class Tane::Helpers::Init include Tane::Helpers class << self def initialize_app term.say "Initializing a local Bushido app for this rails app..." if bushido_app_exists? update_app else app = create_app make_app_bushido_dir save_envs(get_app_envs(app['name'])) save_emails end term.say "Finished successfully! Check out .bushido/tane.yml for the env vars if you care, or .bushido/emails/#{example_email_template.keys.first}.yml to create email templates to test with" end def update_app save_envs(get_app_envs(bushido_envs['BUSHIDO_NAME'])) end # TODO: Replace envs_template with values retrieved from Bushido side def save_envs(env_vars) if File.exists?('.bushido/tane.yml') if not term.agree('.bushido/tane.yml already exists! Are you sure you want to overwrite it?') return end end'.bushido/tane.yml', 'w+') { |file| file.puts YAML.dump(envs_template(env_vars)) } end def save_emails if File.exists?("#{email_templates_path}/#{example_email_template.keys.first}") if not term.agree("#{example_email_template.keys.first} already exists! Are you sure you want to overwrite it?") return end end"#{email_templates_path}/#{example_email_template.keys.first}", "w") do |file| file.puts email_template_explanation file.puts YAML.dump(example_email_template) end end def envs_template(app_envs) envs = {} env_var_keys = [ 'APP_TLD', 'BUNDLE_WITHOUT', 'BUSHIDO_APP', 'BUSHIDO_APP_KEY', 'BUSHIDO_DOMAIN', 'BUSHIDO_EVENTS', 'BUSHIDO_HOST', 'BUSHIDO_NAME', 'BUSHIDO_PROJECT_NAME', 'BUSHIDO_SALT', 'BUSHIDO_SUBDOMAIN', 'B_SQL_DB', 'B_SQL_PASS', 'B_SQL_USER', 'DATABASE_URL', 'HOSTING_PLATFORM', 'LANG', 'PUBLIC_URL', 'RACK_ENV', 'RAILS_ENV', 'S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'S3_ARN', 'S3_BUCKET', 'SHARED_DATABASE_URL', 'S3_PREFIX', 'S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', 'SMTP_AUTHENTICATION', 'SMTP_DOMAIN', 'SMTP_PASSWORD', 'SMTP_PORT', 'SMTP_SERVER', 'SMTP_TLS', 'SMTP_USER' ] env_var_keys.each { |env_var_key| envs[env_var_key] = app_envs[env_var_key] } envs end def example_email_template email = {} email['example_email_1'] = {} email['example_email_1']['recipient'] = "" email['example_email_1']['sender'] = "" email['example_email_1']['from'] = "Example Sender " email['example_email_1']['subject'] = "Example subject" email['example_email_1']['body-plain'] = "Example plain body with no HTML, but with all the quoted conversations" email['example_email_1']['stripped-text'] = "Example stripped text, with no HTML, quotes, or signature" email['example_email_1']['stripped-signature'] = "Example stripped signature with no HTML" email['example_email_1']['body-html'] = "Example body containing HTML, and all of the quotes" email['example_email_1']['stripped-html'] = "Example body containing HTML, but no quotes or signature " email['example_email_1']['attachment-count'] = "How many attachments the email has" email['example_email_1']['attachment-1'] = "binary blob of file to be sent as attachment-1" email['example_email_1']['timestamp'] = "1323286600" email end def email_template_explanation explanation=<<-EOL # Email format description # # 'name': - name of the email template (used with `tane email 'name'`) # recipient - Recipient of the message as reported by MAIL TO during SMTP chat. # sender - Sender of the message as reported by MAIL FROM during SMTP chat. Note- this value may differ from From MIME header. # from - Sender of the message as reported by From message header, for example Example Sender ". # subject - Subject string. # body-plain - Text Version of the email. This field is always present. If the incoming message only has HTML body, this will be the text representation of it. # stripped-text - Text Version of the message without quoted parts and signature block (if found). # stripped-signature - The Signature block stripped from the plain text message (if found). # body-html - HTML version of the message, if message was multipart. Note that all parts of the message will be posted, not just text/html. For instance if a message arrives with "foo" part it will be posted as "body-foo". # stripped-html - HTML version of the message, without quoted parts. # attachment-count - How many attachments the message has. # attachment-x - Attached file ('x' stands for number of the attachment). Attachments are handled as file uploads, encoded as multipart/form-data. # timestamp - Number of second passed since January 1, 1970 EOL end def create_app JSON("#{bushido_url}/apps.json", {:app => {:url => "", :platform => "developer"}, :authentication_token => password})) end def get_app_envs(app_name) result = JSON(RestClient.get("#{bushido_url}/apps/#{app_name}.json", {:params => {:authentication_token => password}})) result["app"]["full_app_env_vars"] end end end