module Skylight module Normalizers class Moped < Normalizer register "query.moped" CAT = "db.mongo.query".freeze def normalize(trace, name, payload) # payload: { prefix: " MOPED: #{address.resolved}", ops: operations } # We can sometimes have multiple operations. However, it seems like this only happens when doing things # like an insert, followed by a get last error, so we can probably ignore all but the first. operation = payload[:ops] ? payload[:ops].first : nil type = operation && operation.class.to_s =~ /^Moped::Protocol::(.+)$/ ? $1 : nil case type when "Query" then normalize_query(operation) when "GetMore" then normalize_get_more(operation) when "Insert" then normalize_insert(operation) when "Update" then normalize_update(operation) when "Delete" then normalize_delete(operation) else :skip end end private def normalize_query(operation) title = normalize_title("QUERY", operation) hash, binds = extract_binds(operation.selector) description = hash.to_json annotations = build_annotations(operation) annotations[:skip] = operation.skip if operation.fields annotations[:fields] ={|k,v| v == 1 } end annotations[:binds] = binds unless binds.empty? [CAT, title, description, annotations] end def normalize_get_more(operation) title = normalize_title("GET_MORE", operation) annotations = build_annotations(operation) annotations[:limit] = operation.limit [CAT, title, nil, annotations] end def normalize_insert(operation) title = normalize_title("INSERT", operation) annotations = build_annotations(operation) annotations[:count] = operation.documents.count [CAT, title, nil, annotations] end def normalize_update(operation) title = normalize_title("UPDATE", operation) selector_hash, selector_binds = extract_binds(operation.selector) update_hash, update_binds = extract_binds(operation.update) description = { selector: selector_hash, update: update_hash }.to_json annotations = build_annotations(operation) binds = {} binds[:selector] = selector_binds unless selector_binds.empty? binds[:update] = update_binds unless update_binds.empty? annotations[:binds] = binds unless binds.empty? [CAT, title, description, annotations] end def normalize_delete(operation) title = normalize_title("DELETE", operation) hash, binds = extract_binds(operation.selector) description = hash.to_json annotations = build_annotations(operation) annotations[:binds] = binds unless binds.empty? [CAT, title, description, annotations] end def normalize_title(type, operation) "#{type} #{operation.collection}" end def build_annotations(operation) annotations = {} if operation.respond_to?(:flags) flags ={|f| flag_name(f) } annotations[:flags] = flags unless flags.empty? end annotations end # Some flags used by Moped don't map directly to the Mongo docs # See FLAG_MAP = { tailable: "TailableCursor", multi: "MultiUpdate" } def flag_name(flag) FLAG_MAP[flag] || flag.to_s.sub(/^[a-z\d]*/) { $&.capitalize }.gsub(/(?:_|(\/))([a-z\d]*)/) { "#{$1}#{$2.capitalize}" } end def extract_binds(hash, binds=[]) hash = hash.dup hash.each do |k,v| if v.is_a?(Hash) hash[k] = extract_binds(v, binds)[0] else binds << stringify(hash[k]) hash[k] = '?' end end [hash, binds] end def stringify(value) value.is_a?(Regexp) ? value.inspect : value.to_s end end end end