# Aspose.Imaging Cloud SDK For Ruby This SDK lets you use [Aspose Cloud Imaging APIs](http://www.aspose.com/cloud/imaging-api.aspx) in your Ruby web apps. ## Installing You can simply install Aspose Imaging Cloud SDK with gem: `gem install aspose_imaging_cloud` ## Usage APIs of this SDK can be called as follows: ```ruby require 'aspose_imaging_cloud' class ImagingUsage include AsposeImagingCloud include AsposeStorageCloud def initialize #Get App key and App SID from https://cloud.aspose.com AsposeApp.app_key_and_sid("APP_KEY", "APP_SID") @imaging_api = ImagingApi.new end def upload_file(file_name) @storage_api = StorageApi.new response = @storage_api.put_create(file_name, File.open("data/" << file_name,"r") { |io| io.read } ) end def post_image_bmp #Update parameters of bmp image. bits_per_pixel = 24 horizontal_resolution = 300 vertical_resolution = 300 file_name = "sample.bmp" file = File.open("data/" << file_name,"r") { |io| io.read } response = @imaging_api.post_image_bmp(bits_per_pixel, horizontal_resolution, vertical_resolution, file) end def post_image_rotate_flip # Rotate and flip existing image and get it from response. format = "png" method = "Rotate180FlipX" file_name = "aspose.jpg" file = File.open("data/" << file_name,"r") { |io| io.read } response = @imaging_api.post_image_rotate_flip(format, method, file) end end ``` ## Unit Tests Aspose Imaging SDK includes a suite of unit tests within the [test](https://github.com/asposeimaging/Aspose_Imaging_Cloud/blob/master/SDKs/Aspose.Imaging_Cloud_SDK_for_Ruby/test/imaging_tests.rb) subdirectory. These Unit Tests also serves as examples of how to use the Aspose Imaging SDK. ## Contact Your feedback is very important to us. Please email us all your queries and feedback at marketplace@aspose.com. ## License Aspose Imaging SDK is available under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/asposeimaging/Aspose_Imaging_Cloud/blob/master/SDKs/Aspose.Imaging_Cloud_SDK_for_Ruby/LICENSE) file for more info.