module Xeroizer module Record module ApplicationHelper # Factory for new BaseModel instances with the class name `record_type`. # Only creates the instance if one doesn't already exist. # # @param [Symbol] record_type Symbol of the record type (e.g. :Invoice) # @return [BaseModel] instance of BaseModel subclass matching `record_type` def record(record_type) define_method record_type do var_name = "@#{record_type}_cache".to_sym unless instance_variable_defined?(var_name) instance_variable_set(var_name, Xeroizer::Record.const_get("#{record_type}Model".to_sym).new(self, record_type.to_s)) end instance_variable_get(var_name) end end def report(report_type) define_method report_type do var_name = "@#{report_type}_cache".to_sym unless instance_variable_defined?(var_name) instance_variable_set(var_name,, report_type.to_s)) end instance_variable_get(var_name) end end end end end