class DockerfileGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include DockerfileRails::Scanner class_option :ci, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'include test gems in bundle' class_option :cache, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'use build cache to speed up installs' class_option :parallel, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'use build stages to install gems and node modules in parallel' class_option :redit, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'include redis libraries' class_option :sqlite3, aliases: '--sqlite', type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'include sqlite3 libraries' class_option :postgresql, aliases: '--postgres', type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'include postgresql libraries' class_option :mysql, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'include mysql libraries' def generate_app source_paths.push File.expand_path('./templates', __dir__) scan_rails_app template 'Dockerfile.erb', 'Dockerfile' template 'dockerignore.erb', '.dockerignore' template 'node-version.erb', '.node-version' if using_node? template 'docker-entrypoint.erb', 'bin/docker-entrypoint' chmod "bin/docker-entrypoint", 0755 & ~File.umask, verbose: false end private def using_node? return @using_node if @using_node != nil @using_node = File.exist? 'package.json' end def parallel? using_node? && options.parallel end def keeps? return @keeps if @keeps != nil @keeps = !Dir['**/.keep'] end def build_packages # start with the essentials packages = %w(build-essential) # add databases: sqlite3, postgres, mysql packages << 'pkg-config' if options.sqlite3? or @sqlite3 packages << 'libpq-dev' if options.postgresql? or @postgresql packages << 'default-libmysqlclient-dev' if options.mysql or @mysql # add redis in case Action Cable, caching, or sidekiq are added later packages << "redis" if options.redis? or @redis # ActiveStorage preview support packages << "libvips" if @gemfile.include? 'ruby-vips' # node support, including support for building native modules if using_node? packages += %w(curl node-gyp pkg-config) # module build process depends on Python, and debian changed # how python is installed with the bullseye release. Below # is based on debian release included with the Ruby images on # Dockerhub. case Gem.ruby_version when /^2.7/ bullseye = ruby_version >= "2.7.4" when /^3.0/ bullseye = ruby_version >= "3.0.2" else bullseye = true end if bullseye packages << "python-is-python3" else packages << "python" end end packages.sort.uniq end def deploy_packages packages = [] # start with databases: sqlite3, postgres, mysql packages << 'libsqlite3-0' if options.sqlite3? or @sqlite3 packages << 'postgresql-client' if options.postgresql? or @postgresql packages << 'default-mysql-client' if options.mysql or @mysql # add redis in case Action Cable, caching, or sidekiq are added later packages << "redis" if options.redis? or @redis # ActiveStorage preview support packages << "libvips" if @gemfile.include? 'ruby-vips' packages.sort end def binfile_fixups # binfiles may have OS specific paths to ruby. Normalize them. shebangs = Dir["bin/*"].map { |file| }.join rubies = shebangs.scan(%r{#!/usr/bin/env (ruby.*)}).flatten.uniq binfixups = (rubies - %w(ruby)).map do |ruby| "sed -i 's/#{Regexp.quote(ruby)}$/ruby/' bin/*" end # Windows line endings will cause scripts to fail. If any # or found OR this generation is run on a windows platform # and there are other binfixups required, then convert # line endings. This avoids adding unnecessary fixups if # none are required, but prepares for the need to do the # fix line endings if other fixups are required. has_cr = Dir["bin/*"].any? { |file| "\r" } if has_cr || (Gem.win_platform? && !binfixups.empty?) binfixups.unshift 'sed -i "s/\r$//g" bin/*' end # Windows file systems may not have the concept of executable. # In such cases, fix up during the build. unless Dir["bin/*"].all? { |file| File.executable? file } binfixups.unshift "chmod +x bin/*" end binfixups end def node_version using_node? and `node --version`[/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/] rescue "lts" end def yarn_version using_node? and `yarn --version`[/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/] rescue "latest" end def depend_on_bootsnap? @gemfile.include? 'bootstrap' end def api_only? Rails.application.config.api_only end def dbprep_command if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 6 'db:prepare' else 'db:migrate' end end end