require 'bundler/gem_tasks' def specs(dir) FileList["spec/#{dir}/*_spec.rb"].shuffle.join(' ') end desc 'Runs all the specs' task :specs do sh "bundle exec bacon #{specs('**')}" end desc 'Setup example project' task :demo do system('bundle install', exception: true) Bundler.with_unbundled_env do Dir.chdir('example/ios_app') do |path| system('bundle install', exception: true) system('bundle exec pod install', exception: true) end end end desc 'Update lock files' task :update do system('bundle install', exception: true) Bundler.with_unbundled_env do Dir.chdir('example/ios_app') do |path| system('bundle install', exception: true) end end end desc 'Publish to cocoapods plugins if not present' task :publish do require 'rubygems' gem = Gem::Specification::load(Dir['*.gemspec'].first) require 'cocoapods' require 'pod/command/plugins_helper' known_plugins = Pod::Command::PluginsHelper.known_plugins return if { |plugin| plugin['gem'] == } require 'github_api' return if q: "#{} user:CocoaPods repo:CocoaPods/cocoapods-plugins in:title" ).items.count > 0 system('pod plugins publish', exception: true) end task :default => :specs