== Version 0.20.0 * Brand new, self-documenting configuration system. There is a new keyword for defining configuration settings: Here is an example: class Render setting :template_extension, :default => 'xhtml', :doc => 'The default template extension' end class Session setting :store, :default => 'memory', :doc => 'The session store' end You can configure the Application using ruby code or yaml files: Render.template_extension = 'xhtml' Session.store = 'drb' or Render: template_extension: xhtml Session: store: drb You can access all defined settings: Configuration.settings.each { |s| ... } You can view the settings of the application along with documentation on the following url: www.myapp.com/settings * Flexob, many improvements. * Many bug fixes. == Version 0.19.0 was released on 31/05/2005. * Improved Logger. * Improved mattr_accessor. * Added autoreload support. * Improved metadata. == Version 0.18.0 was released on 01/06/2005. Deprecated many methods. Facet methods are used instead. == Version 0.17.0 was released on 16/05/2005. A lot of fucntionality is deprecated. The great Facets library will gradually replace the general utility methods found in Glue. == Version 0.16.0 was released on 16/04/2005. A snapshot of the latest developments. Many, many subtle improvements, new features and a major cleanup of the source code. Most notable attitions: * Aspect Oriented Programming support. This new system is used to reimplement features such as Controller filters, Og callbacks and Og observers. By using this unified system you can now add Observers to controllers and use a metalanguage for wraping Og object callbacks: class Controller pre :force_login, :where => :prepend wrap Benchmark, :on => :index post :taraa, :on => login end module Timestamped pre :on => :og_insert { |this| this.create_time = Time.now } pre :on => :og_update { |this| this.update_time = Time.now } pre :on => [:og_insert, :og_update] { |this| this.create_time = Time.now } end This feature will be used extensivelly in future versions to improve logging, the shaders and more. == Version 0.15.0 was released on 04/04/2005. * Dynamic include. == Version 0.14.0 was released on 28/03/2005. * Fixes nasty property inheritance bug. == Version 0.13.0 was released on 17/03/2005. The first release as a standalone gem. * Additional validations.