require 'spec_helper' describe MediaMagick do describe ApplicationHelper do describe 'attachmentUploader' do let(:album) { } before do album.stub(id: '12345678') end def conteiner_html(model, relation, data_attributes, &block) content_tag(:div, nil, id: "#{model}-#{relation}", class: "attachmentUploader #{relation}", data: data_attributes) do class_eval(&block) if block_given? end end context 'without block' do before do album.stub(id: '12345678') helper.stub(:render) end it 'should create a div with data attributes' do helper.attachment_container(album, :photos).should eq(conteiner_html('album', 'photos', { id: 12345678, model: 'Album', relation: 'photos', partial: '/image' })) end it 'should render /upload partial' do helper.should_receive(:render).with('/upload', model: album, relations: :photos, newAttachments: {}, loadedAttachments: {}, partial: '/image') helper.attachment_container(album, :photos) end context 'using partials' do it 'should create a div with data-partial attributes' do helper.attachment_container(album, :photos, partial: 'albums/photo').should eq(conteiner_html('album', 'photos', { id: 12345678, model: 'Album', relation: 'photos', partial: 'albums/photo'})) end it 'should include partial option on data attributes' do helper.should_receive(:render).with('/upload', model: album, relations: :photos, newAttachments: {}, loadedAttachments: {}, partial: 'albums/photo') helper.attachment_container(album, :photos, partial: 'albums/photo') end end context 'partial for images' do it 'should create a div with data-partial attributes' do helper.attachment_container(album, :photos, as: 'file').should eq(conteiner_html('album', 'photos', { id: 12345678, model: 'Album', relation: 'photos', partial: '/file'})) end it 'should include partial option on data attributes' do helper.should_receive(:render).with('/upload', model: album, relations: :photos, newAttachments: {}, loadedAttachments: {}, partial: '/file') helper.attachment_container(album, :photos, as: 'file') end end context 'embbeded models' do let(:track) { } before do track.stub(id: '87654321') end it 'should create a div with data-embedded-in-id and data-embedded-in-model attributes' do helper.attachment_container(track, :files, embedded_in: album).should eq(conteiner_html('track', 'files', { id: 87654321, model: 'Track', embedded_in_id: 12345678, embedded_in_model: 'Album', relation: 'files', partial: '/image'})) end it 'should render /upload partial' do helper.should_receive(:render).with('/upload', model: track, relations: :files, newAttachments: {}, loadedAttachments: {}, partial: '/image') helper.attachment_container(track, :files, embedded_in: album) end end context 'customizing newAttachments element' do it 'should create a div with data attributes' do helper.attachment_container(album, :photos, newAttachments: { class: 'thumbnails' }).should eq(conteiner_html('album', 'photos', { id: 12345678, model: 'Album', relation: 'photos', partial: '/image' })) end it 'should render /upload partial with newAttachments attributes' do helper.should_receive(:render).with('/upload', model: album, relations: :photos, newAttachments: { class: 'thumbnails' }, loadedAttachments: {}, partial: '/image') helper.attachment_container(album, :photos, newAttachments: { class: 'thumbnails' }) end end context 'customizing loadedAttachments element' do it 'should create a div with data attributes' do helper.attachment_container(album, :photos, loadedAttachments: { class: 'span3' }).should eq(conteiner_html('album', 'photos', { id: 12345678, model: 'Album', relation: 'photos', partial: '/image' })) end it 'should render /upload partial with loadedAttachments attributes' do helper.should_receive(:render).with('/upload', model: album, relations: :photos, newAttachments: {}, loadedAttachments: { class: 'span3' }, partial: '/image') helper.attachment_container(album, :photos, loadedAttachments: { class: 'span3' }) end end end context 'with block' do it 'should create a div with data attributes and content inside' do expected = conteiner_html('album', 'photos', { id: 12345678, model: 'Album', relation: 'photos', partial: '/image' }) { 'template here' } helper.attachment_container(album, :photos) { 'template here' }.should eq(expected) end end end end end