<!-- Rapid i18n provides tags related with the Rails-I18n project -->

<!-- Wrapper around ActiveModel::Name#human

#### Attributes

 - model - (optional) should be a model class or a record object (default to this)
 - count - (optional) used to pick the inflected string for the model. It should be an integer.

<def tag="model-name-human" attrs="model, count"><%=
  model ||= this
  model = model.class unless model.kind_of? Class
  # prepare symbolized attributes for merging
  attrs = {}
  all_attributes.each_pair{|k,v| attrs[k.to_sym] = v}
  model.model_name.human( attrs )

<!-- Wrapper around ActiveRecord::Base.human_attribute_name.

#### Attributes

 - attribute - the attribute to lookup
 - model - (optional) should be a model class or a record object (default to this)
 - count - (optional) should be an integer


<def tag="human-attribute-name" attrs="attribute, model"><%=
  model ||= this
  model = model.class unless model.kind_of? Class
  # prepare symbolized attributes for merging
  attrs = {}
  all_attributes.each_pair{|k,v| attrs[k.to_sym] = v}
  model.human_attribute_name( attribute.to_sym, attrs )

<!-- Used to localize and pluralize collection names.
A collection name is a special case of an attribute name, (indeed you should store the collection names as attribute names in the locale files), so this tag internally uses human_attribute_name to return them.

With the `your` attribute and in the special case the context is a Hobo::Model::UserMixin instance it automatically embeds the `your` tag funtionality. (note: :name is added by default as an interpolable variable)

### Attributes

 - collection - the attribute/collection key to lookup in the `activerecord.attributes` namespace. (e.g. 'roles')
 - count - used to pick the inflected string for the collection. It should be an integer.
 - your - wraps the collection name in a `Your` tag

### Example

            one: "Commento"
            other: "Commenti"
            one: "Ruolo"
            other: "Ruoli"
            one: "Il tuo Ruolo"
            other: "I tuoi Ruoli"
            one: "Ruolo di {{name}}"
            other: Ruoli di {{name}}"

  # context is a Post instance ('your' is ignored)
  <human-collection-name collection="comments" count="&user.comments.count" your/>
  I18n.locale = :en => "Comment" or "Comments"
  I18n.locale = :it => "Commento" or "Commenti"

  # context is an User instance
  <human-collection-name collection="roles' count="&user.roles.count" your/>
  I18n.locale = :en => "Your Role" or "Jim's Role" or "Your Roles" or "Jim's Roles"
  I18n.locale = :it => "Il tuo Ruolo" or "Il Ruolo di Jim" or "I tuoi Ruoli" or "I Ruoli di Jim"
  (output is the same as <Your key="roles" count=>"&user.roles.count"/> )

  <human-collection-name collection="roles" count="&user.roles.count"/>
  I18n.locale = :en => "Role" or "Roles"
  I18n.locale = :it => "Ruolo" or "Ruoli"
<def tag="human-collection-name" attrs="collection, count, your"><%
  raise Hobo::Error, "The 'collection' attribute must be defined" if collection.blank?
  belong_class = this.kind_of?(Class) ? this : this.class
  raise Hobo::Error, "The context is not an ActiveRecord::Base instance or class. (this = #{this.typed_id rescue this.inspect})" unless belong_class < ActiveRecord::Base
  # prepare symbolized attributes for merging
  attrs = {}
  all_attributes.each_pair{|k,v| attrs[k.to_sym] = v} -%>
<% if your && belong_class < Hobo::Model::UserBase && this.kind_of?(Hobo::Model::UserBase) && I18n.locale == :en -%>
    <your key="&collection" merge-attrs="&{:name=>this.name}.merge(attrs)" capitalize>
      <%= belong_class.human_attribute_name(collection.to_sym, attrs) %>
<% else -%>
    <%= belong_class.human_attribute_name( collection.to_sym, attrs ) %>
<% end %>