Feature: Cucumber Kata Generation Scenario: All Platforms When I run `shuhari new FizzBuzz --cucumber` Then a directory named "fizz_buzz" should exist And the following files should exist: |fizz_buzz/Gemfile | |fizz_buzz/Guardfile | |fizz_buzz/lib/fizz_buzz.rb | |fizz_buzz/features/fizz_buzz.feature | |fizz_buzz/features/support/env.rb | |fizz_buzz/features/step_definitions/steps.rb | |fizz_buzz/shuhari.yml | And the file "fizz_buzz/features/fizz_buzz.feature" should contain: """ Feature: Fizz Buzz """ And the file "fizz_buzz/lib/fizz_buzz.rb" should contain: """ class FizzBuzz end """ And the file "fizz_buzz/features/support/env.rb" should contain: """ $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'fizz_buzz' require 'rspec/expectations' """ And the file "fizz_buzz/Guardfile" should contain: """ guard 'cucumber' do watch(%r{^lib/.+\.rb$}) { 'features' } watch(%r{^features/.+\.feature$}) watch(%r{^features/(support|step_definitions)/.+$}) { 'features' } end """ And the file "fizz_buzz/shuhari.yml" should contain: """ project_name: FizzBuzz test_framework: cucumber """ @osx Scenario: OS X When I run `shuhari new FizzBuzz --cucumber` Then the file "fizz_buzz/Gemfile" should contain: """ source 'https://rubygems.org' group :development do gem 'shuhari' gem 'cucumber' gem 'rspec' gem 'guard-cucumber' gem 'coolline', :require => false gem 'growl' # gem 'growl_notify' # gem 'ruby_gntp' # gem 'terminal-notifier-guard' gem 'rb-fsevent' end """ @linux Scenario: Linux When I run `shuhari new FizzBuzz --cucumber` Then the file "fizz_buzz/Gemfile" should contain: """ source 'https://rubygems.org' group :development do gem 'shuhari' gem 'cucumber' gem 'rspec' gem 'guard-cucumber' gem 'coolline', :require => false gem 'libnotify' # gem 'ruby_gntp' gem 'rb-inotify' end """ @windows Scenario: Windows When I run `shuhari new FizzBuzz --cucumber` Then the file "fizz_buzz/Gemfile" should contain: """ source 'https://rubygems.org' group :development do gem 'shuhari' gem 'cucumber' gem 'rspec' gem 'guard-cucumber' gem 'rb-notifu' gem 'win32console' # gem 'ruby_gntp' gem 'wdm' end """