require 'json' require 'puppet/parser/environment_compiler' class Puppet::Network::HTTP::API::Master::V3::Environment def call(request, response) env_name = request.routing_path.split('/').last env = Puppet.lookup(:environments).get(env_name) code_id = request.params[:code_id] if env.nil? raise"#{env_name} is not a known environment", Puppet::Network::HTTP::Issues::RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND) end catalog = Puppet::Parser::EnvironmentCompiler.compile(env, code_id).to_resource # This reads code_id off the catalog rather than using the one from the # request. There shouldn't really be a case where the two differ, but if # they do, the one from the catalog itself is authoritative. env_graph = {:environment =>, :applications => {}, :code_id => catalog.code_id} applications = do |res| type = res.resource_type type.is_a?(Puppet::Resource::Type) && type.application? end applications.each do |app| app_components = {} # Turn the 'nodes' hash into a map component ref => node name node_mapping = {} app['nodes'].each do |node, comps| comps = [comps] unless comps.is_a?(Array) comps.each do |comp| raise Puppet::ParseError, "Application #{app} maps component #{comp} to multiple nodes" if node_mapping.include?(comp.ref) node_mapping[comp.ref] = node.title end end catalog.direct_dependents_of(app).each do |comp| mapped_node = node_mapping[comp.ref] if mapped_node.nil? raise Puppet::ParseError, "Component #{comp} is not mapped to any node" end app_components[comp.ref] = { :produces =>, :consumes => prerequisites(comp).map(&:ref), :node => mapped_node } end env_graph[:applications][app.ref] = app_components end response.respond_with(200, "application/json", JSON.dump(env_graph)) end private # Finds all the prerequisites of component +comp+. They are all the # capability resources that +comp+ depends on; this includes resources # that +comp+ consumes but also resources it merely requires def prerequisites(comp) params = { |p| p.direction == :in }.map(&:name) { |rel| comp[rel] } do |rel| rel.resource_type && rel.resource_type.is_capability? end end end