(examples-for pairs ("'pair breaks a list into pairs" (pairs '(1 a 2 b 3 c)) ((1 a) (2 b) (3 c)))) (examples-for rev ("'rev reverses a list" (rev '(a b c)) (c b a)) ("'rev handles nil" (rev nil) nil) ("'rev doesn't recurse" (rev '(a b (c d e) f g)) (g f (c d e) b a))) (examples-for flatten ("'flatten returns a flat list of things" (flatten '((poo (x) (* x x)) (1 2 3))) (poo x * x x 1 2 3))) (examples-for joinlists ("joins one list to another" (joinlists '(a b c) '(x y z)) (a b c x y z)) ("joins three lists" (joinlists '(a b c) '(x y z) '(1 2 3)) (a b c x y z 1 2 3)) ("joins three lists without recusing" (joinlists '(a b c) '(x (y1 y2 y3) z) '(1 2 (3 3 3))) (a b c x (y1 y2 y3) z 1 2 (3 3 3)))) (examples-for firstn ("returns no items for n = 0" (firstn 0 '(a b c d)) nil) ("returns first n items for n > 0 and n < size of list" (firstn 3 '(a b c d e)) (a b c)) ("returns all items for n > size of list" (firstn 33 '(a b c d e)) (a b c d e))) (examples-for nthcdr ("returns all items for n = 0" (nthcdr 0 '(a b c d)) (a b c d)) ("returns nth cdr of list for n > 0 and n < size of list" (nthcdr 3 '(a b c d e)) (d e)) ("returns nothing for n > size of list" (nthcdr 33 '(a b c d e)) nil)) (examples-for caar ("caar of list" (caar '((x y) (1 2))) x ) ("caar of nil" (caar nil) nil )) (examples-for cadr ("cadr of list" (cadr '((x y) (1 2))) (1 2) ) ("cadr of nil" (cadr nil) nil )) (examples-for cdar ("cdar of list" (cdar '((x y) (1 2))) (y) ) ("cdar of nil" (cdar nil) nil )) (examples-for cddr ("cddr of list" (cddr '(x y 1 2)) (1 2) ) ("cddr of nil" (cddr nil) nil )) (examples-for cadar ("cadar of list" (cadar '((x y) (1 2))) y ) ("cadar of nil" (cadar nil) nil )) (examples-for caddr ("caddr of list" (caddr '(x y 1 2)) 1 ) ("caddr of nil" (caddr nil) nil )) (examples-for cdddr ("cdddr of list" (cdddr '(x y 1 2)) (2) ) ("cdddr of nil" (cdddr nil) nil )) (examples-for cadddr ("cadddr of list" (cadddr '(x y 1 2 3)) 2 ) ("cadddr of nil" (cadddr nil) nil )) (examples-for proper? ("t for a proper list" (proper? '(a b c d)) t) ("t for a proper list, even if we write it funny" (proper? '(a b . (c d))) t) ("t for a proper list, even if we write it funny with nil" (proper? '(a b . nil)) t) ("nil for an improper list" (proper? '(a b . c)) nil) ("nil for a very improper list" (proper? '(a b . (c . d))) nil))