testing confidence 89 0.71 b 0.2 c 0.9 0.71 testing polygon A Polygon from random points 47.481277 8.769303 472 35.155904 136.915863 10 47.376334 8.548108 452 40.481277 8.769303 42 25.155904 136.915863 10 47.376334 7.548108 452 B testing references A Phyutility: a phyloinformatics tool for trees, alignments and molecular data A Example of domain. Taken from apaf.mxl 22_MOUSE 0.05998 MOUSE murine vermin alcohol dehydrogenase 0.99 1200 CARD NB-ARC WD40 WD40 WD40 WD40 WD40 WD40 WD40 WD40 WD40 dollo_on_domains__cofilin_e1/o_tol_332 [Method: Dollo parsimony on domain presence/absence] [Date: 2008/08/20 18:23:46] [Cost: 4] [Gains: 2] [Losses: 2] [Unchanged: 1314] [Parameters: E-value: 0.1, Cutoff-scores-file: not-set, Max-overlap: 0, Engulfing-overlaps: not-allowed, Ignore-dufs: false] 4.0 cellular_organisms Neomura Eukaryota Cofilin_ADF Gelsolin Cofilin_ADF Gelsolin