# SugoiPrettyJSON This gem print pretty log for JSON. ## Requirements * ruby >= 2.1.0 ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'sugoi_pretty_json' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install sugoi_pretty_json ## Usage ```ruby require "sugoi_pretty_json" log = '{"sid":"5a4d","uid":"","dev":"s","messages":["Started GET \"/facilities/show_afte\" for at 2016-08-06 23:59:59 +0900","Processing by FacilitiesController#show_after as */*"," Parameters: {\"q\"=>{\"0\"=>{\"id\"=>\"175\", \"type\"=>\"Facility\", \"css\"=>\"c-btn__favorite p-faci__btn__favorite\"}, \"1\"=>{\"id\"=>\"13452\", \"type\"=>\"Experience\"}, \"2\"=>{\"id\"=>\"6387\", \"type\"=>\"Note\", \"css\"=>\"c-btn__favorite\"}, \"3\"=>{\"id\"=>\"5881\", \"type\"=>\"Note\", \"css\"=>\"c-btn__favorite\"}}}","Completed 200 OK in 20ms (Views: 0.3ms | ActiveRecord: 3.7ms | Solr: 0.0ms)"],"level":"INFO","mt":"GET","pt":"/main","ip":"","ua":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.1.2; SO-04E Build/10.1.1.D.2.31) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.98 Mobile Safari/537.36","rf":"http://localhost/175"}' hash = SugoiPrettyJSON.parse(log, only: ['IP Address', 'user_agent', 'params']) do |pretty_json| pretty_json.parse_user_agent(json_key: 'ua') do |p| p.name = 'user_agent' end pretty_json.parse_string(json_key: 'messages') do |p| p.name = 'IP Address' p.source = /for (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}) at/ end pretty_json.parse_hash(json_key: 'messages') do |p| p.name = 'params' p.source = /Parameters: (.*)/m end end ap hash # { # "user_agent" => "Chrome Mobile 52.0.2743.98", # "params" => { # "q" => { # "0" => { # "id" => "175", # "type" => "Facility", # "css" => "c-btn__favorite p-faci__btn__favorite" # }, # "1" => { # "id" => "13452", # "type" => "Experience" # }, # "2" => { # "id" => "6387", # "type" => "Note", # "css" => "c-btn__favorite" # }, # "3" => { # "id" => "5881", # "type" => "Note", # "css" => "c-btn__favorite" # } # } # }, # "IP Address" => "" # }