{:uriI"Üfile:///Library/WebServer/Documents/work/fine/_fae/app/assets/javascripts/fae/navigation/_subnavHighlighter.js?type=application/javascript&pipeline=self&id=f5b016d5698d9464c61abaa311e4be021caeb8ed514a64349a35e1669ce6f5af:ET:load_pathI"G/Library/WebServer/Documents/work/fine/_fae/app/assets/javascripts;T: filenameI"l/Library/WebServer/Documents/work/fine/_fae/app/assets/javascripts/fae/navigation/_subnavHighlighter.js;T: nameI"&fae/navigation/_subnavHighlighter;T:logical_pathI".fae/navigation/_subnavHighlighter.self.js;T:content_typeI"application/javascript;T: sourceI"2 /* global Fae, FCH */ 'use strict'; /** * Fae navigation subnav highlighter * @namespace navigation.subnavHighlighter * @memberof navigation */ Fae.navigation.subnavHighlighter = { sectionClass: '.main_content-section', init: function() { //only run everything if there is a subnav area if (FCH.exists('.main_content-header-section-links')) { this.FCHListeners(); //makes the subnav clicks this.anchorClickListener(); // need to add more padding to the bottom to help the scrolling $(this.sectionClass).last().css('min-height', FCH.$window.height()); } }, /** * Since subnavHighlighter is not a direct child of Fae and therefore unknown to FCH, these listeners are saved in private functions in this method */ FCHListeners: function() { var _this = this; /** * On scroll, change highlight of nav item. Bread and butter of this subclass. * @access private */ var scrollCallback = function() { var active_class = 'main_content-header-section-links-active'; $(_this.sectionClass).each(function(index) { var $this = $(this); var position = $this.position().top - 28 - FCH.$window.scrollTop(); var $link = $('a[href=#' + $this.attr('id') + ']').parent(); $link.removeClass(active_class); if (position <= 0 || index === 0) { $link.addClass('js-highligher'); } }); $('.js-highligher').last().addClass(active_class).removeClass('js-highligher'); }; FCH.scroll.push(scrollCallback); //highlight the first one on page load scrollCallback(); /** * On resize, ensure last section is the same as the window height so when we skip to it the label is at the top * @access private */ var resizeCallback = function() { $(_this.sectionClass).last().css('min-height', FCH.$window.height()); }; FCH.resize.push(resizeCallback); }, /** * Smooth scrolling on anchor links in the tab area. * @fires {@link navigation.subnavHighlighter._scroller} */ anchorClickListener: function() { var _this = this; $('.main_content-header-section-links a').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); _this._scroller(this); }); }, /** * Smoothly scroll to destination if it's a link to the current page * @access protected * @param {Object} el - JavaScript element to scroll to * @see {@link navigation.subnavHighlighter.anchorClickListener} */ _scroller: function(el) { if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') === el.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') && location.hostname === el.hostname) { var $target = $(el.hash); $target = $target.length ? $target : $('[name=' + el.hash.slice(1) + ']'); if ($target.length) { FCH.smoothScroll($target, 500, 0, -112) } } }, }; ;T: metadata{ :dependencieso:Set: @hash{ I"environment-version;TTI"environment-paths;TTI"Zprocessors:type=application/javascript&file_type=application/javascript&pipeline=self;TTI"zfile-digest:///Library/WebServer/Documents/work/fine/_fae/app/assets/javascripts/fae/navigation/_subnavHighlighter.js;TT: requiredo;;{: stubbedo;;{: linkso;;{: charsetI" utf-8;F: digest"%÷)ÝÐï<9®:ÉwN)<È´Ú¾G£©^gþÙS: lengthi2 :dependencies_digest"%Ǭ@K abÅQƒ46þ²¹±úq´Øúû«Õ"”i :idI"Ef5b016d5698d9464c61abaa311e4be021caeb8ed514a64349a35e1669ce6f5af;F: mtimel+/ùÍV