if !System.get_env("EXERCISM_TEST_EXAMPLES") do Code.load_file("space_age.exs", __DIR__) end ExUnit.start() ExUnit.configure(exclude: :pending, trace: true) # You need to define a SpaceAge module containing a function age_on that given a # planet (:earth, :saturn, etc) and a number of seconds returns the age in years # on that planet as a floating point number. defmodule SpageAgeTest do use ExUnit.Case # @tag :pending test "age on Earth" do input = 1_000_000_000 assert_in_delta 31.69, SpaceAge.age_on(:earth, input), 0.005 end @tag :pending test "age on Mercury" do input = 2_134_835_688 assert_in_delta 67.65, SpaceAge.age_on(:earth, input), 0.005 assert_in_delta 280.88, SpaceAge.age_on(:mercury, input), 0.005 end @tag :pending test "age on Venus" do input = 189_839_836 assert_in_delta 6.02, SpaceAge.age_on(:earth, input), 0.005 assert_in_delta 9.78, SpaceAge.age_on(:venus, input), 0.005 end @tag :pending test "age on Mars" do input = 2_329_871_239 assert_in_delta 73.83, SpaceAge.age_on(:earth, input), 0.005 assert_in_delta 39.25, SpaceAge.age_on(:mars, input), 0.005 end @tag :pending test "age on Jupiter" do input = 901_876_382 assert_in_delta 28.58, SpaceAge.age_on(:earth, input), 0.005 assert_in_delta 2.41, SpaceAge.age_on(:jupiter, input), 0.005 end @tag :pending test "age on Saturn" do input = 3_000_000_000 assert_in_delta 95.06, SpaceAge.age_on(:earth, input), 0.005 assert_in_delta 3.23, SpaceAge.age_on(:saturn, input), 0.005 end @tag :pending test "age on Uranus" do input = 3_210_123_456 assert_in_delta 101.72, SpaceAge.age_on(:earth, input), 0.005 assert_in_delta 1.21, SpaceAge.age_on(:uranus, input), 0.005 end @tag :pending test "age on Neptune" do input = 8_210_123_456 assert_in_delta 260.16, SpaceAge.age_on(:earth, input), 0.005 assert_in_delta 1.58, SpaceAge.age_on(:neptune, input), 0.005 end end