require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems/package_task' require 'rake/testtask' $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib') require 'redis/version' REDIS_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join("..", "test"), __FILE__) REDIS_CNF = File.join(REDIS_DIR, "test.conf") REDIS_PID = File.join(REDIS_DIR, "db", "") task :default => :run desc "Run tests and manage server start/stop" task :run => [:start, :test, :stop] desc "Start the Redis server" task :start do redis_running = \ begin File.exists?(REDIS_PID) && Process.kill(0, rescue Errno::ESRCH FileUtils.rm REDIS_PID false end system "redis-server #{REDIS_CNF}" unless redis_running end desc "Stop the Redis server" task :stop do if File.exists?(REDIS_PID) Process.kill "INT", FileUtils.rm REDIS_PID end end desc "Run the test suite" task :test => ["test:ruby", "test:hiredis", "test:synchrony"] namespace :test do desc "Run tests against the Ruby driver" task :ruby do require "cutest"["./test/**/*_test.rb"]) end desc "Run tests against the hiredis driver" task :hiredis do require "cutest" begin require "redis/connection/hiredis" puts puts "Running tests against hiredis v#{Hiredis::VERSION}" ENV["REDIS_CONNECTION_DRIVER"] = "hiredis"["./test/**/*_test.rb"]) rescue LoadError puts "Skipping tests against hiredis" end end desc "Run tests against the em-synchrony driver" task :synchrony do require "cutest" # Synchrony needs 1.9 next if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9" begin require "redis/connection/synchrony" puts puts "Running tests against em-synchrony" threaded_tests = ['./test/thread_safety_test.rb'] ENV["REDIS_CONNECTION_DRIVER"] = "synchrony"['./test/**/*_test.rb'] - threaded_tests) rescue LoadError puts "Skipping tests against em-synchrony" end end end task :doc => ["doc:generate", "doc:prepare"] namespace :doc do task :generate do require "shellwords" `rm -rf doc` current_branch = `git branch`[/^\* (.*)$/, 1] begin tags = `git tag -l`.split("\n").sort.reverse tags.each do |tag| `git checkout -q #{tag} 2>/dev/null` unless $?.success? $stderr.puts "Need a clean working copy. Please git-stash away." exit 1 end puts tag `mkdir -p doc/#{tag}` files = `git ls-tree -r HEAD lib`.split("\n").map do |line| line[/\t(.*)$/, 1] end opts = [ "--title", "A Ruby client for Redis", "--output", "doc/#{tag}", "--no-cache", "--no-save", "-q", *files ] `yardoc #{Shellwords.shelljoin opts}` end ensure `git checkout -q #{current_branch}` end end task :prepare do versions = `git tag -l`.split("\n").grep(/^v/).sort latest_version = versions.last"doc/.htaccess", "w") do |file| file.puts "RedirectMatch 302 ^/?$ /#{latest_version}" end"doc/robots.txt", "w") do |file| file.puts "User-Agent: *" (versions - [latest_version]).each do |version| file.puts "Disallow: /#{version}" end end google_analytics = <<-EOS EOS Dir["doc/**/*.html"].each do |path| lines = IO.readlines(path), "w") do |file| lines.each do |line| if line.include?("") file.write(google_analytics) end file.write(line) end end end end task :deploy do system "rsync --del -avz doc/" end end namespace :commands do def redis_commands $redis_commands ||= do |key| key.split(" ").first.downcase end.uniq end def doc $doc ||= begin require "open-uri" require "json" JSON.parse(open("").read) end end def document(file) source = doc.each do |name, command| source.sub!(/(?:^ *# .*\n)*(^ *#\n(^ *# .+?\n)*)*^( *)def #{name.downcase}(\(|$)/) do extra_comments, indent, extra_args = $1, $3, $4 comment = "#{indent}# #{command["summary"].strip}." IO.popen("par p#{2 + indent.size} 80", "r+") do |io| io.puts comment io.close_write comment = end "#{comment}#{extra_comments}#{indent}def #{name.downcase}#{extra_args}" end end, "w") { |f| f.write(source) } end task :doc do document "lib/redis.rb" document "lib/redis/distributed.rb" end task :verify do require "redis" require "stringio" require "./test/helper" OPTIONS[:logger] ="./tmp/log") Rake::Task["test:ruby"].invoke redis = report = ["Command", "\033[0mDefined?\033[0m", "\033[0mTested?\033[0m"] yes, no = "\033[1;32mYes\033[0m", "\033[1;31mNo\033[0m" log ="./tmp/log") redis_commands.sort.each do |name, _| defined, tested = redis.respond_to?(name), log[">> #{name.upcase}"] next if defined && tested report << name report << (defined ? yes : no) report << (tested ? yes : no) end IO.popen("rs 0 3", "w") do |io| io.puts report.join("\n") end end end