Feature: http://rspec.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16211/tickets/600-inconsistent-order-of-execution-background-and-before-in-070beta2 Scenario: Background executed twice when scenario follows scenario outline Given a standard Cucumber project directory structure And a file named "features/t.feature" with: """ Feature: test Background: Given I am in the background Scenario Outline: test 1 Given I am a step Examples: | a | | 1 | Scenario: test 2 """ And a file named "features/step_definitions/t_steps.rb" with: """ Given "I am in the background" do puts "Within background" end Given "I am a step" do # no-op end """ And a file named "features/support/env.rb" with: """ module TestWorld def before_scenario puts "Before scenario" end def after_scenario puts "After scenario" end end World(TestWorld) Before do before_scenario end After do after_scenario end """ When I run cucumber -f progress features/t.feature Then it should pass with """ Before scenario Within background .-- After scenario Before scenario Within background . After scenario 2 scenarios (2 passed) 3 steps (3 passed) """