# # OverSIP - Proxies configuration. # # # IMPORTANT: # This is a YAML [1] format configuration file. DON'T USE tab for indentation # as it's not allowed and would raise unexpected errors. Instead, respect # the existing indentation spaces. # [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML # Default proxy configuration. # default_proxy: # Loose-Routing. # For initial INVITE, SUBSCRIBE and REFER requests the proxy adds Record-Route header(s). # For REGISTER requests the proxy adds Path header(s). # By default _yes_. # do_loose_routing: yes # Enable DNS cache. By default _yes_. # use_dns_cache: yes # DNS cache time (in seconds). A DNS result is removed from the cache after the given time. # Minimum value is 300. Default value is 300. # dns_cache_time: 300 # Use DNS NAPTR. If set, NAPTR query is performed when URI host is a domain, has no port nor # ;transport param. # Default value is _yes_. # use_naptr: yes # Use DNS SRV. If set, SRV query is performed when URI host is a domain and has no port, # If this is set to _no_ then _use_naptr_ is also set to _no_. # Default value is _yes_. # use_srv: yes # Transport preference. The list of supported transports in order of preference. # When there is NAPTR record, its SRV records are tryed in this order just in the case # _force_transport_preference_ is _yes_. # If there is not NAPTR record, SRV records are then tryed in this order. # Valid transports are "udp", "tcp" and "tls". # Default value is ["tls", "tcp", "udp"] (first try "tls"). # transport_preference: ["tls", "tcp", "udp"] # Force transport preference. If _no_, transport preference is taken from NAPTR records # (when present). If _yes_, transport preferences are taken from transport_preference # parameter even for NAPTR records. # Default value is _no_. # force_transport_preference: no # IP type preference. When both IPv4 and IPv6 are available, this parameter determines # whether to try first DNS A or AAAA queries. It also determines the IP type this proxy # is allowed to use for routing requests. # Valid IP types are "ipv4" and "ipv6". # Default value is ["ipv4", "ipv6"] (first try "ipv4"). # ip_type_preference: ["ipv4", "ipv6"] # DNS failover on received 503. # RFC 3261 section 16.7 "Response Processing" states that a proxy receiving a 503 MUST # convert it into a 500 (unless certain cases). We make it optional. # Default value is _yes_. # dns_failover_on_503: yes # INVITE transaction timeout timer (in seconds). # Time waiting for a provisional or final response. # Minimum value is 2, maximum value is 64. # Default value is 32. # timer_B: 32 # Proxy INVITE transaction timeout timer (in seconds). # Time waiting for a final response. # Minimum value is 8, maximum value is 180. # Default value is 120. # timer_C: 120 # Non-INVITE transaction timeout timer (in seconds). # Time waiting for a final response. # Minimum value is 2, maximum value is 64. # Default value is 32. # timer_F: 32 # Validate TLS certificate from the contacted server (just when using TLS transport). # If set to _yes_, the contacted server MUST present a valid certificate. The connection # will be inmediately closed otherwise and a 500 error locally generated. # NOTE: This does not match the SIP request destination host agains the hosts asserted by # the certificate. This just performs TLS certificate pure validation. # Default value is _no_. tls_validation: no # Proxy configuration for routing in-dialog requests. # proxy_in_dialog: use_dns: yes use_dns_cache: yes dns_cache_time: 300 use_naptr: no use_srv: no timer_B: 32 timer_C: 60 timer_F: 32 # Proxy configuration for routing initial requests to clients. proxy_to_users: use_dns: no dns_failover_on_503: no timer_B: 32 timer_F: 32 # Proxy configuration for routing initial requests to the external world. proxy_out: dns_failover_on_503: yes timer_B: 6 timer_C: 60 timer_F: 6 # Add your own proxy configurations here.