Make sure you checkout the README in the [Github Repo] for the full install documentation. [Github Repo]: ### Install With Vagrant I think it should be easy for you to get a Vault Tree development environment up and running. If you don't know about Vagrant, you should, it's awesome! * Follow the [Vagrant] download and install steps * Clone the Vault Tree Repo and go into it: [Vagrant]: ```shell git clone cd ~/path/to/vault-tree/ ``` Now you just need to Vagrant Up! ```shell vagrant up ``` This will download and boot a pre-packaged Linux virtual machine with Vault-Tree and all dependencies already installed. Once your VM is downloaded and built. You can go inside with: ```shell vagrant ssh ``` As a developer working on Vault Tree you can now go to the VM's directory: ``` /vagrant ``` and run ``` bundle rake ``` This will pull down the latest version of the code from [Ruby Gems] and then run all the core contracts and put you in a good spot to start exploring the library. If you're not already familiar, take a few minutes to learn about how Vagrant will [sync your files] to and from the guest machine. [vault-tree]: [main repo]: [Ruby Gems]: ### Install With Bundler If you are comfortable with Ruby and Bundler checkout the README in the [main repo] to get started with a direct install. [main repo]: