module Stamina
class Automaton
# Provides useful automaton walking methods. This module is automatically
# included in Automaton and is not intended to be used directly.
# == Examples
# # Building an automaton for the regular language a(ba)*
# s0, s1 = nil
# fa = do
# s0 = add_state(:initial => true)
# s1 = add_state(:accepting => true)
# connect(0,1,'a')
# connect(1,0,'b')
# end
# # some examples with reached
# fa.dfa_reached('? a b') # -> s0 dfa variant method
# fa.dfa_reached('? a a') # -> nil
# fa.dfa_reached('? b a', s1) # -> s1 from an explicit init state
# fa.reached('? a b') # -> [s0] generic method on automaton
# fa.reached('? a a') # -> []
# fa.reached('? b a', s1) # -> [s1]
# # some examples with split (the most powerful one!)
# fa.dfa_split('? a b a b') # [['a','b','a','b'], s0, []]
# fa.dfa_split('? a b b a') # [['a','b'], s0, ['b','a']]
# fa.split('? a b a b') # [['a','b','a','b'], [s0], []]
# fa.split('? a b b a') # [['a','b'], [s0], ['b','a']]
# # All of this works on non-deterministic automata as well (and epsilon
# # symbols are taken into account), but you'll probably need to read
# # the following section to master the power of this module in this case!
# == Using this module
# This section fully details the design choices that has been made for the
# implementation of the Walking module used by Stamina on Automaton. It is provided
# because Walking is one of the core classes of Stamina, that probably all
# users (and contributors) will use. Walking usage is really user-friendly,
# so you are normally not required to read this section in the first
# place ! Read it only if of interest for you, or if you experiment unexpected
# results.
# Methods defined by this module respect common conventions that you must be
# aware of:
# === Generic methods vs. dfa variants
# The convention is simple: methods whose name starts with 'dfa_' are expected
# to be used on deterministic automata only (that is, automata answering _true_
# to the deterministic? method invocation). We refer to those methods as
# 'dfa variants'. Strange results may occur if invoked on non-deterministic
# automata. Other methods are called 'generic methods' and can be used on any
# automaton. Generic methods and dfa variants sometimes use different conventions
# according to arguments and returned values, as explained below.
# === Argument conventions
# - all methods taking a _symbol_ argument expect it to be a valid instance of
# the class used for representing input symbols on edges of your automaton
# (that is, the mark you've installed under :symbol key on the edge, see
# Automaton documentation for details).
# - all methods taking an _input_ argument support the following objects for it:
# - InputString instance: an real input string typically coming from a Sample.
# - Array of symbols: where by symbol, we mean an input symbol as explained
# above (and not a Ruby Symbol instance). The array is never modified by the
# methods, so that you don't have to worry about where this array comes from.
# - String (a real Ruby one): in this case, the input is expected to be an ADL
# input string, which is parsed using ADL::parse_string. Note that 'a b a b'
# is NOT a valid ADL input string, so that you typically have to use the '?'
# sign to indicate that the tested string is basically unlabeled.
# - all methods taking a _from_ argument support the following objects for it:
# - ommited: _from_ is interpreted as the set of initial states by generic
# methods and the last rule applies. _from_ is interpreted as the unique initial
# state of the deterministic automaton by dfa method variants (dfa_xxx),
# and the third rule applies.
# - Integer: _from_ is interpreted as a state index, and the next rule applies
# on the index-th state of the automaton.
# - State: _from_ is interpreted by the generic methods as a singleton set
# containing the state and the last rule applies. Deterministic method
# variants interpret it as the start state from which the walk must start.
# In this case, they always return a State instance (or _nil_) instead of
# an array of states.
# - Array: _from_ is interpreted as a set of states (duplicates are supported
# so it's actually a bag) from which the walk must start. Indexes of states
# are also supported, see Automaton documentation about indexes.
# === Returned value conventions
# Moreover, (unless stated explicitely) all methods returning states as (part of)
# their returned value respect the following _return_ conventions (which somewhat
# summarizes the _from_ conventions above):
# - generic methods *always* return an array of states (without duplicates) which
# can be modified. This array is *never* sorted by state index. To insist:
# even when invoked on a deterministic automaton with a State argument as
# _from_, they will return an array of states as show by the code excerpt
# below. Lastly, the returned value is *never* _nil_, but an empty array may
# be returned when it makes sense (no reached states for example).
# fa = do ... end # build a(ba)* automaton
# s0 = fa.initial_state
# fa.reached('? a b a b', s0) # returns [s0], not s0 !
# - dfa variant methods respond to your query using the same language as you:
# if _from_ is ommitted, is a State or an Integer, the the result will be a
# single State instance, or _nil_ if it makes sense (no reached state for
# example). Otherwise, they behaves exactly as generic methods (*always* return
# an array of states, ...)
# === Epsilon symbol aware methods
# Stamina does not allow epsilon symbols on deterministic automata; thus, this
# subsection only applies to generic methods.
# Methods documented as 'epsilon aware' (almost all generic methods) *always*
# take epsilon symbols into account in their computations (Stamina uses _nil_ as
# epsilon symbol, by convention), in a natural way. For example:
# fa = do ... end # build a non-deterministic automaton
# # with epsilon symbols
# # the line below computes the set of reached states
# # (from the set of initial states) by walking the dfa
# # with a string.
# #
# # The actual computation is in fact the set of reached
# # states with the string (regex) 'eps* a eps* b eps*',
# # where eps is the epsilon symbol.
# reached = fa.reached('? a b')
# == Detailed API
module Walking
# Returns reachable states from _from_ states with an input _symbol_. This
# method is not epsilon symbol aware.
def step(from, symbol)
from = walking_to_from(from)
from.collect{|s| s.step(symbol)}.flatten.uniq
# Returns the state reached from _from_ states with an input _symbol_. Returns
# nil or the empty array (according to _from_ conventions) if no state can be
# reached with the given symbol.
def dfa_step(from, symbol)
step = walking_to_from(from).collect{|s| s.dfa_step(symbol)}.flatten.uniq
walking_to_dfa_result(step, from)
# Computes an array representing the set of states that can be reached from
# _from_ states with the given input _symbol_.
# This method is epsilon symbol aware (represented with nil) on non
# deterministic automata, meaning that it actually computes the set of
# reachable states through strings respecting the eps* symbol eps*
# regular expression, where eps is the epsilon symbol.
def delta(from, symbol)
# Returns the target state (or the target states, according to _from_
# conventions) that can be reached from _from_ states with a given input
# _symbol_. Returns nil (or an empty array, according to the same conventions)
# if no such state exists.
def dfa_delta(from, symbol)
if from.is_a?(Automaton::State)
delta = walking_to_from(from).collect{|s| s.dfa_delta(symbol)}.flatten.uniq
walking_to_dfa_result(delta, from)
# Splits a given input and returns a triplet [parsed,reached,remaining]
# where _parsed_ is an array of parsed symbols, _reached_ is the set of reached
# states with the _parsed_ input string and _remaining_ is an array of symbols
# with the unparsable part of the string. This method is epsilon symbol aware.
# By construction, the following properties are verified:
# - parsed + remaining == input (assuming input is an array of symbols),
# which means that atring concatenation of parsed and remaining symbols is
# is the input string.
# - reached.empty? == false, because at least initial states (or
# _from_ if provided) are reached.
# - remaining.empty? == parses?(input,from), meaning that the automaton
# parses the whole input if there is no remaining symol.
# - delta(reached, remaining[0]).empty? unless remaining.empty?,
# which express the splitting stop condition: splitting continues while at
# least one state can be reached with the next symbol.
def split(input, from=nil, sort=false)
if deterministic?
parsed, reached, remaining = dfa_split(input, from)
[parsed, walking_from_dfa_to_nfa_result(reached), remaining]
# the three elements of the triplet
parsed = []
reached = walking_to_from(from)
remaining = walking_to_modifiable_symbols(input)
# walk now
until remaining.empty?
symb = remaining[0]
next_reached = delta(reached, symb)
# stop it if no reached state
break if next_reached.empty?
# otherwise, update triplet
parsed << remaining.shift
reached = next_reached
reached.sort! if sort
[parsed, reached, remaining]
# Same as split, respecting dfa conventions.
def dfa_split(input, from=nil)
from = initial_state if from.nil?
from = ith_state(from) if from.is_a?(Integer)
if from.is_a?(Automaton::State)
# the three elements of the triplet
parsed = []
reached = from
remaining = walking_to_modifiable_symbols(input)
# walk now
until remaining.empty?
symb = remaining[0]
next_reached = reached.dfa_delta(symb)
# stop it if no reached state
break if next_reached.nil?
# otherwise, update triplet
parsed << remaining.shift
reached = next_reached
[parsed, reached, remaining]
# the three elements of the triplet
parsed = []
reached = walking_to_from(from)
remaining = walking_to_modifiable_symbols(input)
# walk now
until remaining.empty?
symb = remaining[0]
next_reached = dfa_delta(reached, symb)
# stop it if no reached state
break if next_reached.nil? or next_reached.empty?
# otherwise, update triplet
parsed << remaining.shift
reached = next_reached
[parsed, walking_to_dfa_result(reached, from), remaining]
# Walks the automaton with an input string, starting at states _from_,
# collects the set of all reached states and returns it. Unlike split,
# returned array is empty if the string is not parsable by the automaton.
# This method is epsilon symbol aware.
def reached(input, from=nil)
parsed, reached, remaining = split(input, from)
remaining.empty? ? reached : []
# Same as reached, respecting dfa conventions.
def dfa_reached(input, from=nil)
# Checks if the automaton is able to parse an input string. Returns true if
# at least one state can be reached, false otherwise. Unlike accepts?, the
# labeling of the reached state does not count.
def parses?(input, from=nil)
# Checks if the automaton accepts an input string. Returns true if at least
# one accepting state can be reached, false otherwise.
def accepts?(input, from=nil)
not reached(input,from).select{|s| s.accepting? and not s.error?}.empty?
# Checks if the automaton rejects an input string. Returns true if no
# accepting state can be reached, false otherwise.
def rejects?(input, from=nil)
not(accepts?(input, from))
# Returns '1' if the string is accepted by the automaton,
# '0' otherwise.
def label_of(str)
accepts?(str) ? '1' : '0'
### protected section ########################################################
# Converts an input to a modifiable array of symbols.
# If _input_ is an array, it is simply duplicated. If an InputString,
# InputString#symbols is invoked and result is duplicated. If _input_ is a
# ruby String, it is split using input.split(' '). Raises an
# ArgumentError otherwise.
def walking_to_modifiable_symbols(input)
case input
when Array
when InputString
when String
"#{input} cannot be converted to a array of symbols", caller)
# Implements _from_ conventions.
def walking_to_from(from)
return initial_states if from.nil?
Array===from ? from.collect{|s| to_state(s)} : [to_state(from)]
# Implements _return_ conventions of dfa_xxx methods.
def walking_to_dfa_result(result, from)
result.compact! # methods are allowed to return [nil]
Array===from ? result : (result.empty? ? nil : result[0])
# Implements _return_ conventions of standard methods that uses dfa_xxx ones.
def walking_from_dfa_to_nfa_result(result)
Array===result ? result : (result.nil? ? [] : [result])
end # end Walking
include Stamina::Automaton::Walking
include Stamina::Classifier
end # class Automaton
end # end Stamina