// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2010 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== SC.SORT_ASCENDING = 'ascending'; SC.SORT_DESCENDING = 'descending'; /** @class An abstract object that manages the state of the columns behind a `SC.TableView`. @extends SC.Object @since SproutCore 1.1 */ SC.TableColumn = SC.Object.extend({ /** @scope SC.TableColumn.prototype */ /** The internal name of the column. `SC.TableRowView` objects expect their `content` to be an object with keys corresponding to the column's keys. @property @type String */ key: null, /** The display name of the column. Will appear in the table header for this column. @property @type String */ title: null, /** Width of the column. @property @type Number */ width: 100, /** How narrow the column will allow itself to be. @property @type Number */ minWidth: 16, /** How wide the column will allow itself to be. @property @type Number */ maxWidth: 700, escapeHTML: NO, formatter: null, isVisible: YES, /** Whether the column gets wider or narrower based on the size of the table. Only one column in a TableView is allowed to be flexible. @property @type Boolean */ isFlexible: NO, /** Whether the column can be drag-reordered. @property @type Boolean */ isReorderable: YES, /** Whether the column can be sorted. @property @type Boolean */ isSortable: YES, /** Reference to the URL for this column's icon. If `null`, there is no icon associated with the column. @property */ icon: null, tableHeader: null, /** The sort state of this particular column. Can be one of SC.SORT_ASCENDING, SC.SORT_DESCENDING, or `null`. For instance, if SC.SORT_ASCENDING, means that the table is being sorted on this column in the ascending direction. If `null`, means that the table is sorted on another column. @property */ sortState: null, /** The content property of the controlling SC.TableView. This is needed because the SC.TableHeader views use this class to find out how to render table content (when necessary). */ tableContent: null });