require_relative '../../vagrant-subutai' require 'base64' require 'json' module VagrantSubutai module Blueprint class EnvironmentController attr_accessor :name, # Environment name :ansible, # Environment ansible configurations :log, # Environment build logs :id, # Environment build id :tracker_id, # Environment logs tracker id :container_ids, # Container Hash {'hostname' => id} :peer_os_token # Peer Os token def build(url, token, rh_id, peer_id, mode) variable =, @free_disk, mode) variable.cookies = token # needs cookies while reserving domain to Bazaar variable.check_required_quota if mode == Configs::Blueprint::MODE::PEER variable.user_variables if variable.has_ansible? @ansible = variable.ansible end params = variable.params(rh_id, peer_id) @name = params['name'] response = Rest::SubutaiConsole.environment(url, token, params.to_json) case response when Net::HTTPAccepted json = JSON.parse(response.body) Put.warn "\nStarted \"#{@name}\" environment building ...... \n" @id = json['environmentId'] @tracker_id = json['trackerId'] @log = VagrantSubutai::Rest::SubutaiConsole.log(url, token, @tracker_id) @log = JSON.parse(@log.body) decoded_log = Base64.decode64(@log['log']) logs = decoded_log.split(/\{(.*?)\}\,/) @logs_last_index = nil # this saves last logs index (for not showing duplicated logs) @temp_last_index = nil logs.each_with_index do |v, i| v = v.split(',') v.shift "#{v[1]} #{v[0]}" unless v.empty? @temp_last_index = i end @logs_last_index = @temp_last_index until @log['state'] == Configs::EnvironmentState::SUCCEEDED || @log['state'] == Configs::EnvironmentState::FAILED @log = VagrantSubutai::Rest::SubutaiConsole.log(url, token, @tracker_id) begin @log = JSON.parse(@log.body) decoded_log = Base64.decode64(@log['log']) logs = decoded_log.split(/\{(.*?)\}\,/) logs.each_with_index do |v, i| if @logs_last_index < i v = v.split(',') v.shift "#{v[1]} #{v[0]}" unless v.empty? end @temp_last_index = i end @logs_last_index = @temp_last_index rescue JSON::ParserError => e Put.error e end sleep 5 # sleep 5 seconds end if @log['state'] == Configs::EnvironmentState::SUCCEEDED Put.success "\nEnvironment State: #{@log['state']}" if variable.has_ansible? env = list(url, token) ansible =, env, url, token) ansible.hosts else list(url, token) end domain = variable.domain unless domain.nil? response = VagrantSubutai::Rest::SubutaiConsole.domain(url, token, @id, case response when Net::HTTPOK response = VagrantSubutai::Rest::SubutaiConsole.port(url, token, @id, @container_ids[domain.container_hostname], domain.internal_port) unless response.code == 200 Put.error response.message Put.error response.body end ip = url.gsub("https://", "") ip = ip.gsub(':8443', '') if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ Put.warn "MESSAGE You're environment has been setup for a *local* #{}. You can map this domain to the IP address #{ip} in your C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts file or to your local DNS." else Put.warn "MESSAGE You're environment has been setup for a *local* #{}. You can map this domain to the IP address #{ip} in your /etc/hosts file or to your local DNS." end else Put.error response.body Put.error response.code Put.error response.message end end else Put.error "\nEnvironment State: #{@log['state']}" end else Put.error "Error: #{response.body}" end elsif mode == Configs::Blueprint::MODE::BAZAAR # Bazaar new REST API to build blueprint provisioning response = VagrantSubutai::Rest::Bazaar.variables(variable.json, peer_id, token) case response when Net::HTTPOK variables = JSON.parse(response.body) conf_user_variables = SubutaiConfig.get(:USER_VARIABLES) if conf_user_variables.nil? conf_user_variables = {} else if conf_user_variables.kind_of?(String) begin conf_user_variables = JSON.parse(SubutaiConfig.get(:USER_VARIABLES)) rescue JSON::ParserError => e Put.error e return end end end params = [] variables.each do |var| temp = var if conf_user_variables[var['name']].nil? temp['value'] = variable.get_input_bazaar(var) else temp['value'] = conf_user_variables[var['name']] end params << temp end response = Rest::Bazaar.blueprint(variable.json, params, peer_id, token) case response when Net::HTTPAccepted json = JSON.parse(response.body) hub_id = json['hubId'] subutai_id = json['subutaiId'] @id = subutai_id Put.warn "\nStarted environment building ...... \n" # Track environment create state logs @log = Rest::Bazaar.log(token, subutai_id) @log = JSON.parse(@log.body) timer = + (60 * 60 * 17) # 17 hours @last_peer_state = nil until (@log['environment_status'] == Configs::EnvironmentState::HEALTHY || @log['environment_status'] == Configs::EnvironmentState::UNHEALTHY) && <= timer @log = Rest::Bazaar.log(token, subutai_id) begin @log = JSON.parse(@log.body) environment_peers = @log['environment_peers'] environment_peers.each_with_index do |v, i| if (@last_peer_state != v['peer_state']) v['peer_state'] v['peer_message'] end @last_peer_state = v['peer_state'] end rescue JSON::ParserError => e Put.error e end sleep 5 # sleep 5 seconds end if @log['environment_status'] == Configs::EnvironmentState::HEALTHY Put.success "\nEnvironment State: #{@log['environment_status']}" # Track ansible logs unless @log['environment_applications'].empty? arr = @log['environment_applications'] arr.each_with_index do |environment_application, i| @tmp = nil until (@log['environment_applications'][i])['application_state'] == Configs::ApplicationState::INSTALLED @log = Rest::Bazaar.log(token, subutai_id) begin @log = JSON.parse(@log.body) if @tmp.nil? (@log['environment_applications'][i])['application_log'] else msg = (@log['environment_applications'][i])['application_log'] if @tmp.length < msg.length msg = msg[(@tmp.length)..(msg.length-1)] msg end end @tmp = (@log['environment_applications'][i])['application_log'] rescue JSON::ParserError => e Put.error e end sleep 5 # sleep 5 seconds end end end elsif @log['environment_status'] == Configs::EnvironmentState::UNHEALTHY Put.error "\nEnvironment State: #{@log['environment_status']}" elsif timer < Put.error "\nEnvironment State: Timeout environment creating" else Put.error "\nEnvironment State: #{@log['environment_status']}" end else Put.error response.body end else Put.error response.body Put.error response.message end end end # Checks peer available resource ram, disk def check_free_quota(resource) resource = JSON.parse(resource) @free_ram = resource['RAM']['free'].to_f / 1073741824 # convert bytes to gb @free_disk = (resource['Disk']['total'].to_f - resource['Disk']['used'].to_f) / 1073741824 # convert bytes to gb end # Gets Environment from Subutai Console REST API def list(url, token) env = response = VagrantSubutai::Rest::SubutaiConsole.environments(url, token) @container_ids = {} case response when Net:: HTTPOK environments = JSON.parse(response.body) environments.each do |environment| if environment['id'] == @id = @id = environment['name'] env.status = environment['status'] env.containers = [] environment['containers'].each do |container| if container['templateName'] == VagrantSubutai::Configs::Ansible::TEMPLATE_NAME env.ansible_host_id = container['id'] env.ansible_container_state = container['state'] else cont = = container['id'] cont.environmentId = container['environmentId'] cont.hostname = container['hostname'] cont.ip = container['ip'] cont.templateName = container['templateName'] cont.templateId = container['templateId'] cont.type = container['type'] cont.arch = container['arch'] cont.peerId = container['peerId'] cont.hostId = container['hostId'] cont.local = container['local'] cont.state = container['state'] cont.rhId = container['rhId'] cont.quota = container['quota'] cont.dataSource = container['dataSource'] cont.containerName = container['containerName'] @container_ids[cont.hostname] = env.containers << cont end end end end else Put.error response.body raise 'Can\'t get Environment lists from Subutai Console' end env end end end end