module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class EpayGateway < Gateway API_HOST = '' SOAP_URL = 'https://' + API_HOST + '/remote/payment' self.default_currency = 'DKK' self.money_format = :cents self.supported_cardtypes = [:dankort, :forbrugsforeningen, :visa, :master, :american_express, :diners_club, :jcb, :maestro] self.supported_countries = ['DK'] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'ePay' CURRENCY_CODES = { :ADP => '020', :AED => '784', :AFA => '004', :ALL => '008', :AMD => '051', :ANG => '532', :AOA => '973', :ARS => '032', :AUD => '036', :AWG => '533', :AZM => '031', :BAM => '977', :BBD => '052', :BDT => '050', :BGL => '100', :BGN => '975', :BHD => '048', :BIF => '108', :BMD => '060', :BND => '096', :BOB => '068', :BOV => '984', :BRL => '986', :BSD => '044', :BTN => '064', :BWP => '072', :BYR => '974', :BZD => '084', :CAD => '124', :CDF => '976', :CHF => '756', :CLF => '990', :CLP => '152', :CNY => '156', :COP => '170', :CRC => '188', :CUP => '192', :CVE => '132', :CYP => '196', :CZK => '203', :DJF => '262', :DKK => '208', :DOP => '214', :DZD => '012', :ECS => '218', :ECV => '983', :EEK => '233', :EGP => '818', :ERN => '232', :ETB => '230', :EUR => '978', :FJD => '242', :FKP => '238', :GBP => '826', :GEL => '981', :GHC => '288', :GIP => '292', :GMD => '270', :GNF => '324', :GTQ => '320', :GWP => '624', :GYD => '328', :HKD => '344', :HNL => '340', :HRK => '191', :HTG => '332', :HUF => '348', :IDR => '360', :ILS => '376', :INR => '356', :IQD => '368', :IRR => '364', :ISK => '352', :JMD => '388', :JOD => '400', :JPY => '392', :KES => '404', :KGS => '417', :KHR => '116', :KMF => '174', :KPW => '408', :KRW => '410', :KWD => '414', :KYD => '136', :KZT => '398', :LAK => '418', :LBP => '422', :LKR => '144', :LRD => '430', :LSL => '426', :LTL => '440', :LVL => '428', :LYD => '434', :MAD => '504', :MDL => '498', :MGF => '450', :MKD => '807', :MMK => '104', :MNT => '496', :MOP => '446', :MRO => '478', :MTL => '470', :MUR => '480', :MVR => '462', :MWK => '454', :MXN => '484', :MXV => '979', :MYR => '458', :MZM => '508', :NAD => '516', :NGN => '566', :NIO => '558', :NOK => '578', :NPR => '524', :NZD => '554', :OMR => '512', :PAB => '590', :PEN => '604', :PGK => '598', :PHP => '608', :PKR => '586', :PLN => '985', :PYG => '600', :QAR => '634', :ROL => '642', :RUB => '643', :RUR => '810', :RWF => '646', :SAR => '682', :SBD => '090', :SCR => '690', :SDD => '736', :SEK => '752', :SGD => '702', :SHP => '654', :SIT => '705', :SKK => '703', :SLL => '694', :SOS => '706', :SRG => '740', :STD => '678', :SVC => '222', :SYP => '760', :SZL => '748', :THB => '764', :TJS => '972', :TMM => '795', :TND => '788', :TOP => '776', :TPE => '626', :TRL => '792', :TRY => '949', :TTD => '780', :TWD => '901', :TZS => '834', :UAH => '980', :UGX => '800', :USD => '840', :UYU => '858', :UZS => '860', :VEB => '862', :VND => '704', :VUV => '548', :XAF => '950', :XCD => '951', :XOF => '952', :XPF => '953', :YER => '886', :YUM => '891', :ZAR => '710', :ZMK => '894', :ZWD => '716' } # login: merchant number # password: referrer url (for authorize authentication) def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) @options = options super end def authorize(money, credit_card_or_reference, options = {}) post = {} add_amount(post, money, options) add_invoice(post, options) add_creditcard_or_reference(post, credit_card_or_reference) add_instant_capture(post, false) commit(:authorize, post) end def purchase(money, credit_card_or_reference, options = {}) post = {} add_amount(post, money, options) add_creditcard_or_reference(post, credit_card_or_reference) add_invoice(post, options) add_instant_capture(post, true) commit(:authorize, post) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) post = {} add_reference(post, authorization) add_amount_without_currency(post, money) commit(:capture, post) end def void(identification, options = {}) post = {} add_reference(post, identification) commit(:void, post) end def credit(money, identification, options = {}) post = {} add_amount_without_currency(post, money) add_reference(post, identification) commit(:credit, post) end private def add_amount(post, money, options) post[:amount] = amount(money) post[:currency] = CURRENCY_CODES[(options[:currency] || currency(money)).to_sym] end def add_amount_without_currency(post, money) post[:amount] = amount(money) end def add_reference(post, identification) post[:transaction] = identification end def add_invoice(post, options) post[:orderid] = format_order_number(options[:order_id]) end def add_creditcard(post, credit_card) post[:cardno] = credit_card.number post[:cvc] = credit_card.verification_value post[:expmonth] = credit_card.month post[:expyear] = credit_card.year end def add_creditcard_or_reference(post, credit_card_or_reference) if credit_card_or_reference.respond_to?(:number) add_creditcard(post, credit_card_or_reference) else add_reference(post, credit_card_or_reference.to_s) end end def add_instant_capture(post, option) post[:instantcapture] = option ? 1 : 0 end def commit(action, params) response = send("do_#{action}", params) if action == :authorize response['accept'].to_i == 1, response['errortext'], response, :test => test?, :authorization => response['tid'] else response['result'] == 'true', messages(response['epay'], response['pbs']), response, :test => test?, :authorization => params[:transaction] end end def messages(epay, pbs = nil) response = "ePay: #{epay}" response << " PBS: #{pbs}" if pbs return response end def soap_post(method, params) data = xml_builder(params, method) headers = make_headers(data, method)'https://' + API_HOST + '/remote/payment.asmx', data, headers)) end def do_authorize(params) headers = { 'Referer' => options[:password] } response = raw_ssl_request(:post, 'https://' + API_HOST + '/auth/default.aspx', authorize_post_data(params), headers) # Authorize gives the response back by redirecting with the values in # the URL query query = CGI::parse(URI.parse(response['Location'].gsub(' ', '%20')).query) result = {} query.each_pair do |k,v| result[k] = v.is_a?(Array) && v.size == 1 ? v[0] : v # make values like ['v'] into 'v' end result end def do_capture(params) response = soap_post('capture', params) { 'result' => response.elements['//captureResponse/captureResult'].text, 'pbs' => response.elements['//captureResponse/pbsResponse'].text, 'epay' => response.elements['//captureResponse/epayresponse'].text } end def do_credit(params) response = soap_post('credit', params) { 'result' => response.elements['//creditResponse/creditResult'].text, 'pbs' => response.elements['//creditResponse/pbsresponse'].text, 'epay' => response.elements['//creditResponse/epayresponse'].text } end def do_void(params) response = soap_post('delete', params) { 'result' => response.elements['//deleteResponse/deleteResult'].text, 'epay' => response.elements['//deleteResponse/epayresponse'].text } end def make_headers(data, soap_call) { 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml; charset=utf-8', 'Host' => API_HOST, 'Content-Length' => data.size.to_s, 'SOAPAction' => SOAP_URL + '/' + soap_call } end def xml_builder(params, soap_call) xml = => 2) xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'soap:Envelope', { 'xmlns:xsi' => '', 'xmlns:xsd' => '', 'xmlns:soap' => '' } do xml.tag! 'soap:Body' do xml.tag! soap_call, { 'xmlns' => SOAP_URL } do xml.tag! 'merchantnumber', @options[:login] xml.tag! 'transactionid', params[:transaction] xml.tag! 'amount', params[:amount].to_s if soap_call != 'delete' end end end! end def authorize_post_data(params = {}) params[:language] = '2' params[:accepturl] = '' params[:declineurl] = '' params[:merchantnumber] = @options[:login] params.collect { |key, value| "#{key}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" }.join("&") end # Limited to 20 digits max def format_order_number(number) number.to_s.gsub(/[^\w_]/, '').rjust(4, "0")[0...20] end end end end