# # Author:: Bryan McLellan (btm@loftninjas.org) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Bryan McLellan # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Ohai.plugin(:Virtualization) do provides "virtualization" depends "dmi" require_relative "../../mixin/dmi_decode" include Ohai::Mixin::DmiDecode collect_data(:freebsd, :openbsd, :netbsd, :dragonflybsd) do virtualization Mash.new unless virtualization virtualization[:systems] ||= Mash.new # detect when in a jail or when a jail is actively running (not in stopped state) so = shell_out("sysctl -n security.jail.jailed") if so.stdout.split($/)[0].to_i == 1 virtualization[:system] = "jail" virtualization[:role] = "guest" virtualization[:systems][:jail] = "guest" logger.trace("Plugin Virtualization: Guest running in FreeBSD jail detected") end # run jls to get a list of running jails # -n: name=value 1 line per jail format # -d: list the dying jails as well as active jails so = shell_out("jls -nd") if (so.stdout || "").lines.count >= 1 virtualization[:system] = "jail" virtualization[:role] = "host" virtualization[:systems][:jail] = "host" logger.trace("Plugin Virtualization: Host running FreeBSD jails detected") end # detect from modules so = shell_out(Ohai.abs_path("/sbin/kldstat").to_s) so.stdout.lines do |line| case line when /vboxdrv/ virtualization[:system] = "vbox" virtualization[:role] = "host" virtualization[:systems][:vbox] = "host" logger.trace("Plugin Virtualization: Guest running on VirtualBox detected") when /vboxguest/ virtualization[:system] = "vbox" virtualization[:role] = "guest" virtualization[:systems][:vbox] = "guest" logger.trace("Plugin Virtualization: Host running VirtualBox detected") end end # Detect bhyve by presence of /dev/vmm if File.exist?("/dev/vmm") virtualization[:system] = "bhyve" virtualization[:role] = "host" virtualization[:systems][:bhyve] = "host" logger.trace("Plugin Virtualization: Host running bhyve detected") end # Detect KVM/QEMU paravirt guests from cpu, report as KVM # hw.model: QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.1 so = shell_out("sysctl -n hw.model") if /QEMU Virtual CPU|KVM processor/.match?(so.stdout) virtualization[:system] = "kvm" virtualization[:role] = "guest" virtualization[:systems][:kvm] = "guest" logger.trace("Plugin Virtualization: Guest running on KVM detected") end # gather hypervisor of guests from sysctl kern.vm_guest # there are a limited number of hypervisors detected here, BUT it doesn't # require dmidecode to be installed and dmidecode isn't in freebsd out of the box so = shell_out("sysctl -n kern.vm_guest") hypervisor = case so.stdout when /vmware/ "vmware" when /hv/ "hyperv" when /xen/ "xen" when /kvm/ so = shell_out("sysctl -n kern.hostuuid") /^ec2/.match?(so.stdout) ? "amazonec2" : "kvm" when /bhyve/ "bhyve" end if hypervisor virtualization[:system] = hypervisor virtualization[:role] = "guest" virtualization[:systems][hypervisor.to_sym] = "guest" logger.trace("Plugin Virtualization: Guest running on #{hypervisor} detected") end # parse dmi to discover various virtualization guests guest = guest_from_dmi_data(get_attribute(:dmi, :system, :manufacturer), get_attribute(:dmi, :system, :product), get_attribute(:dmi, :system, :version)) if guest logger.trace("Plugin Virtualization: DMI data indicates #{guest} guest") virtualization[:system] = guest virtualization[:role] = "guest" virtualization[:systems][guest.to_sym] = "guest" end end end