module Surveyor module Models module ValidationMethods def self.included(base) # Associations base.send :belongs_to, :answer base.send :has_many, :validation_conditions, :dependent => :destroy # Scopes # Validations base.send :validates_presence_of, :rule base.send :validates_format_of, :rule, :with => /^(?:and|or|\)|\(|[A-Z]|\s)+$/ # this causes issues with building and saving # base.send :validates_numericality_of, :answer_id end # Instance Methods def is_valid?(response_set) ch = conditions_hash(response_set) rgx ={|vc| ["a","o"].include?(vc.rule_key) ? "#{vc.rule_key}(?!nd|r)" : vc.rule_key}.join("|")) # exclude and, or # logger.debug "v: #{self.inspect}" # logger.debug "rule: #{self.rule.inspect}" # logger.debug "rexp: #{rgx.inspect}" # logger.debug "keyp: #{ch.inspect}" # logger.debug "subd: #{self.rule.gsub(rgx){|m| ch[m.to_sym]}}" eval(self.rule.gsub(rgx){|m| ch[m.to_sym]}) end # A hash of the conditions (keyed by rule_key) and their evaluation (boolean) in the context of response_set def conditions_hash(response_set) hash = {} response = response_set.responses.detect{|r| r.answer_id.to_i == self.answer_id.to_i} # logger.debug "r: #{response.inspect}" self.validation_conditions.each{|vc| hash.merge!(vc.to_hash(response))} return hash end end end end