$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) # For use/testing when no gem is installed # core require 'stringio' require 'logger' # stdlib require 'syslog' # internal requires require 'god/errors' require 'god/logger' require 'god/system/process' require 'god/dependency_graph' require 'god/timeline' require 'god/configurable' require 'god/task' require 'god/behavior' require 'god/behaviors/clean_pid_file' require 'god/behaviors/notify_when_flapping' require 'god/condition' require 'god/conditions/process_running' require 'god/conditions/process_exits' require 'god/conditions/tries' require 'god/conditions/memory_usage' require 'god/conditions/cpu_usage' require 'god/conditions/always' require 'god/conditions/lambda' require 'god/conditions/degrading_lambda' require 'god/conditions/flapping' require 'god/conditions/http_response_code' require 'god/contact' require 'god/contacts/email' require 'god/socket' require 'god/timer' require 'god/hub' require 'god/metric' require 'god/watch' require 'god/trigger' require 'god/event_handler' require 'god/registry' require 'god/process' require 'god/sugar' $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. ext god]) LOG = God::Logger.new LOG.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S " # The $run global determines whether god should be started when the # program would normally end. This should be set to true if when god # should be started (e.g. `god -c <config file>`) and false otherwise # (e.g. `god status`) $run ||= nil GOD_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) begin Syslog.open('god') rescue RuntimeError Syslog.reopen('god') end # Return the binding of god's root level def root_binding binding end God::EventHandler.load module Kernel alias_method :abort_orig, :abort def abort(text = nil) $run = false LOG.log(nil, :error, text) if text text ? abort_orig(text) : exit(1) end alias_method :exit_orig, :exit def exit(code = 0) $run = false exit_orig(code) end end class Module def safe_attr_accessor(*args) args.each do |arg| define_method((arg.to_s + "=").intern) do |other| if !self.running && self.inited abort "God.#{arg} must be set before any Tasks are defined" end if self.running && self.inited LOG.log(nil, :warn, "God.#{arg} can't be set while god is running") return end instance_variable_set(('@' + arg.to_s).intern, other) end define_method(arg) do instance_variable_get(('@' + arg.to_s).intern) end end end end module God VERSION = '0.5.0' LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT = 1000 PID_FILE_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT = '/var/run/god' DRB_PORT_DEFAULT = 17165 DRB_ALLOW_DEFAULT = [''] class << self # user configurable safe_attr_accessor :host, :port, :allow, :log_buffer_size, :pid_file_directory # internal attr_accessor :inited, :running, :pending_watches, :pending_watch_states, :server, :watches, :groups, :contacts, :contact_groups end # initialize class instance variables self.host = nil self.port = nil self.allow = nil self.log_buffer_size = nil self.pid_file_directory = nil def self.internal_init # only do this once return if self.inited # variable init self.watches = {} self.groups = {} self.pending_watches = [] self.pending_watch_states = {} self.contacts = {} self.contact_groups = {} # set defaults self.log_buffer_size ||= LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT self.pid_file_directory ||= PID_FILE_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT self.port ||= DRB_PORT_DEFAULT self.allow ||= DRB_ALLOW_DEFAULT LOG.level = Logger::INFO # init has been executed self.inited = true # not yet running self.running = false end # Instantiate a new, empty Watch object and pass it to the mandatory # block. The attributes of the watch will be set by the configuration # file. def self.watch(&block) self.task(Watch, &block) end # Instantiate a new, empty Task object and pass it to the mandatory # block. The attributes of the task will be set by the configuration # file. def self.task(klass = Task) self.internal_init t = klass.new yield(t) # do the post-configuration t.prepare # if running, completely remove the watch (if necessary) to # prepare for the reload existing_watch = self.watches[t.name] if self.running && existing_watch self.pending_watch_states[existing_watch.name] = existing_watch.state self.unwatch(existing_watch) end # ensure the new watch has a unique name if self.watches[t.name] || self.groups[t.name] abort "Task name '#{t.name}' already used for a Task or Group" end # ensure watch is internally valid t.valid? || abort("Task '#{t.name}' is not valid (see above)") # add to list of watches self.watches[t.name] = t # add to pending watches self.pending_watches << t # add to group if specified if t.group # ensure group name hasn't been used for a watch already if self.watches[t.group] abort "Group name '#{t.group}' already used for a Task" end self.groups[t.group] ||= [] self.groups[t.group] << t end # register watch t.register! # log if self.running && existing_watch LOG.log(t, :info, "#{t.name} Reloaded config") elsif self.running LOG.log(t, :info, "#{t.name} Loaded config") end end def self.unwatch(watch) # unmonitor watch.unmonitor unless watch.state == :unmonitored # unregister watch.unregister! # remove from watches self.watches.delete(watch.name) # remove from groups if watch.group self.groups[watch.group].delete(watch) end end def self.contact(kind) self.internal_init # create the condition begin c = Contact.generate(kind) rescue NoSuchContactError => e abort e.message end # send to block so config can set attributes yield(c) if block_given? # call prepare on the contact c.prepare # remove existing contacts of same name existing_contact = self.contacts[c.name] if self.running && existing_contact self.uncontact(existing_contact) end # ensure the new contact has a unique name if self.contacts[c.name] || self.contact_groups[c.name] abort "Contact name '#{c.name}' already used for a Contact or Contact Group" end # abort if the Contact is invalid, the Contact will have printed # out its own error messages by now unless Contact.valid?(c) && c.valid? abort "Exiting on invalid contact" end # add to list of contacts self.contacts[c.name] = c # add to contact group if specified if c.group # ensure group name hasn't been used for a contact already if self.contacts[c.group] abort "Contact Group name '#{c.group}' already used for a Contact" end self.contact_groups[c.group] ||= [] self.contact_groups[c.group] << c end end def self.uncontact(contact) self.contacts.delete(contact.name) if contact.group self.contact_groups[contact.group].delete(contact) end end def self.control(name, command) # get the list of watches watches = Array(self.watches[name] || self.groups[name]) jobs = [] # do the command case command when "start", "monitor" watches.each { |w| jobs << Thread.new { w.monitor if w.state != :up } } when "restart" watches.each { |w| jobs << Thread.new { w.move(:restart) } } when "stop" watches.each { |w| jobs << Thread.new { w.unmonitor.action(:stop) if w.state != :unmonitored } } when "unmonitor" watches.each { |w| jobs << Thread.new { w.unmonitor if w.state != :unmonitored } } else raise InvalidCommandError.new end jobs.each { |j| j.join } watches.map { |x| x.name } end def self.stop_all self.watches.sort.each do |name, w| Thread.new do w.unmonitor if w.state != :unmonitored w.action(:stop) if w.alive? end end 10.times do return true unless self.watches.map { |name, w| w.alive? }.any? sleep 1 end return false end def self.terminate exit!(0) end def self.status info = {} self.watches.map do |name, w| info[name] = {:state => w.state} end info end def self.running_log(watch_name, since) unless self.watches[watch_name] raise NoSuchWatchError.new end LOG.watch_log_since(watch_name, since) end def self.running_load(code, filename) errors = "" watches = [] begin LOG.start_capture eval(code, root_binding, filename) self.pending_watches.each do |w| if previous_state = self.pending_watch_states[w.name] w.monitor unless previous_state == :unmonitored else w.monitor if w.autostart? end end watches = self.pending_watches.dup self.pending_watches.clear self.pending_watch_states.clear rescue Exception => e # don't ever let running_load take down god errors << LOG.finish_capture unless e.instance_of?(SystemExit) errors << e.message << "\n" errors << e.backtrace.join("\n") end end names = watches.map { |x| x.name } [names, errors] end def self.load(glob) Dir[glob].each do |f| Kernel.load f end end def self.setup # Make pid directory unless test(?d, self.pid_file_directory) begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(self.pid_file_directory) rescue Errno::EACCES => e abort "Failed to create pid file directory: #{e.message}" end end end def self.validater unless test(?w, self.pid_file_directory) abort "The pid file directory (#{self.pid_file_directory}) is not writable by #{Etc.getlogin}" end end def self.start self.internal_init self.setup self.validater # instantiate server self.server = Socket.new(self.port) # start event handler system EventHandler.start if EventHandler.loaded? # start the timer system Timer.get # start monitoring any watches set to autostart self.watches.values.each { |w| w.monitor if w.autostart? } # clear pending watches self.pending_watches.clear # mark as running self.running = true # join the timer thread so we don't exit Timer.get.join end def self.at_exit self.start end end at_exit do God.at_exit if $run end