require "tempfile" require "marcel" require "base64" module Metanorma module Utils class << self class Namespace def initialize(xmldoc) @namespace = xmldoc.root.namespace end def ns(path) return path if @namespace.nil? path.gsub(%r{/([a-zA-z])}, "/xmlns:\\1") .gsub(%r{::([a-zA-z])}, "::xmlns:\\1") .gsub(%r{\[([a-zA-z][a-z0-9A-Z@/]* ?=)}, "[xmlns:\\1") .gsub(%r{\[([a-zA-z][a-z0-9A-Z@/]*\])}, "[xmlns:\\1") end end def save_dataimage(uri) %r{^data:(?:image|application)/(?[^;]+);(?:charset=[^;]+;)?base64,(?.+)$} =~ uri imgtype.sub!(/\+[a-z0-9]+$/, "") # svg+xml imgtype = "png" unless /^[a-z0-9]+$/.match? imgtype["image", ".#{imgtype}"]) do |f| f.binmode f.write(Base64.strict_decode64(imgdata)) f.path end end SVG_NS = "".freeze def svgmap_rewrite(xmldoc, localdirectory = "") n = xmldoc.xpath(n.ns("//svgmap")).each_with_index do |s, i| next unless svgmap_rewrite0(s, n, localdirectory, i) next if"./target/eref")) s.replace("./figure"))) end end def svgmap_rewrite0(svgmap, namespace, localdirectory, idx) if (i =".//image"))) && (src = i["src"]) path = svgmap_rewrite0_path(src, localdirectory) File.file?(path) or return false svg = Nokogiri::XML(, encoding: "utf-8")) i.replace(svgmap_rewrite1(svgmap, svg.root, namespace, idx)) /^data:/.match(src) and i["src"] = datauri(path) elsif i =".//m:svg", "m" => SVG_NS) i.replace(svgmap_rewrite1(svgmap, i, namespace, idx)) else return false end true end def svgmap_rewrite0_path(src, localdirectory) if /^data:/.match?(src) save_dataimage(src) else File.file?(src) ? src : localdirectory + src end end def svgmap_rewrite1(svgmap, svg, namespace, idx) svg_update_href(svgmap, svg, namespace) svg_update_ids(svg, idx) svg.xpath("processing-instruction()|.//processing-instruction()").remove svg.to_xml end def svg_update_href(svgmap, svg, namespace) targ = svgmap_rewrite1_targets(svgmap, namespace) svg.xpath(".//m:a", "m" => SVG_NS).each do |a| ["xlink:href", "href"].each do |p| a[p] and x = targ[File.expand_path(a[p])] and a[p] = x end end end def svgmap_rewrite1_targets(svgmap, namespace) svgmap.xpath(namespace.ns("./target")) .each_with_object({}) do |t, m| x ="./xref")) and m[File.expand_path(t["href"])] = "##{x['target']}" x ="./link")) and m[File.expand_path(t["href"])] = x["target"] t.remove if"./xref | ./link")) end end def svg_update_ids(svg, idx) ids = svg.xpath("./@id | .//@id") .each_with_object([]) { |i, m| m << i.value } return if ids.empty? svg_update_ids_attrs(svg, ids, idx) svg_update_ids_css(svg, ids, idx) end def svg_update_ids_attrs(svg, ids, idx) svg.xpath(". | .//*[@*]").each do |a| a.attribute_nodes.each do |x| ids.include?(x.value) and x.value += sprintf("_%09d", idx) end end end def svg_update_ids_css(svg, ids, idx) svg.xpath("//m:style", "m" => SVG_NS).each do |s| c = s.children.to_xml ids.each do |i| c = c.gsub(%r[##{i}\b], sprintf("#%s_%09d", id: i, idx: idx)) .gsub(%r(\[id\s*=\s*['"]?#{i}['"]?\]), sprintf("[id='%s_%09d']", id: i, idx: idx)) end s.children = c end end # sources/plantuml/plantuml20200524-90467-1iqek5i.png # already includes localdir def datauri(uri, local_dir = ".") return uri if datauri?(uri) || url?(uri) || absolute_path?(uri) # Check whether just the local path or the other specified relative path # works. path = [uri, File.join(local_dir, uri)].detect do |p| File.exist?(p) ? p : nil end datauri1(path) end def datauri1(path) unless path && File.exist?(path) warn "Image specified at `#{uri}` does not exist." return uri # Return original provided location end encode_datauri(path) end def encode_datauri(path) return nil unless File.exist?(path) type = Marcel::MimeType.for( || 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"' bin = File.binread(path) data = Base64.strict_encode64(bin) "data:#{type};base64,#{data}" rescue StandardError warn "Data-URI encoding of `#{path}` failed." nil end def datauri?(uri) /^data:/.match?(uri) end def url?(url) %r{^[A-Z]{2,}://}i.match?(url) end def absolute_path?(uri) %r{^/}.match?(uri) || %r{^[A-Z]:/}.match?(uri) end def decode_datauri(uri) %r{^data:(?[^;]+);base64,(?.+)$} =~ uri return nil unless mimetype && mimedata data = Base64.strict_decode64(mimedata) { type_declared: mimetype, type_detected: Marcel::MimeType.for(data, declared_type: mimetype), data: data, } end # FIXME: This method should ONLY return 1 type, remove Array wrapper def datauri2mime(uri) output = decode_datauri(uri) return nil unless output && output[:type_detected] [output[:type_detected]] end end end end