**TSRails** is a base Rails project that you can upgrade. It is used by [Taylored Software][] as a foundation for their Rails development efforts. **TSRails** is based upon the excellent [suspenders][] gem from [thoughtbot][], extended and modified to include other setup tasks commonly performed in Taylored Software's Rails environment. Using TSRails ------------- To create a new project first install tsrails: gem install tsrails Then run: tsrails create projectname or: tsrails new projectname This will create a project in `projectname`, and will check it into version control (Git) using the settings specified in the configuration file (see below.) Configuration ============= The **TSRails** gem requires several configuration options which define things like the staging server, Git username, etc. THese are defined in a configuration file, ~/.tsrails.yml, which is automatically generated if it is not present. The configuration file should contain the following keys: - **staging_server** - The hostname of the Git/staging Web server - **staging_ssh_user** - The ssh user to use for accessing the remote server - **remote_git_dir** - The root of the Git directory tree on the remote server - **remote_apache_dir** - The root of the Apache directory tree on the remote server - **test_app_domain** - The domain of the remote server (used for generating an Apache/mod_passenger configuration for the test site. As mentioned above, this configuration file is automatically generated if it's not present when `tsrails` runs. However, the generated configuration file is almost certainly incorrect, so tsrails will abort after generating a new configuration file to allow you to edit it. About TSRails ------------- **TSRails** was created for use at [Taylored Software][] as a baseline application setup, with reasonable default plugins that the majority (if not all) of our applications used, as well as best-practice configuration options. Although **TSRails** has been packaged as a general-purpose gem, it does (at present) make several assumptions that are specific to Taylored Software's server configuration and which may not be what you want: - The Git repository and Web server live on the same server - The Web site is to be deployed with Apache 2.2/mod_passenger and with Ruby Enterprise Edition installed in /opt/ree Included Gems ------------- TSRails includes the following gems in the generated application along with their associated configuration files: - **User Login and Authentication** - Clearance - **Template and Markup Processing** - HAML - RedCloth - **Form Enhancements** - Paperclip - tiny_mce - flutie - formtastic - **View Enhancements** - WillPaginate - **Application Infrastructure** - Hpricot - exception_notification - Nokogiri - Ryan Bates's `nifty-generators` - **Database Adapters** - SQLite3 (development and test environments) - MySQL (production environment) - **Deployment** - Capistrano - Heroku - Mongrel and mongrel_cluster TSRails also includes the following BDD/testing tools: - factory_girl - RSpec - Shoulda - capybara - Timecop Initializers (in config/initializers) ------------------------------------- - `backtrace_silencers.rb`: Configured to silence backtraces from Shoulda and factory_girl - `app_config.rb`: Loads application settings from config/app_config.yml - `clearance.rb`: Configuration for Clearance - `haml_options.rb`: Configures HAML options - `jquery.rb`: Substitutes jQuery for Prototype.JS - `noisy_attr_accessible.rb`: Logs protected attribute assignments - `requires.rb`: Autoloads libraries in `lib/` and `lib/extensions` Version History --------------- - 2.0.0 - 2012 Jan 30 - Updated for Rails 3.2 - 1.2.2 - 2011 Jan 11 - Using jquery-rails gem instead of doing the heavy lifting ourselves - 1.2.1 - 2010 Dec 19 - Replaced RVM Ruby 1.9.2-head with REE 1.8.7-head - 1.2.0 - 2010 Dec 11 - Replaced `defined_app_name` with `@app_name` throughout, added `ask_with_default` helper, various fixes for Ruby 1.9.2 compatibility - 1.1.2 - 2010 Nov 19 - Change .rvmrc template to use Rails 1.9.2-head, and update a few things in the Gemfile - 1.1.1 - 2010 Nov 11 - Prepare test DB after installing Clearance, change `RAILS_ROOT` to `::Rails.root.to_s` - 1.1.0 - 2010 Nov 11 - Fixed various bugs in the code generation - 1.0.6 - 2010 Nov 10 - Fixed a bug with autotest failing - 1.0.5 - 2010 Nov 10 - Fixed a template bug and updated the readme - 1.0.4 - 2010 Nov 10 - Added configuration file - 1.0.3 - 2010 Nov 10 - Initial public version [Taylored Software]: http://www.taylored-software.com/ [thoughtbot]: http://www.thoughtbot.com/ [suspenders]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/suspenders