# Almanac Almanac is the most elegant mountable blog engine that can be easily hooked up in the existing Rails application. ## Main Features - Slick default design that can be easily customized. - Markdown for everything. - Drafts that make sense. - Easy Google Analytics support. - Akismet support for spam filtering in comments. - Built-in social sharing with Facebook and Twitter. - RSS support. - Tags for posts. - Photo uploading. - Complete integration with Devise and CanCan. - Tested with RSpec and FactoryGirl - Uses haml, scss, CoffeeScript and Bootstrap for views. ## Installation ### 1. Add the gem to your `Gemfile` ```ruby gem "almanac" ``` And run `bundle install`. ### 2. Setup Routes To hook up Almanac routes to your current Rails app simply put this code in your `config/routes.rd` file ```ruby mount Almanac::Engine, :at => '/blog' ``` You can obviously setup any route you want. E.g. `/posts` or `/almanac`. ### 3. Run Almanac Migrations First off, install Almanac migrations: ```ruby bundle exec rake almanac:install:migrations ``` Then migrate your database: ```ruby bundle exec rake db:migrate ``` ### 4. Devise and CanCan Setup Almanac relies on Devise and CanCan properly configured in your app. In short, the `current_user` variable and CanCan `ability.rb` file has to exist. You can setup permissions for the following Almanac models: ```ruby can :manage, Almanac::Post can :manage, Almanac::Blog can :manage, Almanac::Comment can :manage, Almanac::Image ``` These particular rules will allow the specified user to do anything with any Almanac record in the database. ### 5. Dragonfly Setup Almanac relies on the Dragonfly gem for file uploads. Configure Dragonfly in your app by adding the following line to `config/initializers/dragonfly.rb`: ```ruby require 'dragonfly/rails/images' ``` ### 6. Specify User Class Name Lastly, you'll have to specify the name of your user model. Create a `config/initializers/almanac.rb` file and add the following line there: ```ruby Almanac.user_class = "User" # other possibilities: "Author", "Writer", etc. ``` ## Testing Almanac's models and controllers are tested with RSpec and FactoryGirl. Rails engines, such as Almanac, are normally tested with a dummy app that is located inside the 'spec' folder. Migrate your test database from the `spec/dummy` directory: ```ruby rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test ``` Go back to the `almanac` directory and run `rspec spec`. ## Contribute Fork the repo, do work, test it, pull request.