module Byebug class TraceCommand < Command # :nodoc: def regexp /^\s* tr(?:ace)? (?: \s+ (\S+)) # on |off | var(iable) (?: \s+ (\S+))? # (all | variable-name)? (?: \s+ (\S+))? \s* # (stop | nostop)? $/ix end def execute if @match[1] =~ /on|off/ onoff = 'on' == @match[1] if @match[2] Byebug.tracing = onoff print "Tracing %s all threads.\n" % (onoff ? 'on' : 'off') else Byebug.current_context.tracing = onoff print "Tracing %s on current thread.\n" % (onoff ? 'on' : 'off') end elsif @match[1] =~ /var(?:iable)?/ varname=@match[2] if debug_eval("defined?(#{varname})") if @match[3] && @match[3] !~ /(:?no)?stop/ errmsg("expecting 'stop' or 'nostop'; got %s\n" % @match[3]) else dbg_cmd = (@match[3] && (@match[3] !~ /nostop/)) ? 'byebug' : '' end eval(" trace_var(:#{varname}) do |val| print \"traced variable #{varname} has value \#{val}\n\" #{dbg_cmd} end") else errmsg "#{varname} is not a global variable.\n" end else errmsg("expecting 'on', 'off', 'var' or 'variable'; got: %s\n" % @match[1]) end end class << self def help_command 'trace' end def help(cmd) %{ tr[ace] (on|off)\tset trace mode of current thread tr[ace] (on|off) all\tset trace mode of all threads tr[ace] var(iable) VARNAME [stop|nostop]\tset trace variable on VARNAME } end end end end