class Gon module Jbuilder class << self def handler(args, global = false) options = parse_options_from args if global && !options[:template] raise 'You should provide :template when use rabl with global variables' end controller = Gon::Base.get_controller(options) @_controller_name = global ? '' : controller.controller_path include_helpers data = parse_jbuilder \ Gon::Base.get_template_path(options, 'jbuilder'), controller, options[:locals] [data, options] end private def include_helpers unless self.class.include? ::ActionView::Helpers self.class.send(:include, ::ActionView::Helpers) end end def parse_options_from(args) if old_api? args text = "[DEPRECATION] view_path argument is now optional. " text << "If you need to specify it, " text << "please use gon.rabl(:template => 'path')" warn text args.extract_options!.merge(:template => args[0]) elsif new_api? args args.first else {} end end def old_api?(args) args.first.is_a? String end def new_api?(args) args.first.is_a? Hash end def parse_jbuilder(jbuilder_path, controller, locals) controller.instance_variables.each do |name| self.instance_variable_set \ name, controller.instance_variable_get(name) end locals ||= {} locals.each do |name, value| self.class.class_eval do define_method "#{name}" do return value end end end lines = find_partials File.readlines(jbuilder_path) source = lines.join('') output = parse_source source, controller end def parse_source(source, controller) output = ::JbuilderTemplate.encode(controller) do |json| eval source end JSON.parse(output) end def parse_partial(partial_line) path = partial_line.match(/['"]([^'"]*)['"]/)[1] path = parse_path path options_hash = partial_line.match(/,(.*)/)[1] set_options_from_hash(options_hash) if options_hash.present? find_partials File.readlines(path) end def set_options_from_hash(options_hash) options = eval "{#{options_hash}}" options.each do |name, val| self.instance_variable_set("@#{name.to_s}", val) eval "def #{name}; self.instance_variable_get('@' + '#{name.to_s}'); end" end end def parse_path(path) return path if File.exists?(path) if (splitted = path.split('/')).blank? raise 'Something wrong with partial path in your jbuilder templates' elsif splitted.size == 1 splitted.shift(@_controller_name) end construct_path(splitted) end def construct_path(args) last_arg = args.pop tmp_path = 'app/views/' + args.join('/') path = path_with_ext(tmp_path + "/_#{last_arg}") path || path_with_ext(tmp_path + "/#{last_arg}") end def path_with_ext(path) return path if File.exists?(path) return "#{path}.jbuilder" if File.exists?("#{path}.jbuilder") return "#{path}.json.jbuilder" if File.exists?("#{path}.json.jbuilder") end def find_partials(lines = []) do |line| if line =~ /partial!/ parse_partial line else line end end.flatten end end end end