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, ssl_options) end it 'does not set the ssl options' do expect(connection.send(:ssl_options)).to eq(ssl: false) end end context 'when ssl options are not provided' do let(:ssl_options) do { :ssl => false } end let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, ssl_options) end it 'does not set the ssl options' do expect(connection.send(:ssl_options)).to eq(ssl: false) end end end context 'when authentication options are provided' do require_no_external_user let(:connection) do described_class.new( server, user: SpecConfig.instance.test_user.name, password: SpecConfig.instance.test_user.password, database: SpecConfig.instance.test_db, auth_mech: :mongodb_cr, connection_pool: pool, ) end let(:user) do Mongo::Auth::User.new( database: SpecConfig.instance.test_db, user: SpecConfig.instance.test_user.name, password: SpecConfig.instance.test_user.password ) end it 'sets the auth options' do expect(connection.options[:user]).to eq(user.name) end end end context 'when different timeout options are set' do let(:client) do authorized_client.with(options) end let(:server) do client.cluster.next_primary end let(:address) do server.address end let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, server.options.merge(connection_pool: pool)) end context 'when a connect_timeout is in the options' do context 'when a socket_timeout is in the options' do let(:options) do SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge(connect_timeout: 3, socket_timeout: 5) end before do connection.connect! end it 'uses the connect_timeout for the address' do expect(connection.address.options[:connect_timeout]).to eq(3) end it 'uses the socket_timeout as the socket_timeout' do expect(connection.send(:socket).timeout).to eq(5) end end context 'when a socket_timeout is not in the options' do let(:options) do SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge(connect_timeout: 3, socket_timeout: nil) end before do connection.connect! end it 'uses the connect_timeout for the address' do expect(connection.address.options[:connect_timeout]).to eq(3) end it 'does not use a socket_timeout' do expect(connection.send(:socket).timeout).to be(nil) end end end context 'when a connect_timeout is not in the options' do context 'when a socket_timeout is in the options' do let(:options) do SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge(connect_timeout: nil, socket_timeout: 5) end before do connection.connect! end it 'does not specify connect_timeout for the address' do expect(connection.address.options[:connect_timeout]).to be nil end it 'uses the socket_timeout' do expect(connection.send(:socket).timeout).to eq(5) end end context 'when a socket_timeout is not in the options' do let(:options) do SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge(connect_timeout: nil, socket_timeout: nil) end before do connection.connect! end it 'does not specify connect_timeout for the address' do expect(connection.address.options[:connect_timeout]).to be nil end it 'does not use a socket_timeout' do expect(connection.send(:socket).timeout).to be(nil) end end end end describe '#app_metadata' do context 'when all options are identical to server' do let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, server.options.merge(connection_pool: pool)) end it 'is the same object as server app_metadata' do expect(connection.app_metadata).not_to be nil expect(connection.app_metadata).to be server.app_metadata end end context 'when auth options are identical to server' do let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, server.options.merge(socket_timeout: 2, connection_pool: pool)) end it 'is the same object as server app_metadata' do expect(connection.app_metadata).not_to be nil expect(connection.app_metadata).to be server.app_metadata end end context 'when auth options differ from server' do require_no_external_user let(:connection) do described_class.new(server, server.options.merge(user: 'foo', connection_pool: pool)) end it 'is different object from server app_metadata' do expect(connection.app_metadata).not_to be nil expect(connection.app_metadata).not_to be server.app_metadata end it 'includes request auth mechanism' do document = connection.app_metadata.send(:document) expect(document[:saslSupportedMechs]).to eq('admin.foo') end end end describe '#generation' do context 'non-lb' do require_topology :single, :replica_set, :sharded it 'is set' do server.with_connection do |conn| conn.service_id.should be nil conn.generation.should be_a(Integer) end end context 'clean slate' do clean_slate it 'starts from 1' do server.with_connection do |conn| conn.service_id.should be nil conn.generation.should == 1 end end end end context 'lb' do require_topology :load_balanced it 'is set' do server.with_connection do |conn| conn.service_id.should_not be nil conn.generation.should be_a(Integer) end end context 'clean slate' do clean_slate it 'starts from 1' do server.with_connection do |conn| conn.service_id.should_not be nil conn.generation.should == 1 end end end end end end