This class is used to handle the low-level input operations. It knows whether it deals with a text buffer or a file and abstracts this to the Scanner. For each nested file the scanner puts an StreamHandle on the stack while the file is scanned. With this stack the scanner can resume the processing of the enclosing file once the included files has been completely processed.
# File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Scanner.rb, line 66 66: def close 67: @stream = nil 68: end
# File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Scanner.rb, line 136 136: def dirname 137: @fileName ? File.dirname(@fileName) : '' 138: end
# File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Scanner.rb, line 132 132: def eof? 133: @stream.eof? && @scanner.eos? 134: end
# File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Scanner.rb, line 80 80: def injectMacro(macro, args, text) 81: injectText(text) 82: 83: # Simple detection for recursive macro calls. 84: return false if @macroStack.length > 20 85: 86: @macroStack <<, args, text, @nextMacroEnd) 87: true 88: end
Inject the String text into the input stream at the current cursor position.
# File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Scanner.rb, line 72 72: def injectText(text) 73: pos = @scanner.pos 74: @nextMacroEnd = pos + text.length 75: @line = @line[0, pos] + text + @line[pos..1] 76: @scanner = 77: @scanner.pos = pos 78: end
Return the already processed part of the current line.
# File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Scanner.rb, line 151 151: def line 152: return '' unless @line 153: 154: @line[0..(@scanner.pos - 1)] 155: end
Return the number of the currently processed line.
# File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Scanner.rb, line 141 141: def lineNo 142: # The IO object counts the lines for us by counting the gets() calls. 143: currentLine = @stream && @scanner ? @stream.lineno : 1 144: # If we've just read the LF, we have to add 1. The LF can only be the 145: # last character of the line. 146: currentLine += 1 if @wrapped && @line && @scanner && @scanner.eos? 147: currentLine 148: end
# File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Scanner.rb, line 128 128: def peek(n) 129: @scanner ? @scanner.peek(n) : nil 130: end
# File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Scanner.rb, line 90 90: def scan(re) 91: # We read the file line by line with gets(). If we don't have a line 92: # yet or we've reached the end of a line, we get the next one. 93: if @scanner.nil? || @scanner.eos? 94: if (@line = @stream.gets) 95: # Update activity meter about every 1024 lines. 96: @log.activity if (@stream.lineno & 0x3FF) == 0 97: # Check for DOS or Mac end of line signatures. 98: if @line[1] == \r\ 99: # Mac: Convert CR into LF 100: @line[1] = \n\ 101: elsif @line[2] == \r\ 102: # DOS: Convert CR+LF into LF 103: @line = @line.chomp + "\n" 104: end 105: else 106: # We've reached the end of the current file. 107: @scanner = nil 108: # Return special EOF symbol. 109: return :scannerEOF 110: end 111: @scanner = 112: @wrapped = @line[1] == \n\ 113: end 114: return nil if (token = @scanner.scan(re)).nil? 115: #puts "#{re.to_s[0..20]}: [#{token}]" 116: 117: if @nextMacroEnd 118: pos = @scanner.pos 119: while @nextMacroEnd && @nextMacroEnd < pos 120: @macroStack.pop 121: @nextMacroEnd = @macroStack.empty? ? nil : @macroStack.last.endPos 122: end 123: end 124: 125: token 126: end
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