class FlexSDK # Create a hash of configuration objects, some from config.yml, the rest figured out def config require 'yaml' config = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path(File.join((File.dirname(__FILE__)), "..", "config.yml"))) config_hash = config["flex-sdk"] # These variables are provided by config.yml sdk_ver = config_hash["sdk_ver"] vendor_path = config_hash["vendor_path"] cdn_path = config_hash["cdn_path"] # These variables are determined at runtime and combined into one hash sdk_name = "flex_sdk_" + sdk_ver config_hash["sdk_name"] = sdk_name sdk_zipfile = sdk_name + ".zip" config_hash["sdk_zipfile"] = sdk_zipfile config_hash["cdn_file"] = cdn_path + sdk_zipfile dest_dir = File.expand_path(File.join((File.dirname(__FILE__)), "..", vendor_path)) config_hash["dest_dir"] = dest_dir config_hash["dest_file"] = File.join(dest_dir, sdk_zipfile) config_hash["sdk_dir"] = File.join(dest_dir, sdk_name) config_hash end # Return the full path to the SDK dir, so other things/people can use it def sdk_dir config = self.config sdk_dir = config["sdk_dir"] end # Download the SDK zip file to the gem def download(config) dest_dir = config["dest_dir"] dest_file = config["dest_file"] cdn_file = config["cdn_file"] puts "\n" unless File.file?(dest_file) puts "Downloading SDK\n\tFrom:\t#{cdn_file}\n\tTo:\t#{dest_file}\n\n" `curl #{cdn_file} --create-dirs -o #{dest_file} ` if $?.to_i != 0 raise "Failed to download Flex SDK\n\n" end else puts "Won't download SDK, file #{dest_file} already exists" end end # Unzip the downloaded zip file into the target dir def unzip(config) sdk_dir = config["sdk_dir"] dest_file = config["dest_file"] puts "\n" unless puts "Unzipping SDK\n\tFrom:\t#{dest_file}\n\tTo:\t#{sdk_dir}/\n\n" `unzip #{dest_file} -d #{sdk_dir}` if $?.to_i != 0 raise "Failed to unzip Flex SDK\n\n" end else puts "Won't unzip SDK, directory #{sdk_dir}/ already exists\n\n" end end # Perform the copylocale step def copylocale(config) sdk_name = config["sdk_dir"] `#{sdk_dir}/bin/copylocale en_US en_NZ` unless $?.to_i != 0 puts "INFO: Process copylocale completed successfully" else raise "ERROR: Process copylocale FAILED" end end end