STORY_TYPE = /feature|bug|chore|release/ STORY_STATE = /unscheduled|unstarted|started|finished|delivered|accepted|rejected/ Transform /PIVOTAL|CURRENT/ do |placeholder| placeholder. gsub("PIVOTAL_API_KEY", ENV['PIVOTAL_API_KEY']). gsub("PIVOTAL_TEST_PROJECT", ENV['PIVOTAL_TEST_PROJECT']). gsub("PIVOTAL_USER", ENV['PIVOTAL_USER']). gsub("CURRENT_CARD", end Given "I debug" do require 'pry' binding.pry end Given /^I have configured the Git repos for Pivotal$/ do step %|a file named ".gitconfig" with:|, <<-EOT.gsub!(/^\s+\S/, '') |[pivotal] | api-token = PIVOTAL_API_KEY | full-name = PIVOTAL_USER | project-id = PIVOTAL_TEST_PROJECT | verbose = false EOT end Given /^I have configured the Git repos for Pivotal with bogus information$/ do step %|a file named ".gitconfig" with:|, <<-EOT.gsub!(/^\s+\S/, '') |[pivotal] | api-token = badtoken | full-name = Bad Joe | project-id = something | remote = origin | verbose = false EOT end Given /^the "([^"]+)" commented on the card "([^"]+)"$/ do |author, text| comment_on_story :author => author, :text => text end Given /^the (#{STORY_TYPE}|card) is labeled "([^"]+)"$/ do |type, labels| update_test_story :labels => labels end Given /^I have a(?:n)? (#{STORY_STATE})?\s?Pivotal Tracker (#{STORY_TYPE})$/ do |status, type| options = {} options[:current_state] = status if status create_test_story type, options end Given /^I have a(?:n)? unestimated \s?Pivotal Tracker (#{STORY_TYPE})$/ do |type| options = { :estimate => -1 } create_test_story type, options end Given /^I have a(?:n)? (#{STORY_STATE})?\s?Pivotal Tracker (#{STORY_TYPE}) named "([^"]+)" with description "([^"]+)"$/ do |status, type, name, description| options = { :name => name, :description => description } options[:current_state] = status if status create_test_story type, options end Given /the card is a (#{STORY_TYPE})/ do |type| update_test_story :story_type => type end Given /the (#{STORY_TYPE}) is unestimated/ do |type| update_test_story :estimate => -1 end Given /the (#{STORY_TYPE}) is (#{STORY_STATE})/ do |type, state| update_test_story :current_state => state end Given /^I am on the "([^"]*)" branch$/ do |branch| `git checkout -b #{branch} > /dev/null 2>&1` end Given /^I have a "([^"]*)" branch$/ do |branch| `git branch #{branch} > /dev/null 2>&1` end When /^the current card is refreshed$/ do refresh_current_card! end Then /^the card CURRENT_CARD should (not )?have the "([^"]*)" label$/ do |negate, label| if negate current_card.labels.to_s.should_not include(label) else current_card.labels.to_s.should include(label) end end Then /^the card CURRENT_CARD should have the comment by "([^"]*)":$/ do |author, str| current_card.notes.all.last.tap do |note| eq(author) note.text.should include(str) end end Then /^the card CURRENT_CARD should not have the comment:$/ do |str| current_card.notes.all.detect{ |n| n.text.include?(str) }.should be_nil end Then /^I should be on the "([^"]*)" branch$/ do |branch| current_branch.should == branch end Then /^card (CURRENT_\w+) is marked is started in Pivotal Tracker$/ do |card_id| assert_card_is_started(card_id) end Then /^the output should contain each line:$/ do |str| str.split("\n").each do |line| assert_partial_output(line, all_output) end end