require 'spec_helper' require 'rest_client' require 'sample_response' describe "chargebee" do before(:all) do @request = RestClient::Request end it "serialize should convert the hash to acceptable format" do before = { :id => "sub_KyVq7DNSNM7CSD", :plan_id => "free", :addons => [{:id => "monitor", :quantity => 2}, {:id => "ssl"}], :addon_ids => ["addon_one", "addon_two"], :card => { :first_name => "Rajaraman", :last_name => "Santhanam", :number => "4111111111111111", :expiry_month => "1", :expiry_year => "2024", :cvv => "007" } } after = { "id"=>"sub_KyVq7DNSNM7CSD", "plan_id"=>"free", "addons[id][0]"=>"monitor", "addons[quantity][0]"=>"2", "addons[id][1]"=>"ssl", "addon_ids"=>"[\"addon_one\", \"addon_two\"]", "card[first_name]"=>"Rajaraman", "card[last_name]"=>"Santhanam", "card[number]"=>"4111111111111111", "card[expiry_month]"=>"1", "card[expiry_year]"=>"2024", "card[cvv]"=>"007" } expect(ChargeBee::Util.serialize(before)).to eq(after) end it "symbolize_keys should convert keys to symbols" do before = { 'id' => 'sub_KyVq4P__dev__NTWxbJx1', 'plan_id' => 'basic', 'addons' => [{ 'id' => 'ssl' }, {'id' => 'sms', 'quantity' => '10'}] } after = { :id => 'sub_KyVq4P__dev__NTWxbJx1', :plan_id => 'basic', :addons => [{ :id => 'ssl' }, {:id => 'sms', :quantity => '10'}], } expect(ChargeBee::Util.symbolize_keys(before)).to eq(after) end it "should properly convert the response json into proper object" do @request.expects(:execute).once.returns(mock_response(simple_subscription)) result = ChargeBee::Subscription.retrieve("simple_subscription") s = result.subscription expect( eq("simple_subscription") expect(s.plan_id).to eq('basic') c = result.customer expect(c.first_name).to eq('simple') expect(c.last_name).to eq('subscription') end it "should properly convert the nested response json into proper object with sub types" do @request.expects(:execute).once.returns(mock_response(nested_subscription)) result = ChargeBee::Subscription.retrieve("nested_subscription") s = result.subscription expect( eq("nested_subscription") a = s.addons expect(a.length).to eq(2) expect(a[0].id).to eq("monitor") expect(a[0].quantity).to eq("10") expect(a[1].id).to eq("ssl") end it "should properly convert the list response json into proper result object" do @request.expects(:execute).once.returns(mock_response(list_subscriptions)) result = ChargeBee::Subscription.list({:limit => 2}) expect(result.length).to eq(2) result.each do |i| expect( eq('sample_subscription') end end it "should parse event api response and provide the content properly" do @request.expects(:execute).once.returns(mock_response(sample_event)) result = ChargeBee::Event.retrieve("sample_event") event = result.event s = event.content.subscription expect( eq('ev_KyVqDX__dev__NTgtUgx1') expect( eq('sample_subscription') end end