=begin #IronFunctions #The open source serverless platform. OpenAPI spec version: 0.1.29 Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git Swagger Codegen version: 2.2.3 =end require 'spec_helper' require 'json' # Unit tests for OracleFunctions::RoutesApi # Automatically generated by swagger-codegen (github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) # Please update as you see appropriate describe 'RoutesApi' do before do # run before each test @instance = OracleFunctions::RoutesApi.new end after do # run after each test end describe 'test an instance of RoutesApi' do it 'should create an instance of RoutesApi' do expect(@instance).to be_instance_of(OracleFunctions::RoutesApi) end end # unit tests for apps_app_routes_get # Get route list by app name. # This will list routes for a particular app. # @param app Name of app for this set of routes. # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [RoutesWrapper] describe 'apps_app_routes_get test' do it "should work" do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end # unit tests for apps_app_routes_post # Create new Route # Create a new route in an app, if app doesn't exists, it creates the app # @param app name of the app. # @param body One route to post. # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [RouteWrapper] describe 'apps_app_routes_post test' do it "should work" do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end # unit tests for apps_app_routes_route_delete # Deletes the route # Deletes the route. # @param app Name of app for this set of routes. # @param route Route name # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [nil] describe 'apps_app_routes_route_delete test' do it "should work" do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end # unit tests for apps_app_routes_route_get # Gets route by name # Gets a route by name. # @param app Name of app for this set of routes. # @param route Route name # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [RouteWrapper] describe 'apps_app_routes_route_get test' do it "should work" do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end # unit tests for apps_app_routes_route_patch # Update a Route # Update a route # @param app name of the app. # @param route route path. # @param body One route to post. # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [RouteWrapper] describe 'apps_app_routes_route_patch test' do it "should work" do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end end