require 'nokogiri' module AllscriptsUnityClient class Client attr_accessor :client_driver def initialize(client_driver) raise ArgumentError, 'client_driver can not be nil' if client_driver.nil? @client_driver = client_driver end def options @client_driver.options end def magic(parameters = {}) @client_driver.magic(parameters) end def get_security_token!(parameters = {}) @client_driver.get_security_token!(parameters) end def retire_security_token!(parameters = {}) @client_driver.retire_security_token!(parameters) end def security_token? @client_driver.security_token? end def client_type @client_driver.client_type end def commit_charges raise NotImplementedError, 'CommitCharges magic action not implemented' end def echo(echo_text) magic_parameters = { action: 'Echo', userid: echo_text, appname: echo_text, patientid: echo_text, parameter1: echo_text, parameter2: echo_text, parameter3: echo_text, parameter4: echo_text, parameter5: echo_text, parameter6: echo_text } response = magic(magic_parameters) response[:userid] end def get_account raise NotImplementedError, 'GetAccount magic action not implemented' end def get_changed_patients(since = nil) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetChangedPatients', parameter1: since } magic(magic_parameters) end def get_charge_info_by_username raise NotImplementedError, 'GetChargeInfoByUsername magic action not implemented' end def get_charges raise NotImplementedError, 'GetCharges magic action not implemented' end def get_chart_item_details(userid, patientid, section) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetChartItemDetails', userid: userid, patientid: patientid, parameter1: section } magic(magic_parameters) end def get_clinical_summary(userid, patientid) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetClinicalSummary', userid: userid, patientid: patientid } response = magic(magic_parameters) unless response.is_a?(Array) response = [ response ] end response end def get_delegates raise NotImplementedError, 'GetDelegates magic action not implemented' end def get_dictionary(dictionary_name, userid = nil, site = nil) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetDictionary', userid: userid, parameter1: dictionary_name, parameter2: site } response = magic(magic_parameters) unless response.is_a?(Array) response = [ response ] end response end def get_dictionary_sets raise NotImplementedError, 'GetDictionarySets magic action not implemented' end def get_doc_template raise NotImplementedError, 'GetDocTemplate magic action not implemented' end def get_document_by_accession raise NotImplementedError, 'GetDocumentByAccession magic action not implemented' end def get_document_image raise NotImplementedError, 'GetDocumentImage magic action not implemented' end def get_documents raise NotImplementedError, 'GetDocuments magic action not implemented' end def get_document_type raise NotImplementedError, 'GetDocumentType magic action not implemented' end def get_dur raise NotImplementedError, 'GetDUR magic action not implemented' end def get_encounter raise NotImplementedError, 'GetEncounter magic action not implemented' end def get_encounter_date raise NotImplementedError, 'GetEncounterDate magic action not implemented' end def get_encounter_list(userid, patientid, encounter_type, when_param = nil, nostradamus = nil, show_past_flag = nil, billing_provider_user_name = nil) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetEncounterList', userid: userid, patientid: patientid, parameter1: encounter_type, parameter2: when_param, parameter3: nostradamus, parameter4: show_past_flag, parameter5: billing_provider_user_name } response = magic(magic_parameters) unless response.is_a?(Array) response = [ response ] end # Remove nil encounters response.delete_if do |value| value[:id] == '0' && value[:patientid] == '0' end end def get_hie_document raise NotImplementedError, 'GetHIEDocument magic action not implemented' end def get_last_patient raise NotImplementedError, 'GetLastPatient magic action not implemented' end def get_list_of_dictionaries raise NotImplementedError, 'GetListOfDictionaries magic action not implemented' end def get_medication_by_trans_id(userid, patientid, transaction_id) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetMedicationByTransID', userid: userid, patientid: patientid, parameter1: transaction_id } magic(magic_parameters) end def get_medication_info(userid, ddid, patientid = nil) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetMedicationInfo', userid: userid, patientid: patientid, parameter1: ddid } magic(magic_parameters) end def get_order_history raise NotImplementedError, 'GetOrderHistory magic action not implemented' end def get_organization_id raise NotImplementedError, 'GetOrganizationID magic action not implemented' end def get_packages raise NotImplementedError, 'GetPackages magic action not implemented' end def get_patient(userid, patientid, includepix = nil) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetPatient', userid: userid, patientid: patientid, parameter1: includepix } magic(magic_parameters) end def get_patient_activity(userid, patientid) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetPatientActivity', userid: userid, patientid: patientid } magic(magic_parameters) end def get_patient_by_mrn raise NotImplementedError, 'GetPatientByMRN magic action not implemented' end def get_patient_cda raise NotImplementedError, 'GetPatientCDA magic action not implemented' end def get_patient_diagnosis raise NotImplementedError, 'GetPatientDiagnosis magic action not implemented' end def get_patient_full raise NotImplementedError, 'GetPatientFull magic action not implemented' end def get_patient_ids raise NotImplementedError, 'GetPatientIDs magic action not implemented' end def get_patient_list raise NotImplementedError, 'GetPatientList magic action not implemented' end def get_patient_locations raise NotImplementedError, 'GetPatientLocations magic action not implemented' end def get_patient_pharmacies raise NotImplementedError, 'GetPatientPharmacies magic action not implemented' end def get_patient_problems(patientid, show_by_encounter_flag = nil, assessed = nil, encounter_id = nil, medcin_id = nil) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetPatientProblems', patientid: patientid, parameter1: show_by_encounter_flag, parameter2: assessed, parameter3: encounter_id, parameter4: medcin_id } response = magic(magic_parameters) unless response.is_a?(Array) response = [ response ] end response end def get_patients_by_icd9(icd9, start = nil, end_param = nil) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetPatientsByICD9', parameter1: icd9, parameter2: start, parameter3: end_param } magic(magic_parameters) end def get_patient_sections raise NotImplementedError, 'GetPatientSections magic action not implemented' end def get_procedures raise NotImplementedError, 'GetProcedures magic action not implemented' end def get_provider(provider_id = nil, user_name = nil) if provider_id.nil? && user_name.nil? raise ArgumentError, 'provider_id or user_name must be given' end magic_parameters = { action: 'GetProvider', parameter1: provider_id, parameter2: user_name } magic(magic_parameters) end def get_providers(security_filter = nil, name_filter = nil) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetProviders', parameter1: security_filter, parameter2: name_filter } response = magic(magic_parameters) unless response.is_a?(Array) response = [ response ] end response end def get_ref_providers_by_specialty raise NotImplementedError, 'GetRefProvidersBySpecialty magic action not implemented' end def get_rounding_list_entries raise NotImplementedError, 'GetRoundingListEntries magic action not implemented' end def get_rounding_lists raise NotImplementedError, 'GetRoundingLists magic action not implemented' end def get_rx_favs raise NotImplementedError, 'GetRXFavs magic action not implemented' end def get_schedule raise NotImplementedError, 'GetSchedule magic action not implemented' end def get_server_info magic_parameters = { action: 'GetServerInfo' } magic(magic_parameters) end def get_sigs raise NotImplementedError, 'GetSigs magic action not implemented' end def get_task(userid, transaction_id) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetTask', userid: userid, parameter1: transaction_id } magic(magic_parameters) end def get_task_list(userid = nil, since = nil, delegated = nil) magic_parameters = { action: 'GetTaskList', userid: userid, parameter1: since, parameter4: delegated } response = magic(magic_parameters) unless response.is_a?(Array) response = [ response ] end response end def get_user_authentication raise NotImplementedError, 'GetUserAuthentication magic action not implemented' end def get_user_id raise NotImplementedError, 'GetUserID magic action not implemented' end def get_user_security raise NotImplementedError, 'GetUserSecurity magic action not implemented' end def get_vaccine_manufacturers raise NotImplementedError, 'GetVaccineManufacturers magic action not implemented' end def get_vitals raise NotImplementedError, 'GetVitals magic action not implemented' end def last_logs magic_parameters = { action: 'LastLogs' } magic(magic_parameters) end def make_task raise NotImplementedError, 'MakeTask magic action not implemented' end def save_admin_task raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveAdminTask magic action not implemented' end def save_allergy raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveAllergy magic action not implemented' end def save_ced raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveCED magic action not implemented' end def save_charge raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveCharge magic action not implemented' end def save_chart_view_audit raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveChartViewAudit magic action not implemented' end def save_diagnosis raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveDiagnosis magic action not implemented' end def save_document_image raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveDocumentImage magic action not implemented' end def save_er_note raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveERNote magic action not implemented' end def save_hie_document raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveHIEDocument magic action not implemented' end def save_history raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveHistory magic action not implemented' end def save_immunization raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveImmunization magic action not implemented' end def save_note raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveNote magic action not implemented' end def save_patient raise NotImplementedError, 'SavePatient magic action not implemented' end def save_patient_location raise NotImplementedError, 'SavePatientLocation magic action not implemented' end def save_problem raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveProblem magic action not implemented' end def save_problems_data raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveProblemsData magic action not implemented' end def save_ref_provider raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveRefProvider magic action not implemented' end def save_result raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveResult magic action not implemented' end def save_rx(userid, patientid, rxxml) # Generate XML structure for rxxml builder = do |xml| xml.saverx { xml.field('name' => 'transid', 'value' => rxxml[:transid]) unless rxxml[:transid].nil? xml.field('name' => 'PharmID', 'value' => rxxml[:pharmid]) unless rxxml[:pharmid].nil? xml.field('name' => 'DDI', 'value' => rxxml[:ddi]) unless rxxml[:ddi].nil? xml.field('name' => 'GPPCCode', 'value' => rxxml[:gppccode]) unless rxxml[:gppccode].nil? xml.field('name' => 'GPPCText', 'value' => rxxml[:gppctext]) unless rxxml[:gppctext].nil? xml.field('name' => 'GPPCCustom', 'value' => rxxml[:gppccustom]) unless rxxml[:gppccustom].nil? xml.field('name' => 'Sig', 'value' => rxxml[:sig]) unless rxxml[:sig].nil? xml.field('name' => 'QuanPresc', 'value' => rxxml[:quanpresc]) unless rxxml[:quanpresc].nil? xml.field('name' => 'Refills', 'value' => rxxml[:refills]) unless rxxml[:refills].nil? xml.field('name' => 'DAW', 'value' => rxxml[:daw]) unless rxxml[:daw].nil? xml.field('name' => 'DaysSupply', 'value' => rxxml[:dayssupply]) unless rxxml[:dayssupply].nil? xml.field('name' => 'startdate', 'value' => utc_to_local(Date.parse(rxxml[:startdate].to_s))) unless rxxml[:startdate].nil? xml.field('name' => 'historicalflag', 'value' => rxxml[:historicalflag]) unless rxxml[:historicalflag].nil? xml.field('name' => 'rxaction', 'value' => rxxml[:rxaction]) unless rxxml[:rxaction].nil? xml.field('name' => 'delivery', 'value' => rxxml[:delivery]) unless rxxml[:delivery].nil? xml.field('name' => 'ignorepharmzero', 'value' => rxxml[:ignorepharmzero]) unless rxxml[:ignorepharmzero].nil? xml.field('name' => 'orderedbyid', 'value' => rxxml[:orderedbyid]) unless rxxml[:orderedbyid].nil? xml.field('name' => 'newqty', 'value' => rxxml[:newqty]) unless rxxml[:newqty].nil? xml.field('name' => 'newrefills', 'value' => rxxml[:newrefills]) unless rxxml[:newrefills].nil? xml.field('name' => 'comments', 'value' => rxxml[:comments]) unless rxxml[:comments].nil? } end magic_parameters = { action: 'SaveRX', userid: userid, patientid: patientid, parameter1: nokogiri_to_string(builder) } magic(magic_parameters) end def save_simple_encounter raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveSimpleEncounter magic action not implemented' end def save_simple_rx raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveSimpleRX magic action not implemented' end def save_specialist raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveSpecialist magic action not implemented' end def save_task(userid, patientid, task_type = nil, target_user = nil, work_object_id = nil, comments = nil) if task_type.nil? && target_user.nil? && work_object_id.nil? && comments.nil? raise ArugmentError, 'task_type, target_user, work_object_id, and comments can not all be nil' end magic_parameters = { action: 'SaveTask', userid: userid, patientid: patientid, parameter1: task_type, parameter2: target_user, parameter3: work_object_id, parameter4: comments } magic(magic_parameters) end def save_task_status(userid, transaction_id = nil, status = nil, delegate_id = nil, comment = nil, taskchanges = nil) if transaction_id.nil? && param.nil? && delegate_id.nil? && comment.nil? raise ArugmentError, 'task_type, target_user, work_object_id, and comments can not all be nil' end # Generate XML structure for rxxml builder = do |xml| xml.taskchanges { xml.refills('value' => taskchanges[:refills]) unless taskchanges.nil? || taskchanges[:refills].nil? xml.days('value' => taskchanges[:days]) unless taskchanges.nil? || taskchanges[:days].nil? xml.qty('value' => taskchanges[:qty]) unless taskchanges.nil? || taskchanges[:qty].nil? xml.tasktype('value' => taskchanges[:tasktype]) unless taskchanges.nil? || taskchanges[:tasktype].nil? xml.delegated('value' => taskchanges[:delegated]) unless taskchanges.nil? || taskchanges[:delegated].nil? } end magic_parameters = { action: 'SaveTaskStatus', userid: userid, parameter1: transaction_id, parameter2: status, parameter3: delegate_id, parameter4: comment, parameter6: nokogiri_to_string(builder) } magic(magic_parameters) end def save_tiff raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveTiff magic action not implemented' end def save_unstructured_document raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveUnstructuredDocument magic action not implemented' end def save_v10_doc_signature raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveV10DocSignature magic action not implemented' end def save_v11_note raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveV11Note magic action not implemented' end def save_vitals raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveVitals magic action not implemented' end def save_vitals_data raise NotImplementedError, 'SaveVitalsData magic action not implemented' end def search_charge_codes raise NotImplementedError, 'SearchChargeCodes magic action not implemented' end def search_diagnosis_codes raise NotImplementedError, 'SearchDiagnosisCodes magic action not implemented' end def search_meds(userid, patientid, search = nil) magic_parameters = { action: 'SearchMeds', userid: userid, patientid: patientid, parameter1: search } response = magic(magic_parameters) unless response.is_a?(Array) response = [ response ] end response end def search_patients(search) magic_parameters = { action: 'SearchPatients', parameter1: search } magic(magic_parameters) end def search_patients_rxhub5 raise NotImplementedError, 'SearchPatientsRXHub5 magic action not implemented' end def search_pharmacies(search) magic_parameters = { action: 'SearchPharmacies', parameter1: search } magic(magic_parameters) end def search_problem_codes raise NotImplementedError, 'SearchProblemCodes magic action not implemented' end def update_encounter raise NotImplementedError, 'UpdateEncounter magic action not implemented' end def update_order raise NotImplementedError, 'UpdateOrder magic action not implemented' end def update_referral_order_status raise NotImplementedError, 'UpdateReferralOrderStatus magic action not implemented' end private def nokogiri_to_string(builder) builder.to_xml(save_with: Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::AS_XML | Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::NO_DECLARATION).strip end end end